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81 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.


Goodman, Paul
Excerpt from Zionism: Problems and Views The Jews form not merely a religious com munity but also a nation. There are Jews who sever their national bonds and tend towards the 'dissolution of the people of Israel in their non-jewish surroundings. But the large majority of Jews, chie¿y, in Eastern Europe, desire ardently to preserve their Jewish national identity. Zionism has no meaning for Jews who favour the melting-pot theory. It is the ide...

CHF 23.90

Kleine Gebete

Goodman, Paul / Martin, Marie T. / Blankertz, Stefan / Doubrawa, Erhard
Kleine Gebete
In seinen »kleinen Gebeten« wandte Paul Goodman sich seiner eigenen Definition nach nicht mit traditionellen Bitten an Gott, sondern »sagte, wie es ist«. Er verglich diese Form mit Goethes Tagebuchnotizen. In seinem Geleitwort nennt der Gestalttherapeut Georg Pernter sie »Perlen der Lebenskunst«: »Als >Perlen der Lebenskunst< bezeichne ich sie, weil diese poetischen Kleinformen Tiefsinniges bieten aus dem Alltag - wie er ist. Sie sind ungeschm...

CHF 39.90

New Reformation: Notes of a Neolithic Conservative

Goodman, Paul / Fisher, Michael C.
New Reformation: Notes of a Neolithic Conservative
New Reformation was Paul Goodman's last book of social criticism. The man who set the agenda for the Youth Movement of the Sixties with his best-selling Growing Up Absurd, and who wrote a book a year to keep his "crazy young allies" focused on the issues as he saw them, stepped back in 1970 to re-assess the results of what he considered a moral and spiritual upheaval comparable to the Protestant Reformation-"the breakdown of belief, and the em...

CHF 27.90

Bourdieu in Algeria

Goodman, Jane E / Silverstein, Paul A / Fogarty, Patricia
Bourdieu in Algeria
Jane E. Goodman is an associate professor in the Communication and Culture Department at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the author of Berber Culture on the World Stage: From Village to Video. Paul A. Silverstein is an associate professor of anthropology at Reed College. He is the author of Algeria in France: Transpolitics, Race, and Nation and the coeditor of Memory and Violence in the Middle East and North Africa.¿Contributors: Fanny...

CHF 48.50

Stossgebete und anderes über mich

Goodman, Paul
Stossgebete und anderes über mich
Goodmans letztes abgeschlossenes Buch mit Gedichten (Little Prayers) und einem Essay (Finite Experience): eine autobiographische Darstellung seines Denkens, mit der er sich vergegenwärtigt, wie er Erfahrungen macht und diese zur Weiterentwicklung nutzt, und er fragt sich, in wie weit seine individuelle Denkweise verallgemeinert werden kann - damit ist dieser Text wie eine Vorrede zu einer möglichen gestalttherapeutischen Philosophie. Seine Ge...

CHF 34.80


Goodman, Paul / Goodman, Percival
Der avantgardistische Schriftsteller, theoretische Kopf der Begründer der Gestalttherapie, anarchistische Sozialkritiker und konservative Homosexuellen-Aktivist verfasste 1947 zusammen mit seinem Bruder, dem Architekten Percival Goodman, eine atemberaubende Analyse der damaligen Lebensverhältnisse, deren vorausschauende Luzidität aus dem Abstand von 50 Jahren so deutlich wird, dass man sich fragt, ob zu ihrer Entstehungszeit irgendjemand ander...

CHF 28.90

Designing Effective Work Groups

Goodman, Paul S
Designing Effective Work Groups
Provides ways to design, manage, and maintain more useful work groups--including labor-management committees, staff meetings, advisory groups, and policy committees. In eleven original chapters, reviews current knowledge about groups and explores new directions for understanding them and improving their effectiveness. .

CHF 65.00

Paul Goodman Reader

Goodman, Paul / Stoehr, Taylor
Paul Goodman Reader
A one-man think tank, Paul Goodman wrote more than 30 books, most of them before his decade of fame as a social critic in the 1960s. Goodman in those earlier days thought of himself mostly as an old-fashioned man of letters, and to do justice to his wide-ranging interests and growing activism, this compendium provides excerpts that span his entire career, from the bestselling "Growing Up Absurd" to landmark books on anarchism, community planni...

CHF 40.90

Nature Heals: The Psychological Essays of Paul Goodman

Goodman, Paul / Miller, Michael Vincent / Stoehr, Taylor
Nature Heals: The Psychological Essays of Paul Goodman
Paul Goodman was one of the founders and major theoreticians of Gestalt therapy, as well as a practicing psychotherapist for many years. He constantly sought to understand the nature of our selves and our society. "Our misery seems so ingrained that it calls for an explanation from our essential natures." "Nature Heals" contains Goodman's most Important writings on psychology, including his critiques of Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Reich, his dis...

CHF 40.90

Technology and Organizations

Goodman, Paul S / Sproull, Lee S
Technology and Organizations
Provides new ways for both researchers and managers to think about technology's role in people's organizational lives, showing its impact on individuals, groups, and the organization as a whole. Includes original papers from leading scholars to show how new technology requires organizations to make fundamental changes.

CHF 52.50

Drawing the Line Once Again

Goodman, Paul / Stoehr, Taylor / Stoehr, Taylor
Drawing the Line Once Again
Five years after his death in 1972, Paul Goodman was characterized by anarchist historian George Woodcock as "the only truly seminal libertarian thinker in our generation." In this new PM Press initiative, Goodman's literary executor Taylor Stoehr has gathered together nine core texts from his anarchist legacy to future generations. Here will be found the "utopian essays and practical proposals" that inspired the dissident youth of the Sixti...

CHF 21.90

Format & Anxiety: Paul Goodman Critiques the Media

Goodman, Paul / Stoehr, Taylor
Format & Anxiety: Paul Goodman Critiques the Media
Paul Goodman, anarchist critic and author of Growing Up Absurd and Communitas, never wrote a book devoted exclusively to media. Yet he thought the condition of popular arts and news services in America so desperate that by 1964 he was calling it a constitutional crisisby which he meant that our democracy could no longer claim to be based in the public mores or have its justification in the public good, because of the usurpation of every forum ...

CHF 20.90