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2 Ergebnisse.


Glode, Gail
When Margaret Gabriel, a psychic and author, goes on an extended stay in her beloved Venice, to promote her book, Thank God for Red Shoes, her life is - quite literally - transformed. Innamorata dell'Italia, totally in love with the culture and especially the language of Italy, Margaret revels in the generosity of spirit of the Italian people, in two incredibly beautiful men, in the art and food of remarkable cities, and in her own renewed sen...

CHF 25.50


Glode, Gail
What if our current interpretation of "ego" was completely and utterly wrong? Wilder yet, what if the basic premise of Christianity, the notion of "original sin" was all a huge misunderstanding? When Margaret Gabriel, a psychic and author, goes on an extended stay in her beloved Venice to promote her book, Thank God for Red Shoes, her life is literally transformed. As she embarks on a voyage of self-discovery, from top to toe in Italy, little ...

CHF 31.50