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226 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Freedom From The Sin of Adultery And Fornication

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Freedom From The Sin of Adultery And Fornication
Normally, such a book written for believers would be absolutely unnecessary, for the Bible clearly says, "No one born of God commits sin, for God's nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God" (1 John 3:9). However, we know that a member of the church in Corinth did commit adultery and was disciplined. We also know that David fell into this same sin. The many warnings of the Apostle Paul to believers against adultery and ...

CHF 23.90

Jesus is the Answer!

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Jesus is the Answer!
Are you or a relative, friend, or loved one suffering through setbacks from life's unexpected detours? Increasingly, you find no meaning to life, you are empty and answers to life's questions are far-fetched. Jesus is The Answer recounts the lives of people just like you, who encountered the Lord Jesus Christ, were transformed, and found meaning to their lives. It is definitely the book you need! The author, Z.T. Fomum, without mixing his word...

CHF 21.90

Knowing God (The Greatest Need of The Hour)

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Knowing God (The Greatest Need of The Hour)
The central thesis of this book is that the most urgent thing in our generation is the emergence, in the Church, of men and women who know God and serve Him from this knowledge. The author, Z.T. Fomum, boldly argues that anything a man can do for God is of no consequence if it is not done as an overflow of his knowledge of God. An initial encounter is important, but beyond that, it takesspiritual knowledge, a high frequency, intensity, and a...

CHF 23.50

Who is Truly a Disciple of The Lord Jesus?

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Who is Truly a Disciple of The Lord Jesus?
This extended excerpt from "The Making of Disciples" (by the same author) presents the nine conditions of becoming and continuing as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ as outlined in the Scripture. A disciple is one who loves the Lord with all of his spirit, soul and body. There is one fundamental test of love. There is one way of proving whether a person loves the Lord or not. This booklet will reveal it to you. Read each condition carefully...

CHF 14.50

You Have a Talent!

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
You Have a Talent!
God has given talents to human beings so that they can use them in the service of God, of others and of personal service. Everyone must discover their talent in order to use it to meet these needs. These talents are received either at birth or by asking them of God in order to accomplish his work. God will reward all those who have used their talents well, because there is a danger of burying this talent or envying others and wanting to do lik...

CHF 23.90

The Use of Time

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Use of Time
In this powerful and revolutionary book, Z.T. Fomum presents the idea that time is one of the most precious gifts that God has given to humanity, and that its proper use is deeply connected to our knowledge of God and His will. By providing careful planning and developing a timetable that focuses on the priority things in life in accordance with God's revelation, we can make the most of this gift. Through analytical demonstrations and real-lif...

CHF 24.90

The Art of Working Hard

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Art of Working Hard
A great piece of advice from God to ensure your success at all levels. The Art of Hard Work is a true life-changing manual and an incentive to get rid of laziness and work with all our might, in order to achieve the goal for which God created us. The Author brings us to understand that it is almost impossible to work hard without a clear goal in sight and that this goal must be large enough to require the intervention of God. In addition, you ...

CHF 22.50

Faith That Saves, Heals, and Delivers

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Faith That Saves, Heals, and Delivers
In this book, Professor Fomum delves into the transformative essence of faith-the kind of faith that propels believers into action. By drawing from biblical examples like Naaman, the Syrian army general, and Saul of Tarsus turned Apostle Paul, the author illustrates the profound impact of acting on one's faith. Naaman's obedience to the prophet's word resulted in miraculous healing, while Saul's conversion showcased a total commitment to faith...

CHF 20.90


Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
This is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life. "We publish this book with the prayer that it should help God's people to come out of mediocrity, stemming from idleness, into spiritual success by means of a definite purpose." These words of the author, Z.T. Fomum, conclude the preface to this book. Without diversions, these words invoke the fundamental subject matter of this 6th book in the Practical Helps for the Overco...

CHF 21.90

Knowing the God of Unparalled Goodness

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Knowing the God of Unparalled Goodness
This book is a demonstration of God's unwavering benevolence and can lead many to experience a wonderful relationship with Him. Knowing the God of Unparalleled Goodness by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, deals with the greatness of God, and the need for the pilgrim to know Him and walk in intimacy with Him. In fact, many people do not know God. They are serving an unknown God. From Abraham's life and pilgrimage with God, the author clearly sh...

CHF 25.50

The Way of Christian Character

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Way of Christian Character
Christian character is all-important. The Lord Jesus wants all His disciples to be like Him in their character. He has put the Holy Spirit in each believer to work that character out. Only those whose character conforms in every way to that of the Lord Jesus can be said to be truly entirely sanctified. This book is about the character of Christ in the life of the Christian. We send it out with prayer that the Almighty Father should use it to w...

CHF 22.50

Treasures in Heaven

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Treasures in Heaven
In Treasures in Heaven, Professor Fomum explores two critical themes:the bondage of debts and the spiritual significance of giving to God. Delve into the profound insights drawn from Scripture and the author's personal journey, as he reveals how debts can ensnare and disqualify believers, and why tithes and offerings are an essential obligation. Discover the power of putting God to the test and witness the tangible blessings that follow. Thi...

CHF 15.90

Aucun Echec N'a Besoin D'etre Final

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Aucun Echec N'a Besoin D'etre Final
Nul doute que tu ne seras plus tout ä fait le me¿me apre¿s la lecture de ce livre. Il y a un grand besoin ä pouvoir, apre¿s un e¿chec, reprendre courage en s'appuyant sur l'Eternel, de manie¿re ä oublier le sombre passe¿ et revivre la ple¿nitude. Z.T. Fomum pre¿sente dans ce livre, unique en son genre, le Dieu qui est toujours pre¿t ä ramener ses enfants dans l'assurance en leur faisant oublier leur e¿chec. Et me¿me le grand consolateur, le Sa...

CHF 20.50

Sanctifié et Consacré Pour le Ministère Spirituel

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Sanctifié et Consacré Pour le Ministère Spirituel
Dieu a fait tout ce qu'il devait faire pour la sanctification du croyant. Dans cet ouvrage du Professeur Fomum, il est question de la responsabilité du croyant à faire ce qu'il doit faire afin d'expérimenter pratiquement la sanctification. Il s'agit pour le croyant de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour rendre évidente la nouvelle qualité de vie que Dieu est en train de lui montrer. Sanctifié et consacré pour le ministère spirituel se ...

CHF 22.50

Faire Face Victorieusement Aux Problemes de la Vie

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Faire Face Victorieusement Aux Problemes de la Vie
Peut-être que ces jours tu es face aux détours inattendus de la vie et l'avenir n'a jamais été aussi incertain. Il se pourrait que ce soit toi ou un de tes parents, un ami ou un bien aimé qui souffre de remords. À certains moments de notre vie, nous suivons des scripts que nous n'aurions jamais choisis, et très souvent, nous ne savons à quel saint nous vouer.Est-ce parce que Dieu n'est pas à l'¿uvre? Ou alors Il est incapable de suivre nos pla...

CHF 23.50

Deliverance From Demons

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Deliverance From Demons
This book on deliverance talks about demons, their origin, nature, manifestation and expulsion. The author, Z.T. Fomum who has personally carried out several deliverance sessions and led many people to freedom from the grip of demons, clearly shows, with Biblical examples, the different forms and manifestations of demons and the Biblical ways taught in the Scriptures to cast out demons and free their captives. This book is also rich in i...

CHF 19.50

You Can Lead Someone To The Lord Jesus Christ Today

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
You Can Lead Someone To The Lord Jesus Christ Today
This book can revolutionise the Church and help heal all forms of spiritual barrenness. The author, Z.T. Fomum, denounces the errors that hijack the Gospel message. He wants, through a reminder of fundamental truths, to bring the people of God back to a revolutionary conquest of souls. Why? Because evangelism is the act of presenting Jesus to a person who does not know Him, in a way that provokes a real encounter with Jesus. With God committed...

CHF 20.90

The Cross in Personal Relationships

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Cross in Personal Relationships
This book is grounded in practicality. It underscores that the true test of a person's maturity is reflected in the harmony of their relationships, particularly with those in their inner circle. It teaches that maturity never leads to complacency, instead, it deepens respect and reverence as one draws closer to others. Addressing wounded relationships, the book challenges us to respond to dishonesty with unwavering honesty and respect. In esse...

CHF 15.90

Soul-Winning And the Making of Disciples

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Soul-Winning And the Making of Disciples
In Soul-Winning and the Making of Disciples, Professor Z.T. Fomum presents a passionate wake-up call to all who have become complacent in their faith and have neglected the preaching of the gospel, which is a crucial aspect of their calling as believers. His love for the gospel and his zeal for the perishing souls of men are evident on every page. He challenges readers to examine their own lives and to take their responsibility to spread the m...

CHF 17.90

Making Spiritual Progress (Volume Four)

Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Making Spiritual Progress (Volume Four)
In this insightful work, Zacharias Tanee Fomum, drawing from a profound understanding of the Bible and a lifetime dedicated to the Lord's service, delves into three critical themes:The Challenge of Denominational Systems: Fomum dissects the issues inherent in denominational structures, providing thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional perspectives. Fellowship in the Body of Christ: Exploring the concept of one universal Body of ...

CHF 22.50