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224 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Dragonfly in Amber (25th Anniversary Edition)

Gabaldon, Diana
Dragonfly in Amber (25th Anniversary Edition)
A beautifully designed collector's edition of the second book in Diana Gabaldon's blockbuster Outlander saga (now a Starz original series), featuring a new introduction by the author and a reader's group guide A quarter century ago, Diana Gabaldon followed up her classic novel Outlander with a powerful sequel that reunited fans with her unforgettable characters-eighteenth-century Scotsman Jamie Fraser and his time-traveling wife, Claire Randal...

CHF 52.90


Gabaldon, Diana
NOW THE STARZ ORIGINAL SERIES OUTLANDER In this rich, vibrant tale, Diana Gabaldon continues the story of Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser that began with the now-classic novel Outlander and continued in Dragonfly in Amber. Sweeping us from the battlefields of eighteenth-century Scotland to the exotic West Indies, Diana Gabaldon weaves magic once again in an exhilarating and utterly unforgettable novel. VOYAGER Their passionate encounter happen...

CHF 26.90

Il mio nome è Jamie. Outlander

Gabaldon, Diana / Brovelli, C.
Il mio nome è Jamie. Outlander
1740: Il giovane Jamie Fraser, orfano di padre ucciso dagli inglesi e a sua volta ferito, ha lasciato la Scozia e sta andando in Francia con l'amico Ian Murray per raggiungere un gruppo di mercenari. Entrambi hanno delle ottime ragioni per stare lontani dalla loro patria ed entrambi, nonostante facciano di tutto per rimediare alla situazione, sono ancora vergini. E così, quando un medico ebreo li recluta per portare due tesori a Parigi, entram...

CHF 20.90

Lord John e i fantasmi del passato

Gabaldon, Diana / Brovelli, C.
Lord John e i fantasmi del passato
Londra 1758: l'Europa è precipitata in una sanguinosa guerra destinata a durare sette anni e il governo della Corona sta manovrando per stringere inedite alleanze. L'enigmatico Lord John Grey, ufficiale dell'esercito di Sua Maestà è però distratto dallo scacchiere internazionale da un amore clandestino e da un terribile segreto di famiglia. Suo padre, il duca di Pardloe, si era suicidato tempo addietro, appena prima di venire accusato di esser...

CHF 15.90

Destini incrociati

Gabaldon, Diana / Brovelli, C.
Destini incrociati
1777: la ribellione dei coloni americani sta raggiungendo l'apice e Jamie e Claire sanno che il loro destino è apparentemente segnato. Stare dalla parte dei rivoltosi vincitori non garantisce la salvezza ai Fraser, e Jamie è terrorizzato all'idea di uno scontro a fuoco con il giovane William, suo figlio illegittimo e ufficiale dell'esercito di Sua Maestà. Forse l'unica speranza è tornare a Lallybroch dove, a due secoli di distanza, vivono Roge...


Gabaldon, Diana
DIANA GABALDON is the author of the international bestselling Outlander novels and Lord John Grey series.She says that the Outlander series started by accident: ¿I decided to write a novel for practice in order to learn what it took to write a novel, and to decide whether I really wanted to do it for real. I did ¿ and here we all are trying to decide what to call books that nobody can describe, but that fortunately most people seem to enjoy.¿A...

CHF 18.50

Dragonfly in Amber

Gabaldon, Diana
Dragonfly in Amber
THE SECOND NOVEL IN THE BESTSELLING OUTLANDER SERIES - Now a major TV series. For twenty years Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returning with her grown daughter to the majesty of Scotland's mist-shrouded hills. Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as stunning as the events that gave it birth: about the mystery of an ancient circle of standing stones, about a love that transcends the boundaries of time, and about James Fraser...

CHF 18.50


Gabaldon, Diana
DIANA GABALDON is the author of the international bestselling Outlander novels and Lord John Grey series.She says that the Outlander series started by accident: ¿I decided to write a novel for practice in order to learn what it took to write a novel, and to decide whether I really wanted to do it for real. I did ¿ and here we all are trying to decide what to call books that nobody can describe, but that fortunately most people seem to enjoy.¿A...

CHF 18.50

Drums of Autumn

Gabaldon, Diana
Drums of Autumn
DIANA GABALDON is the author of the international bestselling Outlander novels and Lord John Grey series.She says that the Outlander series started by accident: ¿I decided to write a novel for practice in order to learn what it took to write a novel, and to decide whether I really wanted to do it for real. I did ¿ and here we all are trying to decide what to call books that nobody can describe, but that fortunately most people seem to enjoy.¿A...

CHF 18.50

The Fiery Cross

Gabaldon, Diana
The Fiery Cross
THE FIFTH NOVEL IN THE BESTSELLING OUTLANDER SERIES. 1771: the Colony of North Carolina stands in an uneasy balance, with the rich, colonial aristocracy on one side and the struggling pioneers of the backcountry on the other.Between them stands Jamie Fraser, a man of honour, a man of worth. Exiled from his beloved Scotland, he is at last possessed of the land he has longed for. By his side his extraordinary wife, Claire, a woman out of time an...

CHF 16.50

A Breath of Snow and Ashes

Gabaldon, Diana
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
DIANA GABALDON is the author of the international bestselling Outlander novels and Lord John Grey series.She says that the Outlander series started by accident: ¿I decided to write a novel for practice in order to learn what it took to write a novel, and to decide whether I really wanted to do it for real. I did ¿ and here we all are trying to decide what to call books that nobody can describe, but that fortunately most people seem to enjoy.¿A...

CHF 18.50

Written in My Own Heart's Blood

Gabaldon, Diana
Written in My Own Heart's Blood
The latest volume in the bestselling "Outlander" series, set in 18th century America amid the War of Independence. The seventh in the series, "An Echo In The Bone", went straight to no.2 on the "Sunday Times" bestseller list.

CHF 19.90

Ein Schatten von Verrat und Liebe

Gabaldon, Diana / Schnell, Barbara / Hoffmann, Daniela
Ein Schatten von Verrat und Liebe
Sie versprachen sich die Ewigkeit - doch das Schicksal lässt nicht mit sich handeln ...Es ist Juni 1778, und während der amerikanische Unabhängigkeitskrieg vor der entscheidenden Wende steht, kehrt der totgeglaubte Jamie Frasier zu seinen Lieben zurück. Doch nichts ist mehr so, wie es war. So findet zum Beispiel sein unehelicher Sohn, der neunte Graf von Ellesmere, die Wahrheit über seine Abstammung heraus und ist entsetzt über seinen Vater - ...

CHF 37.90

A Breath of Snow and Ashes

Gabaldon, Diana
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
This sixth novel in Diana Gabaldon's bestselling Outlander saga is a masterpiece of historical fiction from one of the most popular authors of our time. A Breath of Snow and Ashes continues the extraordinary story of 18th-century Scotsman Jamie Fraser and his 20th-century wife, Claire. The year is 1772, and on the eve of the American Revolution, the long fuse of rebellion has already been lit. Men lie dead in the streets of Boston, and in the ...

CHF 45.50

Terugkeer naar Inverness

Gabaldon, Diana
Terugkeer naar Inverness
Het tweede deel van de Reiziger-serie is een klassieker. Liefde, moed, passie en opoffering: Diana Gabaldon heeft alle ingrediënten samengevoegd in haar verslavende pageturners. Twintig jaar lang heeft Claire haar eigen behoeften en verlangens opzijgezet om haar dochter te beschermen. Nu Brianna volwassen is, is de tijd gekomen om de waarheid te vertellen... en terug te keren naar de man die ze boven alles liefheeft: Jamie Fraser. Maar als ...

CHF 28.90

Echo der Hoffnung

Gabaldon, Diana / Hoffmann, Daniela
Echo der Hoffnung
Endlich: Die Highland-Saga geht weiter!1777: Die Vorzeichen für einen Sieg der Amerikaner im Unabhängigkeitskrieg gegen die Briten stehen schlecht. Allein die Zeitreisende Claire Randall und ihr geliebter Mann Jamie Fraser wissen, dass dieser kommen wird. Aber das ist noch keine Garantie zu überleben. So bricht Jamie auf ins 20. Jahrhundert, um die Zukunft seiner Kinder mit zu gestalten, doch dort drängen gefährliche Geheimnisse aus der Vergan...

CHF 19.50

The Fiery Cross

Gabaldon, Diana
The Fiery Cross
The dazzling fifth volume of Diana Gabaldon's extraordinary Outlander saga, featuring 18th-century Scotsman James Fraser and his 20th-century time-traveling wife, Claire Randall. The year is 1771, and war is coming. Jamie Fraser's wife tells him so. Little as he wishes to, he must believe it, for hers is a gift of dreadful prophecy-a time-traveler's certain knowledge. Born in the year of Our Lord 1918, Claire Randall served England as a nurse ...

CHF 12.50

The Scottish Prisoner

Gabaldon, Diana
The Scottish Prisoner
The "Lord John" series is a spin-off from the bestselling "Outlander" novels, whose worldwide sales stand at over 18 million copies. Set in the heart of the 18th century, it weaves together the strands of the secret and public lives of Lord John Gray, soldier, gentleman and no mean hand with a blade.

CHF 18.50

The Fiery Cross

Gabaldon, Diana
The Fiery Cross
The dazzling fifth volume of Diana Gabaldon's extraordinary Outlander saga, featuring 18th-century Scotsman James Fraser and his 20th-century time-traveling wife, Claire Randall. The year is 1771, and war is coming. Jamie Fraser's wife tells him so. Little as he wishes to, he must believe it, for hers is a gift of dreadful prophecy-a time-traveler's certain knowledge. Born in the year of Our Lord 1918, Claire Randall served England as a nurse ...

CHF 25.90