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25 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Dreizehn Gäste

Farjeon, J. Jefferson / Schönfeld, Eike
Dreizehn Gäste
»Kein Beobachter, der sich in Unkenntnis der Situation befand, hätte vermutet, dass der Tod ganz in der Nähe lauerte und nur wenig entfernt vom Funkeln des Tafelsilbers und dem Stimmengewirr zwei Opfer stumm auf dem Boden des Ateliers lagen.« Zwölf Gäste hat Lord Aveling zu einer Party auf sein Landgut Bragley Court geladen. Darunter befinden sich eine Schauspielerin, ein Journalist, eine Krimiautorin sowie die schöne und mysteriöse Witwe Na...

CHF 14.50

Geheimnis in Weiß

Farjeon, J. Jefferson / Schönfeld, Eike
Geheimnis in Weiß
An Heiligabend bleibt ein Zug im Schneetreiben in der Nähe des Dorfes Hemmersby stecken. Mehrere Passagiere suchen Zuflucht in einem verlassenen Landhaus. Die Tür ist offen, der Kamin brennt und der Tisch ist zum Tee gedeckt, doch niemand scheint da zu sein. Aufeinander angewiesen, versuchen die Reisenden das Geheimnis des leeren Hauses zu lüften - als ein Mord passiert. Trotz heftigen Schneefalls hat eine skurrile Ansammlung von Reisenden L...

CHF 14.50

Seven Dead

Farjeon, J. Jefferson
Seven Dead
Ted Lyte, amateur thief, has chosen an isolated house by the coast for his first robbery. But Haven House is no ordinary country home. While hunting for silverware to steal, Ted stumbles upon a locked room containing seven dead bodies. Detective Inspector Kendall takes on the case with the help of passing yachtsman Thomas Hazeldean. The search for the house's absent owners brings Hazeldean across the Channel to Boulogne, where he finds more th...

CHF 17.50

Sotto la neve

Farjeon, Jefferson / Pratesi, D.
Sotto la neve
È la vigilia di Natale e durante una tempesta di neve un treno viene bloccato in aperta campagna. Alcuni passeggeri, stanchi di aspettare, decidono di raggiungere a piedi la stazione più vicina, ma smarriscono la strada e solo dopo molto girovagare, e ormai allo stremo delle forze, trovano rifugio in una villa isolata. Al suo interno non c'è nessuno, eppure il camino è acceso e la tavola è apparecchiata per il tè. In cucina il bollitore è sul ...

CHF 27.90

Nummer 17

Farjeon, Joseph Jefferson / Reville, Alma / Hitchcock, Alfred / Ackland, Rodney / Hammond, A. C. / Hallis, Adolph / Lion, Leon M. / Maxwell, John / Cox, Jack E. / Langley, Bryan / Lion, Leon M. / Grey, Anne / Stuart, John / Calthrop, Donald / Jones, Barry / Casson, Ann / Caine, Henry / Marsh, Garry / Langley, Herbert
Nummer 17
In einem dunklen, unheimlichen Haus in London laufen die Spuren eines Juwelendiebstahls zusammen. Die Diebe, ein Landstreicher, ein Police-Detektive und ein junges Mädchen wollen die gestohlene Halskette in Sicherheit bringen. Die Jagd nach dem Schmuckstück endet schließlich in einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd zwischen einem Eisenbahnzug und einem Bus.

CHF 9.50

Mystery in White

Farjeon, J. Jefferson
Mystery in White
Republished for the first time since the 1930s golden age of British crime fiction, this is an evocative and suspenseful novel set at Christmas. Heavy snowfall brings a train to a halt, several passengers take shelter in a deserted country house - where the fire has been lit and the table laid for tea...

CHF 16.50

The House Opposite

Farjeon, J. Jefferson
The House Opposite
The first classic crime novel to feature Ben the Cockney tramp, from the author of "Mystery In White". First published in 1931, it includes an introduction by H.R.F. Keating.

CHF 18.50

Thirteen Guests

Farjeon, J. Jefferson
Thirteen Guests
No observer, ignorant of the situation, would have guessed that death lurked nearby, and that only a little distance from the glitter of silver and glass and the hum of voices two victims lay silent on a studio floor.'On a fine autumn weekend Lord Aveling hosts a hunting party at his country house, Bragley Court. Among the guests are an actress, a journalist, an artist and a mystery novelist. The unlucky thirteenth is John Foss, injured at the...

CHF 17.50

Number Nineteen

Farjeon, J Jefferson
Number Nineteen
Ben the tramp's uncanny knack of running into trouble is unsurpassed in the final crime thriller written for him by J. Jefferson Farjeon.

CHF 19.50

Detective Ben

Farjeon, J Jefferson
Detective Ben
Ben the tramp, the awkward Cockney with no home and no surname, turns detective again - and runs straight into trouble.

CHF 19.50

No. 17

Farjeon, J. Jefferson
No. 17
The first book featuring Ben, the lovable, humorous ex-sailor and down-at-heels rascal who can't help running into trouble.

CHF 14.50