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16 Ergebnisse.

The Invasion Begins

DePrima, Thomas J
The Invasion Begins
When Space Command learned the Denubbewa were responsible for the destruction of two Scout-Destroyers in G.A. space, new weapons & tactics were developed to take on the only enemy yet encountered who had weapons that could penetrate the Dakinium plating used to cover the hulls of all Space Command warships.Since the Denubbewa had attacked without first making a declaration of war, the order was given to destroy every Denubbewa ship found in G....

CHF 27.50

Changing of the Guard

DePrima, Thomas J.
Changing of the Guard
Although intending to resign her commission after the GA Senate unanimously confirmed her promotion as Admiral of the Fleet to replace the retiring Admiral Richard Moore, Jenetta acquiesced to Admiral Holt's request that she merely take a leave of absence while she considered her future.Her leave allowed Jenetta the time to enjoy some of life's pleasures missing in her life until then, but she discovered she couldn't escape the demands of her ...

CHF 26.90

Clidepp Deja Vu

DePrima, Thomas J
Clidepp Deja Vu
Offered an opportunity to command a new covert mission into Clidepp space that will resolve an outstanding issue created during her last mission, Lieutenant(jg) Sydnee Marcola accepts, then makes preparations to captain the CPS-14 Justice once again. During the mission briefing the following day, she learns that the parameters of the assignment have expanded tremendously since her acceptance. Instead of the voyage being a simple delivery, the ...

CHF 27.50

Trader Vyx

DePrima, Thomas J
Trader Vyx
Advanced weapons manufactured for Space Command are being offered for sale on the galactic black market. Trader Vyx, an undercover operative for Space Command, the military arm of the Galactic Alliance, has been sent into the Frontier Zone to procure several weapons from an Alyysian arms merchant, as part of an effort to trace the serial numbers and end the thefts. All is going smoothly until a Tsgardi mercenary enters the room. He utters ...

CHF 27.50

Castle Vroman

DePrima, Thomas J
Castle Vroman
From inside a giant asteroid, hundreds of light years from Earth, Admiral Jenetta Carver is beginning to look forward to a trip home, and finally receiving command of her own ship. Her five-year tour of duty as the Base Commander of the Stewart SC Base is nearing an end, and the ship carrying her replacement has been underway for more than a year. However, when the GSC destroyer carrying Admiral Vroman is attacked just a few light years from t...

CHF 27.50


DePrima, Thomas J
Terrorists are creating a climate of fear on the planet Arrosa, and although no demands have been made, nor claims of credit taken for the attacks, the Prime Minister believes that the government of their neighboring planet, Selax, is solely responsible. As commander of the only Space Command base in that part of space, Captain Jenetta Carver is responsible for maintaining the peace, and the task of preventing a system-wide war falls squarely ...

CHF 27.90

Valor at Vauzlee

DePrima, Thomas J
Valor at Vauzlee
A captured Raider officer, eager to secure his freedom, informs Space Command Intelligence of a planned attack on a convoy by a massive Raider armada. An effective spotter network and intelligence system usually allows the pirates to avoid SC warships, so for the first time in Galactic Alliance history, a task force of Space Command warships might have an opportunity to engage a fleet of pirate ships in mortal combat. The Space Command Adm...

CHF 27.50

A Galaxy Unknown

DePrima, Thomas J
A Galaxy Unknown
A young ensign, recently graduated from the Northern Hemisphere Space Academy, is awakened abruptly in the middle of the night by alarms, flashing lights, and dire messages to abandon ship. The petite blonde pulls on some clothes and races through the spaceship in a desperate search for an available life pod-- but it appears all have already departed. So begins the epic story of Jenetta Carver. Get a tight grip on your book and prepare for...

CHF 27.50

A World Without Secrets

DePrima, Thomas J
A World Without Secrets
Colton James was just an ordinary man, struggling like the rest of humanity to earn a living from his innate talents and training, until a fateful event in early spring changed his life forever. Before dawn, a reputedly empty five-story apartment building across the street from his flat on New York City's Lower West Side, erupted into a giant fireball. Government agencies later attributed the blast to a gas leak. As the massive firefightin...

CHF 27.50

Citizen X

DePrima, Thomas J
Citizen X
Sydnee Marcola's greatest desire was to join the command of Admiral Jenetta Carver in Region Two, and in pursuit of that goal, she achieved top grades while at the Academy, and then again in advanced studies at the Warship Command Institute. So why have the powers that be chosen to 'waste' a valuable asset by sending her to a 'backwater' command where terminal boredom would appear to be the greatest enemy? Perhaps things aren't destined to rem...

CHF 27.50

Retreat and Adapt

DePrima, Thomas J
Retreat and Adapt
Admiral Jenetta Carver, in Region One for just the second time since becoming Commander of the Second Fleet, receives a message that the scout-destroyer Yenisei, on routine patrol, is overdue. The ship's last report ended with a statement that they were attempting to overtake several small ships spotted on their DeTect monitors. Weeks later, the Yenisei is found. Technological advances have made Space Command the most powerful military for...

CHF 27.50

The Clones of Mawcett

DePrima, Thomas J
The Clones of Mawcett
While digging through the ruins of a long dead civilization on the planet Mawcett, a team of Terran and Nordakian archeologists find an underground tunnel leading to a door in such extraordinary condition that it could have been fabricated as recently as that morning. They labor throughout the day, using every modern device available to them, but are unable to gain entry. Then, in the early hours of the new day, seemingly in response to th...

CHF 27.50

The Star Brotherhood

DePrima, Thomas J
The Star Brotherhood
Space Command Intelligence operates to the full width and breadth of Galactic Alliance space-- and sometimes beyond. Intelligence gathering is a dangerous profession, and most agents operate alone, or with a single partner, but there are exceptions. Trader Vyx, originally a lone field agent, was saddled with two information gatherers when he left the Gollasko Colony, but mutual bonds of respect soon grew between the three men. When two female ...

CHF 18.50

Return to Dakistee

DePrima, Thomas J
Return to Dakistee
The same archeological team who uncovered a secret underground bunker on Dakistee sixteen years earlier, when the planet was still named Mawcett, has discovered a new facility. They struggle for months to open the entrance, but the structure defies all their efforts. Finally admitting defeat, they send a message to Admiral Jenetta Carver, beseeching her to come help once again. In Region Two, Admiral Jenetta Carver is besieged with mundane...

CHF 27.50

Against All Odds

DePrima, Thomas J
Against All Odds
War has kept Admiral Jenetta Carver far from home for twelve years. With the advent of peace, she takes a well-deserved vacation and returns to Earth for a visit before her duties as Military Governor and Supreme Military Commandeer of Region Two prevent such a trip for more years. She picks up her two sisters on the way home and the three women surprise their mom with the unannounced visit. Just a week after arriving home, Jenetta receive...

CHF 27.50

Clidepp Requital

DePrima, Thomas J
Clidepp Requital
Unable to operate under its own power, the GSC Light-Destroyer Perry is to be transported back to Earth for necessary repairs. A Board of Inquiry will conduct an investigation into the events that transpired along the Clidepp Border. Lieutenant (jg) Sydnee Marcola has acquitted herself with honor and distinction, but she fears the Board may not appreciate some of the tactics she employed in carrying out her duty. As the Perry nears Earth, rebe...

CHF 27.50