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48 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Practical Pointers for Ceramists - Vol. II

Dinger, Dennis
Practical Pointers for Ceramists - Vol. II
All articles from the Ceramic Processing E-zine are included in this two-volume collection. These newest volumes in the author's "for Ceramists" series contain a tremendous number of practical pointers for practicing ceramic engineers, technicians, students, and managers. Discussions consider suspension rheology and viscosity definitions, measurements, and applications, viscometers and their applications, particle size distribution measurement...

CHF 45.90

Practical Pointers for Ceramists - Vol. I

Dinger, Dennis
Practical Pointers for Ceramists - Vol. I
All articles from the Ceramic Processing E-zine are included in this two-volume collection. These newest volumes in the author's "for Ceramists" series contain a tremendous number of practical pointers for practicing ceramic engineers, technicians, students, and managers. Discussions consider suspension rheology and viscosity definitions, measurements, and applications, viscometers and their applications, particle size distribution measurement...

CHF 45.90

Absolute Truth for a Relative World

Dinger, Dennis
Absolute Truth for a Relative World
It is difficult these days to hear or read and decide what is true and what is false. It seems like there are a lot of lies and deceptions floating about. Some are lies. Mostly, rather, people are telling the "truth" as they perceive it - "relative truth." So as Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?" Where does one go in the 21st Century to discern truth from falsehood? The answer is "to the Bible." God speaks in absolutes - always has - always ...

CHF 31.90


Dinger, Dennis
Having procrastinated on studying the subject of prophecy for the first 15 years of his Christian life, the author finally embarked on the study. Having previously heard numerous Bible teachers expounding the "pre-trib" approach to prophecy, the author expected to learn the details of that approach in his study. The result from this long, personal study, however, as detailed in this book, is a "post-trib" view of prophecy. If Christians want t...

CHF 38.90


Dinger, Dennis
This book was written to help ceramists to understand the subject of rheology as it applies to suspensions. Topics discussed include viscosity and rheology fundamentals, syneresis and dilatancy and their causes and effects in ceramic process systems, the rheological effects of gelation, flocculation, and deflocculation, as well as the different types of viscometers that can be used to measure rheological properties. Many practical consideratio...

CHF 28.50

A Study of the Book of Hebrews

Dinger, Dennis
A Study of the Book of Hebrews
This book is a study of the epistle to the Hebrews. Because the human author of this epistle is unknown, we understand it to be a direct communication to us from God! The main subject of this book is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the epistle, He is described in great detail in His many functions as Son of God, Son of man, Great High Priest after the order of Melchisedec, Savior, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the world.

CHF 33.90

Angels --- God's Messengers

Dinger, Dennis
Angels --- God's Messengers
This book presents a study of angels as they are depicted in the pages of the Bible. What are angels? How does God use them? Are they still working in this world? These and similar questions are addressed in this study. God has used angels throughout recorded history and He still uses them today. Many people, however, do not believe angels exist - any more than they believe that heaven and hell are real places, or that God and the devil truly ...

CHF 39.50

A Study of the Book of Romans

Dinger, Dennis
A Study of the Book of Romans
This book contains a study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans in the Bible. Romans is an important book in the New Testament which explains the Gospel to the Gentile peoples. Mankind's sin problem, the fundamentals of Christianity, and believers' new relationships to sin, to death, to the flesh, and to God are all explained by Paul in great detail. Romans is a 'must read' and a 'must study' for all who are wanting to understand Christianity. This...

CHF 37.90

A People of His Own -- A Study of God's Will

Dinger, Dennis
A People of His Own -- A Study of God's Will
This book is a Biblical study of the will of God. All of God's actions, consistent with His stated will, have been aimed at the recovery of fallen mankind, so all can once again come into God's presence and have fellowship with Him. The study covers all statements of God's will, many statements about His will, the actions God has taken, those things in which He delights, and the gifts God has given to mankind to fulfill His will and to effect ...

CHF 39.50

An Overview of the Old Testament

Dinger, Dennis
An Overview of the Old Testament
This overview introduces the topics in each Old Testament book in concise form. The goal is to help each student of the Word gain a motivating interest to study the Old Testament. Why? . . . because the Old Testament is packed with detailed information about the Lord Jesus Christ and His interactions with mankind. Anyone who ignores the Old Testament today misses out on all the wonderful details God has provided to perfect our understanding!

CHF 45.90

A Study of the Gospel of Matthew

Dinger, Dennis
A Study of the Gospel of Matthew
Matthew's Gospel was written with the Jewish people in mind. He presents Jesus of Nazareth as their King! He included many Old Testament quotes in his narrative. All important events in Jesus' life, from His birth to His death to His resurrection are included. This Gospel is a wonderful testimony to the life of Jesus Christ, Son of God, King! It is a document of great value to every man, woman, and child because it presents eye-witness testimo...

CHF 44.50

A Study of the Gospel of Mark

Dinger, Dennis
A Study of the Gospel of Mark
Mark's Gospel shows Jesus as the perfect servant of God! Jesus came to earth at God's request to serve mankind. That service, of course, would take Him to the cross where He would be cruelly treated, tortured, and crucified! While on the cross, Jesus carried the sins of the world on His shoulders before God the Judge! His sacrifice on mankind's behalf was accepted by God! Now, He can offer forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all who repent...

CHF 33.50

A Study of the Gospel of John

Dinger, Dennis
A Study of the Gospel of John
In this Gospel, John focused on Jesus as the Son of God! Throughout, we find Jesus speaking often of the relationship He enjoys with God the Father! To understand the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth, we must each necessarily study all four Gospels! With its special emphasis on Jesus Christ, Son of God, John's Gospel is a wonderful choice to start a study of the Bible! Every man, woman, and child will benefit from the lessons recorded by John!

CHF 42.90

A Study of the Gospel of Luke

Dinger, Dennis
A Study of the Gospel of Luke
In this Gospel, Luke the physician presented Jesus as the perfect man. Luke is thought to be one of the seventy disciples Jesus sent out two by two in Luke 10, and one of the two men Jesus taught on the Emmaus road after His resurrection. Luke was also a dear friend and companion to Paul. There are many interesting, detailed, firsthand accounts of Jesus' ministry, teaching, and miracles in this Gospel! As a physician, Luke was uniquely qualifi...

CHF 43.90

Studies of Paul's Letters to the Corinthians

Dinger, Dennis
Studies of Paul's Letters to the Corinthians
The two letters from Paul to the Corinthians address many fundamental issues in a struggling, carnal church. The Corinthian saints needed to hear sound teaching and Paul was the servant God chose to educate them! Paul taught lots of fundamentals in his first letter. In his second, he continued with fundamentals, but he explained more deeply. He described how God's servants think, and how God's people should respond. He also briefly taught abou...

CHF 42.50

Studies of the Letters of Peter

Dinger, Dennis
Studies of the Letters of Peter
The first letter written by Peter focuses on persecution and suffering of God's people caused by sources outside the church. The second letter focuses on enticements by false prophets, false teachers, and deceivers from within the church. The sufferings about which Peter warned occur simply because believers represent Christ on earth! The enticements about which Peter warned produce negative results because believers are distracted and not foc...

CHF 31.90

Studies of the Acts of the Apostles

Dinger, Dennis
Studies of the Acts of the Apostles
Luke wrote this historical book of the Acts of the Apostles. In it, he covered the first thirty years of the early Christian church - from Jesus Christ's ascension to heaven until Paul's arrival and ministry in Rome. This history includes coverage of the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was first given to believers, through the ministries and travels of Peter, Stephen, Philip, Paul, Barnabas, and Silas. Details of early church practices a...

CHF 40.50

Studies of the Letters of John & Jude

Dinger, Dennis
Studies of the Letters of John & Jude
These letters from the Apostle John, and from Jude, Jesus' brother, address the love of God, encourage believers, and warn of false teachers within the church. 1 John is a great letter that seeks to clarify and solidify believers' faith in Christ! In it, John went into great detail about the love of God! John's goal was to insure that all believers know that they know God! 2 John, 3 John, and Jude encourage believers while warning of deceivers...

CHF 32.50

Studies of Paul's Letters to Timothy, Titus, & Philemon

Dinger, Dennis
Studies of Paul's Letters to Timothy, Titus, & Philemon
These four letters from Paul were written to men whom he considered to be his sons in the faith. In 1 Timothy and Titus, Paul gave practical explanations of church order. In 2 Timothy, he taught believers how to relate to the truth of God. In Philemon, he set a wonderful example how believers should relate to one another as he appealed to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus. These letters are valuable, instructive, and applicable to all members of ...

CHF 36.90

Studies of Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians

Dinger, Dennis
Studies of Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians
The two letters from Paul to the Thessalonian saints contain details of the second coming of the Lord, and encouragements to proper behavior leading up to that day. The Thessalonian saints were beset by persecution from rabble rousers and by deceptive words of false teachers. The letters contain explanations, words of comfort, caution, and command, and encouragements to watch, rejoice, walk, and please God. These letters are apropos to the 21s...

CHF 30.90