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9 Ergebnisse.

Modern Luck

Gordon, Robert S. C.
Modern Luck
An exploration of luck in modernity, modern imagination, and modern stories. Beliefs, superstitions, and tales about luck are present across all human cultures. Humans are perennially fascinated by luck and by its association with happiness and danger, uncertainty and aspiration. Yet it remains an elusive, ungraspable idea, one that slips and slides over time: all cultures reimagine what luck is and how to tame it at different stages in their ...

CHF 43.50

Modern Luck

Gordon, Robert S. C.
Modern Luck
An exploration of luck in modernity, modern imagination, and modern stories. Beliefs, superstitions, and tales about luck are present across all human cultures. Humans are perennially fascinated by luck and by its association with happiness and danger, uncertainty and aspiration. Yet it remains an elusive, ungraspable idea, one that slips and slides over time: all cultures reimagine what luck is and how to tame it at different stages in their ...

CHF 75.00

Primo Levi's Ordinary Virtues: From Testimony to Ethics

Gordon, Robert S. C.
Primo Levi's Ordinary Virtues: From Testimony to Ethics
This book explores the extraordinary depth of Levi the ethical writer across his entire oeuvre, by way of thirteen so-called "ordinary virtues"--the ways and means Levi forges for practically and compassionately engaging with the world. It draws on a wide range of recent thinking about Holocaust literature and the general relationship between literature and ethics.

CHF 266.00


Gordon, Robert S. C. / Cinelli, Gianluca
L'opera di Primo Levi presenta un caso straordinariamente ricco e articolato di intertestualità. Lettore curioso, onnivoro, asistematico, Levi esplorò molteplici campi del sapere - letterari, scientifici, storici, ecc. - navigando tra libri e riviste specializzate e di divulgazione, per motivi di ricerca o di puro divertimento, spesso accostandosi alle culture straniere in lingua originale, mosso da una curiosità eclettica e dal desiderio inte...

CHF 81.00

«Sfacciata fortuna». La Shoah e il caso-«Sfacciata fortun...

Gordon, Robert S. C. / Stangalino, C.
«Sfacciata fortuna». La Shoah e il caso-«Sfacciata fortuna». Luck and the holocaust
Con il saggio del critico inglese Robert Gordon prendono il via le "Lezioni Primo Levi", ideate dal Centro Internazionale di studi che si propone di promuovere la conoscenza del grande scrittore italiano nel mondo. In questa prima lezione Gordon rilegge l'opera di Primo Levi e altre storie della Shoah alla luce di rappresentazioni letterarie della Fortuna e di aspetti del moderno metodo scientifico, scoprendo nuove immagini della fortuna e del...

CHF 27.50

Scolpitelo nei cuori. L'Olocausto nella cultura italiana ...

Gordon, Robert S. C. / Olivero, G.
Scolpitelo nei cuori. L'Olocausto nella cultura italiana (1944-2010)
Siamo capaci, noi italiani, di elaborare, metabolizzare e comprendere l'Olocausto che ci ha colpiti? Siamo in grado di tramandarne la memoria? Che uso abbiamo fatto, noi, pubblicamente, nella nostra dimensione culturale condivisa, dell'immane sterminio che ha coinvolto gli ebrei e i non ebrei del nostro paese, non certo meno che altrove? Quali ricadute nelle nostre vite, quali insegnamenti, quali comportamenti ci deve imporre la storia di quel...

CHF 43.90

The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi

Gordon, Robert S. C.
The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi
Primo Levi (1919–, 1987) was the author of a rich body of work, including memoirs and reflections on Auschwitz, poetry, science fiction, historical fiction and essays. In particular, his lucid and direct accounts of his time at Auschwitz, begun immediately after liberation in 1945 and sustained until weeks before his suicide in 1987, has made him one of the most admired of all Holocaust writer-survivors and one of the best guides we have ...

CHF 118.00

The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi

Gordon, Robert S. C.
The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi
Primo Levi (1919–1987) was the author of a rich body of work, including memoirs and reflections on Auschwitz, poetry, science fiction, historical fiction and essays. In particular, his lucid and direct accounts of his time at Auschwitz, begun immediately after liberation in 1945 and sustained until weeks before his suicide in 1987, has made him one of the most admired of all Holocaust writer-survivors and one of the best guides we have for the...

CHF 53.90

Bicycle Thieves

Gordon, Robert S. C.
Bicycle Thieves
Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di biciclette, 1948) is unarguably one of the most important films in the history of cinema. It is also one of the most beguiling, moving and (apparently) simple pieces of narrative ever made. The film tells the story of one man and his son, as they search fruitlessly through the streets of Rome for his stolen bicycle, the bicycle which had offered the possibility of escape from the poverty and humiliation of long-term u...

CHF 23.90