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This Side of Paradise

Fitzgerald, F. Scott
This Side of Paradise
New editions of 4 of Fitzgerald's classic novels, now with beautiful cover illustrations by Art Deco artist George Barbier. *Also appeared in May Buyer's Notes*

CHF 14.50

The Last Tycoon

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Wilson, Edmund
The Last Tycoon
F. Scott Fizgerald was born in 1896 in St Paul, Minnesota, and went to Princeton University, which he left in 1917 to join the army. He was said to have epitomized the Jazz Age, which he himself defined as 'a generation grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken'. In 1920 he married Zelda Sayre. Their traumatic marriage and her subsequent breakdowns became the leading influence on his writing. Among his publicati...

CHF 29.90

The Beautiful and Damned

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Vanderbilt, Kermit / Bickford-Smith, Coralie
The Beautiful and Damned
These sumptuous new hardback editions mark the 70th anniversary of Fitzgerald's death. Anthony and Gloria are the essence of Jazz Age glamour. A brilliant and magnetic couple, they fling themselves at life with an energy that is thrilling. New York is a playground where they dance and drink for days on end. Their marriage is a passionate theatrical performance, they are young, rich, alive and lovely and they intend to inherit the earth. But as...

CHF 32.50

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Ulmer, Gerd / Ulmer, Ingrid
The Great Gatsby
Pflichtthema im Zentralabitur Niedersachsen 2016 und 2017Thematischer Schwerpunkt "The American Dream then and now"Der Roman zeichnet ein ambi­valentes Bild von Amerika im glitzernden Karneval der 20er-Jahre, den Traum von Schön­heit und Glück einerseits, den Verrat dieses Traums anderer­seits. (DVD erhältlich bei Lingua Video)

CHF 16.90

A Short Autobiography

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / III, James L. W. West
A Short Autobiography
A self-portrait of a great writer. "A Short Autobiography" charts Fitzgerald's progression from exuberant and cocky with "What I think and Feel at 25, " to mature and reflective with "One Hundred False Starts" and "The Death of My Father." Compiled and edited by Professor James West, this revealing collection of personal essays and articles reveals the beloved author in his own words.

CHF 43.50

Tales of the Jazz Age

Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Tales of the Jazz Age
Tales of the Jazz Age is a collection of eleven short stories divided into three separate parts. It includes one of his better-known short stories, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button".

CHF 10.50

Flappers and Philosophers

Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flappers and Philosophers
Flappers and Philosophers was the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1920. It includes: "The Offshore Pirate", "The Ice Palace", "Head and Shoulders", "The Cut-Glass Bowl", "Bernice Bobs Her Hair", "Benediction", "Dalyrimple Goes Wrong" and "The Four Fists

CHF 7.50

Die Liebe des letzten Tycoon

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Orth-Guttmann, Renate / Thalbach, Anna
Die Liebe des letzten Tycoon
Er ist der letzte Hollywood-Produzent, der Mittelmaß und Klischees nicht duldet: Monroe Stahr verbringt Tag und Nacht in den Aufnahmestudios, Vorführräumen und Drehbuchschreiber-Büros, um die Arbeit an seinen Filmen zu überwachen. Als ein Gewitter nachts die Kulisse für eine Burma-Szene unter Wasser setzt, ist er sofort zur Stelle - und entdeckt dabei zwei Frauen, die sich unerlaubt auf das Gelände geschlichen haben. Eine davon ist Kathleen Mo...

CHF 18.90

The Great Gatsby (Large Print Edition)

Fitzgerald, F. Scott
The Great Gatsby (Large Print Edition)
The Great Gatsby was first published in 1925 and is considered to be F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece. This is a large print edition printed in 16 point font size. The mysterious Jay Gatsby uses his fabulous wealth to create an enchanted world fit for his former love, Daisy Buchanan, now married to Tom. Daisy, though, is a romanticised figment of his own imagination, and the extraordinary world that he creates is equally illusory. He gives la...

CHF 29.90

On Booze

Fitzgerald, F Scott
On Booze
First you take a drink, " F. Scott Fitzgerald once noted, "then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you." Fitzgerald wrote alcohol into almost every one of his stories. On Booze gathers debutantes and dandies, rowdy jazz musicians, lost children and ragtime riff-raff into a newly compiled collection taken from The Crack-Up, and other works never before published by New Directions. On Booze portrays "The Jazz Age" as Fitzgerald experi...

CHF 16.50

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Lenz, Susanne
The Great Gatsby
Englische Literatur in Reclams Roter Reihe: das ist der englische Originaltext - mit Worterklärungen am Fuß jeder Seite, Nachwort und Literaturhinweisen.Fitzgerald war der literarische Wortführer des "Jazz Age". Er hat das glitzernde New York der Zwischenkriegsjahre, das sich für die Rhythmen von Duke Ellington und Louis Armstrong begeisterte, eingefangen, ohne die Frage auszublenden, ob dieser Glanz trügerisch sei. Seine Helden, kaum verhüllt...

CHF 9.90

Gatsby Girls

Fitzgerald, F Scott
Gatsby Girls
GATSBY GIRLS She was an impulsive, fashionable and carefree 1920s woman who embodied the essence of the Gatsby Girl -- F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife, Zelda. As Fitzgerald said, "I married the heroine of my stories." All of the eight short stories contained in this collection were inspired by Zelda. Fitzgerald, one of the foremost writers of American fiction, found early success as a short story writer for the most widely read magazine of the earl...

CHF 21.90

The Beautiful and Damned

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Dufris, William
The Beautiful and Damned
New York in den Roaring Twenties: Anthony und Gloria, jung, schön und verschwendungssüchtig, führen ihr von Arbeit unbehelligtes Partyleben in sicherer Erwartung eines Millionenerbes. Doch als Anthonys betagter Großvater in eines ihrer Gelage platzt, zerbirst der Traum jäh, und das Pärchen gerät in eine Abwärtsspirale aus Alkoholsucht, Depression und Selbstzerstörung. Wie kein anderer Autor versteht es Fitzgerald, den Glanz der schönen Oberflä...

CHF 28.90

This Side of Paradise

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Hill, Dick
This Side of Paradise
Jazz, so Fitzgerald, ist ein "Zustand nervöser Erregung", und sein erster Roman fängt diesen Zustand als Lebensgefühl ein. "This Side of Paradise" traf damit den Nerv der vom Ersten Weltkrieg erschütterten jungen Generation. In rhythmisch pulsierender Sprache und einer Tour de Force durch Formen und Stile folgt der Roman seinem jungen Helden vom studentischen Müßiggang in Princeton über das einschneidende Erlebnis des Krieges bis nach New York...

CHF 28.90

Der große Gatsby

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Kilian, Kai
Der große Gatsby
Als F. Scott Fitzgeralds famoser Roman "The Great Gatsby" 1925 erschien, erntete sein Autor von zahlreichen Schriftstellerkollegen hymnische Kritiken, doch erst die Nachkriegsjahrzehnte bescherten seinem Meisterwerk die weltweite Anerkennung, die es verdient. Ergreifend und mit subtiler Finesse erzählt Fitzgerald die Geschichte des schillernden Emporkömmlings Jay Gatsby, der auf seinem Anwesen rauschende Feste feiert, um seine einst verlorene ...

CHF 7.90

The Last Tycoon

Fitzgerald, F. Scott / Wilson, Edmund
The Last Tycoon
Unfinished at the time of his death, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Last Tycoon is a story of doomed love set against the extravagance of America's booming film industry. This Penguin Modern Classics edition is edited with an introduction by Edmund Wilson.The studio lot looks like 'thirty acres of fairyland' the night that a mysterious woman stands and smiles at Monroe Stahr, the last of the great Hollywood princes. Enchanted by one another, they b...

CHF 18.50