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9125 Ergebnisse - Zeige 8761 von 8780.

David Copperfield

Dickens, Charles / Walker, Elizabeth / Dillow, John / Sanders, Martin
David Copperfield
Niveau B1 Intermediate Level 8. - 9. Klasse / 1.600 Wörter Als David Copperfields Vater stirbt, heiratet seine Mutter den grausamen und autoritären Edward Murdstone. Davids junge Jahre sind geprägt von Armut und schwerer Arbeit. Schließlich läuft er weg und findet Zuflucht bei seiner Tante in Dover. Bevor David neue Freunde gewinnt und sich ein erfolgreiches, eigenes Leben aufbaut, drohen ihm noch viele Rückschläge.

CHF 14.50


Dickens, Charles / Harris, Vernon / Kemplen, Ralph / Bart, Lionel / Woolf, John / Morris, Oswald / Moody, Ron / Wallis, Shani / Reed, Oliver / Secombe, Harry / Lester, Mark / Wild, Jack / Griffith, Hugh / Oconor, Joseph / Mount, Peggy
Oliver (Mark Lester), das Findelkind aus dem Arbeitshaus, ist ausgerissen. Karge Kost und ständige Prügel haben ihm Beine gemacht. Nun sucht Oliver sein Glück im Hexenkessel London, und landet prompt in den Fängen der Unterwelt. Mr. Fagin (Ron Moody), Boss einer Bande jugendlicher Taschendiebe und Trickbetrüger, nimmt den Waisenknaben unter seine Fittiche. Und Oliver lernt das Gaunerhandwerk von Grund auf ...

CHF 16.90

Il circolo Pickwick

Dickens, Charles / Ceni, A.
Il circolo Pickwick
Pubblicato originariamente in venti puntate mensili, tra il 1836 e il 1837, il romanzo incontrò già all'epoca un grande successo popolare, soprattutto a partire dalla comparsa di Sam Weller (nel quinto capitolo) che portò le vendite a oltre quarantamila copie per numero. Oreste Del Buono diceva che la pubblicazione dei fascicoli rappresentava una sorta di evento: li leggevano nei cortili ad alta voce a tutta la famiglia. "Il Circolo Pickwick" ...

CHF 27.50

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. by Charles Di...

Dickens, Charles
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. by Charles Dickens
1907. Dickens, English novelist, is considered by many to be the greatest of his country. His works were known to indict society's mistreatment and abuse of the poor, especially children. His first novel, The Pickwick Papers, follows the adventures of the Pickwick Club as they involve themselves in comic mishaps and misunderstandings. The introduction of Sam Weller, his greatest comic character, forever established Dickens' fame and popularity...

CHF 46.90

Little Dorrit

Dickens, Charles / Vance, Simon
Little Dorrit
Born in debtors prison, Little Dorrit is befriended by a family who hires her as a seamstress. When the Dorrits inherit a fortune and their benefactor becomes a victim of fraud, Little Dorrit visits him in prison, and a relationship develops.

CHF 74.00