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18 Ergebnisse.

Spells and How They Work

Farrar, Janet / Farrar, Stewart
Spells and How They Work
In this authoritative study, Janet and Stewart Farrar discuss the principles underlying all spells and explain why a successful spell is usually composed of three elements: intent, visualization, and will-power.

CHF 14.90

Witches' Bible

Farrar, Stewart
Witches' Bible
This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.

CHF 27.50

La dea delle streghe

Farrar, Janet / Farrar, Stewart / Di Vaio, R. / Merati, M.
La dea delle streghe
Questo lavoro fornisce un riferimento a più di mille dee di tutto il mondo e di tutte le tradizioni. Il libro è anche di enorme valore pratico per scoprire e celebrare il multiforme aspetto della Dea. "La Dea delle Streghe" si articola in tre sezioni principali: La parte I rivela i tanti volti della Dea, la sua presenza nel corso della storia, il suo simbolismo tra Terra e Luna, la sua trasformazione nelle figure della Madonna e della Maddalen...

CHF 38.50

The Witches' Goddess

Farrar, Janet / Farrar, Stewart
The Witches' Goddess
This book is of great practical value in discovering and celebrating the transforming energy of the Feminine Principle of Divinity. Part I covers the myriad faces of the Goddess revealed, including: Her presence throughout history, Her Earth and Moon symbolism, Her Madonna and Magdalene disguises, Her revelation within the psyche, Her relationship with women, Her influence today, and much more. Part II covers ritual invocations of the Goddess ...

CHF 37.50

A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook

Farrar, Stewart
A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook
The Complete Witches' Handbook.Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats, Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle, The Complete Book of Shadows, The Great Rite, Initiation Rites, Consecration Rites, Spells, Witches' Tools, Witchcraft & Sex, Running a Coven, Clairvoyance, Astral Projection. This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way, and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on th...

CHF 39.90

El camino de las brujas

Farrar, Stewart / Farrar, Janet
El camino de las brujas
Encuadernación: rústicaLibro segundo.El camino de las Brujas: Principios, Rituales y Creencias de la Brujería ActualUn manual completo para la práctica de la brujería. Este Libro Segundo contiene los auténticos textos inéditos del Libro de las Sombras de Gerald Gardner. \"La Biblia de las brujas\" es la recopilación de dos obras: \"Los Ocho Sabbats de las brujas\" (Libro Primero) y \"El Camino de las brujas\" (Libro Segundo) que, como decimos ...

CHF 55.50

Los ocho sabbats de las brujas

Farrar, Stewart / Farrar, Janet
Los ocho sabbats de las brujas
Encuadernación: rústicaLibro primero. Los Ocho Sabbats de las Brujas y Ritos de Nacimiento, Casamiento y MuerteUn manual completo para la práctica de la brujería \"La Biblia de las brujas\" es la recopilación de dos libros: \"Los Ocho Sabbats de las brujas\" y \"El Camino de las brujas\" que, agrupados forman la obra más completa y reveladora sobre los principios, rituales y creencias de la brujería actual. Todo cuanto necesita saber está en e...

CHF 31.90

Acht Sabbate für Hexen

Farrar, Janet / Farrar, Stewart / David, Ian / Wolf, Thomas
Acht Sabbate für Hexen
Die Rituale der Hexenkünste waren seit jeher eng verbunden mit den natürlichen Jahresrhythmen. Ausgehend von den kryptischen Hinweisen im "Buch der Schatten" (das überlieferte Handbuch der Hexen), haben sie jene um eine Fülle mythologischen und volkskundlichen Materials bereichert, viel davon durch persönliche Basisarbeit selbst zusammengetragen. Das Ergebnis ist ein Zyklus von Ritualen, der Hexen und Nicht-Hexen gleichermaßen faszinieren wird...

CHF 27.90

The Witches' God

Farrar, Janet / Farrar, Stewart
The Witches' God
Exploring the Masculine Principle of Divinity This companion volume to The Witches' Goddess re-establishes the ancient balance between God and Goddess. Part I covers the many concepts of the God examined, including: His faces throughout history, The Son/Lover God, The Vegetation God, The War God, The Anti-God, and more Part II gives a close look at 12 individual gods of history with an appropriate invoking ritual for each. Part III presents a ...

CHF 37.50

Pagan Path: The Wiccan Way of Life

Farrar, Janet / Farrar, Stewart
Pagan Path: The Wiccan Way of Life
It has often been stated that Paganism is the fastest growing religion in the world, this book helps to answer why...As a result of many years of research with pagans throughout the world, the authors have compiled an extensive work on paganism today. Chapters include: The Ancient Roots, The Modern Rebirth, Pagans in the Community, Pagan Families, Paganism and Sex, No Place for Satan, Paganism and Christianity, The Global Village, The Way In. ...

CHF 23.90