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Zur Kasse

7 Ergebnisse.

Die Rätsel der Identität

Descombes, Vincent / Schröder, Jürgen
Die Rätsel der Identität
Wer bin ich? Wer sind wir? Heute stellen wir uns solche Identitätsfragen in zunehmendem Maße im Bezug auf die eigene Identität. Es geht uns nicht mehr um die ontologische Tatsache, dass wir als Personen mit uns selbst identisch sind, sondern um unsere »Fähigkeit«, wir selbst zu sein - eine Fähigkeit, die wir auch verlieren können. Dieser neuen, »moralischen« Identitätsfrage, ihrer Entstehungs- und Ausbreitungsgeschichte sowie ihren Fallstricke...

CHF 35.50

Institutions of Meaning

Descombes, Vincent / Schwartz, Stephen Adam
Institutions of Meaning
Holism maintains that a phenomenon is more than the sum of its parts. Yet analysis--a mental process crucial to comprehension--involves dismantling the whole to grasp it piecemeal and relationally. Wading through such quandaries, Vincent Descombes guides readers to a deepened appreciation of the entity that enables understanding: the human mind.

CHF 86.00


Descombes, Vincent
Through the voice of the narrator of Remebrance of Things Past, Proust observes of the painter Elstir that the paintings are bolder than the artist, Elstir the painter is bolder than Elstir the theorist. This book applies the same distinction to Proust, the Proustian novel is bolder than Proust the theorist. By this the author means that the novel is philosophically bolder, that it pursues further the task Proust identifies as the writer's wor...

CHF 112.00

Puzzling Identities

Descombes, Vincent / Schwartz, Stephen Adam
Puzzling Identities
As a logical concept, identity refers to one and the same thing. So how can it describe membership in various groups, as in ethnic and religious identity? Bringing together an analytic conception of identity with a psychosocial understanding, Vincent Descombes demonstrates why a person has more than one answer to the essential question Who am I?

CHF 65.00

Modern French Philosophy

Descombes, Vincent
Modern French Philosophy
This is a critical introduction to modern French philosophy, commissioned from one of the liveliest contemporary practitioners and intended for an English-speaking readership. The dominant 'Anglo-Saxon' reaction to philosophical development in France has for some decades been one of suspicion, occasionally tempered by curiosity but more often hardening into dismissive rejection. But there are signs now of a more sympathetic interest and an inc...

CHF 87.00