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4 Ergebnisse.


Farkas, Alex
UniTazia is a gripping chronicle of dedicated pilgrims' perilous journey to establish the first human settlement outside the solar system. Young Stanford physics professor Krishna Karpati, with the help of android brothers Jes and Mo, succeeds in constructing a supernova fusion reactor/rocket suitable for interstellar travel. They receive the Nobel Prize. Starship MayFlower is built on Deimos and departs with a crew of 50 towards Alpha Centaur...

CHF 30.90


Farkas, Alex
David Goldberg's fiancee is killed at the WTC. He swears revenge, years later, as a physics prof at Princeton, he biulds a nuclear suicide bomber android, but its mission is sabotaged by one of his students: Kamel Kussein. When Goldberg develops the Colliding Beam Fusion Rocket, space travel becomes fast, safe and economical. Terraforming of Mars is underway, with striving domed-over cities. The first rain fall after 150 million years. An opti...

CHF 24.90