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226 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

La Conscience du Croyant

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
La Conscience du Croyant
L'état de la conscience, la foi et la vie remplie de l'Esprit sont en relation. Le péché, la désobéissance, l'endurcissement et l'impureté détruit la conscience et produit une conscience souillée, et quand la conscience est souillée la foi ne peut pas naitre. Le manque de repentance, et un cœur endurci produit une conscience obscurcie et flétrie au point où quand Dieu parle tu ne ressens plus rien. Ce livre du Professeur Fomum est une descript...

CHF 20.90

Le Chemin D'être Disciple

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Le Chemin D'être Disciple
L'auteur, Z.T. Fomum présente, avec clarté et exactitude doctrinale, les conditions pour devenir et demeurer disciple de Jésus, telles que le Seigneur lui-même les a voulues et enseignées. Ce livre est un ouvrage dans lequel vous ne trouverez pas d'idées superflues. Après la repentance, les nouveaux convertis ont devant eux deux possibilités fondamentales: devenir ou non disciple de Jésus. Le choix d'être disciple étant tout aussi fondamental,...

CHF 19.50

Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel
Une guerre est en cours entre Dieu et Ses forces armées d'un côté, et le diable et ses forces armées de l'autre. Que tu le veuilles ou non, tu es engagé dans cette guerre. Si tu as reçu le Seigneur Jésus comme ton Seigneur et Sauveur, Dieu t'a enrôlé dans Son armée et S'attend que tu combattes pour Lui et avec Lui. Si tu n'as pas encore reçu le Seigneur Jésus comme ton Seigneur et Sauveur, alors tu es du côté du diable. Tu es un soldat à part ...

CHF 21.50

Le Chemin de la Sanctification

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Le Chemin de la Sanctification
La vie du croyant dans laquelle règne le péché est une vie anormale. Le contenu de ce livre est fondamental. Dieu appelle tous ceux qui sont Siens à une vie sanctifiée. Cependant plusieurs croyants se trouvent liés par le péché. Ils sont comme Lazare, sortant de la tombe, plein de vie, mais lié. Dans ce livre, nous avons essayé de montrer aussi clairement que nous le pouvions, le chemin de la délivrance du péché. Nous ne croyons pas que quelqu...

CHF 20.90

Deliverance From Sin

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Deliverance From Sin
This book is not written to provide theoretical knowledge of God's point of view on the subject. It is about bringing the believer into the spiritual experience of the sanctified life. It is an in-depth study of chapters 6 and 7 of the epistle to the Romans. The believer is saved from the consequence of sin and delivered from the power of sin. Therefore, he can experience deliverance from sin and the power of sin on a daily basis. This book an...

CHF 13.90

Les Affaires du C¿ur

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Les Affaires du C¿ur
Dieu ne peut pas faire au travers d'un homme, ce qu'il n'a pas en lui, ou bien ce qu' un homme n'a pas permis à Dieu de faire en lui." Ces propos de l'auteur, Z.T. Fomum, démontrent que quiconque veut marcher et servir Dieu doit traiter avec son cœur. Dieu recherche le temple intérieur, le cœur du croyant, pour y faire sa demeure. De ce fait, le premier appel de Dieu à une personne n'est pas d'abord l'appel au service, c'est l'appel à le conna...

CHF 20.90

A Successful Marriage

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
A Successful Marriage
This book is the fifth in the series ''God sex and you." From an impeccable knowledge, understanding, and mastery of the Scriptures, the author, Professor Z.T. Fomum, argues convincingly that, as the king of the household, the prophet, and the priest of his wife, a man is solely responsible for the success of the marriage according to God's bidding. The need arises for the husband to put his 'self' under control, to love his wife as Christ lov...

CHF 14.50

A Successful Marriage

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
A Successful Marriage
Nowadays, many marriages are failing, and even some marriages of true believers are broken or in disarray. The reason is that many wives have missed the divine model for a successful marriage.What is a successful marriage? What's the role of the wife in ensuring a successful marriage? Indeed, the wife is called to be a suitable helper for her husband. She is called to assist him in fulfilling God's call in his life. In this book, we study th...

CHF 17.90

The Way of Discipleship

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Way of Discipleship
You will not find superfluous ideas in this book. The author, Z.T. Fomum, presents, with clarity and doctrinal accuracy, the conditions for becoming and remaining a disciple of Jesus, as the Lord Himself intended and taught them. After repentance, new converts have before them two fundamental possibilities: whether or not to become disciples of Jesus. The choice to be a disciple is fundamental in the way of discipleship. The conditions to be f...

CHF 21.90

The Way Of Spiritual Warfare

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Way Of Spiritual Warfare
In the ongoing war between God and the forces of darkness, you are an integral part, whether you realize it or not. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior, God has enlisted you in His army, calling you to fight alongside Him. However, if you have not yet embraced Him, you find yourself aligned with the enemy, fully enlisted in the devil's army, even with the best of intentions. Whether you belong to the Lord Jesus or not, the devil...

CHF 23.90

Come Back Home my Son, I Still Love You

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Come Back Home my Son, I Still Love You
This book, "Come Back Home, My Son. I Still Love You", is the first book in the series: "God Loves You." The series has its goal to bring every human being into a reconciling experience with God that will set him free from all his sin and bring him into union with the living God, a union that begins in time and continues in eternity. In "Come Back Home, My Son. I Still Love You", the deliberate separation from God is presented and the unhappy ...

CHF 20.90

The Way Of Spiritual Encouragement

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Way Of Spiritual Encouragement
Too often, believers find themselves trapped in a "human-centered theology, " where they focus solely on their own accomplishments and rely on their strength. However, this book presents a compelling argument for a shift in perspective, urging you to embrace the immeasurable strength and boundless love of the Lord. With an unwavering emphasis on grace and the magnificence of God's divine plans, the author, Z.T. Fomum speaks directly to the hea...

CHF 23.50

The Way of Loving The Lord

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Way of Loving The Lord
I believe that there are some who yearn in an increasing way for the Lord, and in whose hearts the evidence of His soon coming awakens, with each passing day, greater desires to see Him-the Hope of the Ages-face to face. It is because of the presence of such saints in the church today, though their number be few, that I dare share these feelings of my heart in this way. The Way of Loving the Lord is very different from many of the books in The...

CHF 21.90

The Way of Sanctification

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Way of Sanctification
The contents of this book are fundamental. God calls all who are His to a sanctified life. The life of a believer in which sin reigns is subnormal. However, many believers find themselves bound by sin. They are like Lazarus walking out of the tomb with life, but in bondage. In this book, we have attempted to show as clearly as we can, the way to deliverance from sin. We do not believe that anyone can be as sinless as the Lord Jesus was while i...

CHF 23.50

Jesus Loves You and Wants to Heal You

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Jesus Loves You and Wants to Heal You
This book is not written to attack the modern practice of medicine. We thank God for modern medicine and all that it is doing to relieve pain. However, without the touch of God, medicine cannot heal. God is the Healer. Jesus is the Healer. He can work through modern medicine and He can work without medicine. He is not limited. He is God. You can turn to Him and be healed of your disease, and when doctors tell you that your case is hopeless, Go...

CHF 17.90

The Church

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Church
The book of Ephesians, on which this study is based, was not written to independent individuals. It was written to the church. All of God's power is available to us in the context of the church. Total power was manifested in Christ, the Head of the church. After that, God has purposed that His total power would be manifested not in the arm, foot or eye, but in the whole body, the body of Christ, which is the church. The church is not a human c...

CHF 21.50

Inner Healing

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Inner Healing
There are many people who are physically sick. Some have diseases that are visible from the outside of their bodies while others have diseases that are hidden inside their bodies. These need healing. Jesus Christ is the Answer to their need. There are other people whose sicknesses are deeper than the physical dimension. They are crippled by fear, bitterness, jealousy and the like. Psychologists are doing the best that they can to provide answe...

CHF 23.50

Practical Dying to Self and the Spirit-Filled Life

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Practical Dying to Self and the Spirit-Filled Life
If you remove idols from your heart, the Holy Spirit will fill you. If you leave the idols there, the Holy Spirit will also leave you alone. What will you do with the idols in your heart? Do you know what took away the love that you had for Jesus? It could be a more dangerous situation not to know what took away your first love for Him. If you do not know, how then will you be restored? If you know what stood between the Lord and you, put it a...

CHF 17.90