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77 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

The Angry Tide

Graham, Winston
The Angry Tide
Cornwall, 1798–99Ross Poldark sits for the borough of Truro as Member of Parliament – his time divided between London and Cornwall, his heart divided about his wife, Demelza. His old feud with George Warleggan still flares – as does the illicit love between Morwenna and Drake, Demelza’s brother. Before the new century dawns, George and Ross will be drawn together by a loss greater than their rivalry – and Morwenna and Drake by a tragedy that b...

CHF 16.50

The Angry Tide

Graham, Winston
The Angry Tide
The Angry Tide is the seventh novel in Winston Graham's classic Poldark saga, the major TV series from Masterpiece on PBS.Cornwall, towards the end of the 18th century. Ross Poldark sits for the borough of Truro as Member of Parliament - his time divided between London and Cornwall, his heart divided about his wife, Demelza.His old feud with George Warleggan still flares - as does the illicit love between Morwenna and Drake, Demelza's brother....

CHF 35.50

Tödlicher Dank

Graham, Winston / Schönfeld, Eva
Tödlicher Dank
Sie hatte ihm den Weg zum erfolgreichen Dramatiker mit allen Mitteln geebnet. Als sie dann unheilbar erkrankt und er zudem an die große Liebe seines Lebens gerät, da kommt es zu dieser unbegreiflichen Tat. Er droht, an seiner Schuld zu zerbrechen, und will sie tilgen - koste es, was es wolle ... (Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine frühere Ausgabe.)

CHF 15.50

Das Rätsel der Anya Stonaris

Graham, Winston
Das Rätsel der Anya Stonaris
Durch die Wirklichkeitsnähe und die Lebendigkeit der Erzählung wird der Leser von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite in Atem gehalten. (Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine frühere Ausgabe.)

CHF 15.50


Graham, Winston / Wirth, Robert
Debbie glaubt nicht daran, daß sich je ein Mann für sie interessieren könnte. Erst Leigh macht ihr klar, daß ein Iahmes Bein kein Hindernis bedeuten muß. Bis sie eines Tages entdeckt, daß er ihre Liebe nicht uneigennützig gesucht hat. Leigh will mit ihrer Hilfe den Coup seines Lebens landen ... In diesem Roman variiert Winston Graham das Thema seines weltberühmten, von Hitchcock verfilmten Psychoschockers »Marnie« - die Geschichte einer Liebe,...

CHF 18.50

Demelza. La saga di Poldark

Graham, Winston / Curtoni, M. / Parolini, M.
Demelza. La saga di Poldark
Cornovaglia, 1788-1790. Le nozze tra Ross, gentiluomo dal carattere forte, avverso alle convenzioni sociali, e Demelza, bella, brillante, ma figlia di un povero minatore, hanno scandalizzato l'alta società locale, che non approva il matrimonio di un nobile con una plebea. E così Demelza, pur facendo il possibile per assumere le maniere di una signora raffinata, fatica a conciliare il mondo da cui proviene con quello cui ora appartiene, e sì se...

CHF 34.50


Graham, Winston / Brinis, H.
La signorina Mollie Jeffrey è una ragazza tranquilla, capelli biondi, occhiali con la montatura di corno e abiti che non danno nell'occhio. Si è trasferita da poco a Manchester, dove lavora alla biglietteria del cinema Roxy. Un anno fa era Marion Holland, impiegata modello per la Crombie & Strutt, prima di sottrarre mille sterline e sparire. Tra un anno il suo nome sarà Mary Taylor, quando risponderà all'offerta di lavoro della ditta di arti g...

Ross Poldark

Graham, Winston / Curtoni, M. / Parolini, M.
Ross Poldark
Cornovaglia, 1783. Ross Poldark, figlio di un piccolo possidente morto da poco, torna a casa, esausto e provato, dopo aver combattuto per l'esercito inglese nella Rivoluzione americana. Ora è un uomo maturo, non più l'avventato ed estroverso ragazzo che aveva dovuto abbandonare l'Inghilterra per problemi con la legge. Desidera soltanto lasciarsi il passato alle spalle e riabbracciare la sua promessa sposa, la bella Elizabeth. La sera stessa de...

CHF 33.50

Ross Poldark

Graham, Winston
Ross Poldark
Cornwall, 1783-87 Tired from a grim war in America, Ross Poldark returns to his land and his family. But the joyful homecoming he had anticipated turns sour, for his father is dead, his estate derelict, and the girl he loves is engaged to his cousin.However, his sympathy for the destitute miners and farmers of the district leads him to rescue a half-starved urchin girl from a fairground brawl and take her home - an act which alters the whole c...

CHF 16.50

Jeremy Poldark

Graham, Winston
Jeremy Poldark
Jeremy Poldark is the third novel in Winston Graham's hugely popular Poldark series, which has become a television phenomenon starring Aidan Turner.Cornwall 1790. Ross Poldark faces the darkest hour of his life. Accused of wrecking two ships, he is to stand trial at the Bodmin Assizes. Despite their stormy married life, Demelza has tried to rally support for her husband. But there are enemies in plenty who would be happy to see Ross convicted,...

CHF 18.50

Poldark - Von Anbeginn des Tages (Poldark-Saga 2)

Graham, Winston / Hausner, Hans E.
Poldark - Von Anbeginn des Tages (Poldark-Saga 2)
Cornwall 1788-1790 Gegen alle Widerstände sind Ross und Demelza zwar gemeinsam glücklich. Allerdings haben weder Ross' Freunde noch seine Feinde ihm diese unstandesgemäße Heirat verziehen, und das junge Paar muss täglich um seine Ehe und seine Liebe kämpfen. Vor allem Demelza muss ihren ganzen Mut, aber auch ihren Charme und ihr liebevolles großes Herz einsetzen, um Vorurteile und Standesunterschiede endgültig zu überwinden. Und aufgeben wird ...

CHF 14.50

Poldark - Abschied von gestern (Poldark-Saga 1)

Graham, Winston / Stege, Gisela
Poldark - Abschied von gestern (Poldark-Saga 1)
Cornwall 1783-1787 Der Krieg in Nordamerika ist vorbei, doch als Ross Poldark in seine Heimat zurückkehrt, ist nichts, wie es war. Er hat alles verloren: Sein Vater ist tot, sein Besitz heruntergekommen und Elizabeth, die er heiraten wollte, ist mit seinem Cousin Francis verlobt. All seine Bemühungen, Elizabeth doch noch umzustimmen, sind vergeblich. Er verliert jegliches Interesse am Leben. Und dann begegnet er einem Mädchen mit dem Namen Dem...

CHF 14.50

Ross Poldark

Graham, Winston
Ross Poldark
Returning home from a grim war in America, Ross Poldark is reunited with his beloved Cornwall and family. But the joyful homecoming he had anticipated turns sour, his father is dead, his estate derelict, and the girl he loves has become engaged to his cousin. However, his sympathy for the destitute miners and farmers of the district leads him to rescue a half-starved urchin girl from a fairground brawl and take her home - an act which will cha...

CHF 19.50


Graham, Winston
I love you, Demelza, and we've had such happiness. And we're going to have it again.

CHF 23.90

Jeremy Poldark

Graham, Winston
Jeremy Poldark
Cornwall, 1790-91Ross Poldark faces the darkest hour of his life. Accused of wrecking two ships, he is to stand trial at the Bodmin Assizes.Despite their stormy married life, Demelza has tried to rally support for her husband. But there are enemies in plenty who would be happy to see Ross convicted, not least George Warleggan, the powerful banker, whose personal rivalry with Ross grows ever more intense.'From the incomparable Winston Graham . ...

CHF 14.50

The Four Swans: A Novel of Cornwall, 1795-1797

Graham, Winston
The Four Swans: A Novel of Cornwall, 1795-1797
In The Four Swans, the sixth book in Winston Graham's legendary Poldark saga, Ross is faced with a new battlefield, one involving the women whose lives are intertwined in his own.Cornwall, 1795-1799: although Ross Poldark, now something of a war hero, seems secure in his hard-won prosperity, a new dilemma faces him in the sudden infatuation of a young naval officer for his wife Demelza. All four women-the four swans-whose lives touch Ross's, f...

CHF 103.00