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42 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Prve visejezi&#269,ne re&#269,i Bentley Hippo-a: Boje i o...

Graphy, Argyro / Susa, Djordje
Prve visejezi&#269,ne re&#269,i Bentley Hippo-a: Boje i oblici na 5 jezika- rano u&#269,enje za malu decu i decu
Da li odgajate svoje dete u multikulturalnom domäinstvu? Bentley's First Multilingual Words je zbirka osnovnih koncepata na 5 jezika koji omogu¿avaju deci, pred¿kolcima i deci da u¿e vi¿e jezika iz jedne knjige. Svaka stranica se fokusira na boju ili oblik. Stimulativna knjiga za rane u¿enike koja promovi¿e razvoj deteta. Svaki skup knjiga imäe 5 razli¿itih jezika. Znäaj vi¿ejezi¿nosti u danänjem dru¿tvu. Deca odrasla u multikulturalnom dom...

CHF 26.50

ABC Empower Me

Graphy, Argyro
ABC Empower Me
What will you be when you grow up?A Baker, A Teacher, or how about A Zookeeper?What better way to learn ABCs than with the most adorable hippo around! Bentley's heading to outer space, upside down and turned around he will put giggles in your belly and smiles on your face.Learn with Bentley as he teaches the alphabet in his unique way. Not your typical A is for Apple book!(The illustrations were colored by two children with impaired hearing an...

CHF 31.90

Les premiers mots multilingues de Bentley Hippo: Couleurs...

Graphy, Argyro / Susa, Djordje
Les premiers mots multilingues de Bentley Hippo: Couleurs et formes en 5 langues - Apprentissage précoce pour les tout-petits et les enfants
Élevez-vous votre enfant dans un foyer multiculturel?Bentley's First Multilingual Words est une collection de concepts de base en 5 langues qui permet aux tout-petits, aux enfants d'âge préscolaire et aux enfants d'apprendre plusieurs langues à partir d'un seul livre. Chaque page se concentre sur une couleur ou une forme. Un livre stimulant pour les jeunes apprenants qui fait la promotion du développement de l'enfant. Chaque ensemble de livres...

CHF 26.50

The Adventures of Bentley Hippo

Graphy, Argyro
The Adventures of Bentley Hippo
Bentley is about to board a rocket for the trip of a lifetime. His friends however are not allowed to join him as they are "different" Inspiring Children to Accept Each Other teaches children about diversity and inclusion. Children, and adults alike, should:celebrate individuality. embrace our differences. accept one's abilities and not focus on their disabilities. recognize and respect diversity and promote inclusivity. Too short, too ta...

CHF 33.90

The Adventures of Bentley Hippo

Graphy, Argyro
The Adventures of Bentley Hippo
An adorable, imaginative hippo dreams of going to the moon! But he'd also like a caring friend to play with. Skipping to his own beat, Bentley the hippo is stopped in his trail when he is "clunked" on the head with a banana thrown by Jaxon, a silly monkey. Jaxon doesn't know how to share or how to be a good friend.· Instead of saying hello, he throws bananas!· Instead of kindly sharing his food, he throws bananas!· Instead of saying goodbye, h...

CHF 31.90

Bentley's First Multilingual Words: Colors and Shapes in ...

Graphy, Argyro / Susa, Djordje
Bentley's First Multilingual Words: Colors and Shapes in 5 Languages - Early learning for toddlers and children
Are you raising your child in a multicultural household?Bentley's First Multilingual Words is a collection of basic concepts in 5 languages that allow toddlers, preschoolers, and children to learn multiple languages from one book. Each page focuses on a color or shape. A stimulating book for early learners that promotes child development. Each set of books will feature 5 different languages.The Importance of Multilingualism in today's society....

CHF 26.50

The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to be...

Graphy, Argyro / Reyes, Michael
The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to be Patient
A loud knock at the front door has Bentley startled. Who could it be?An excited Jaxon rambles on not making any sense. Racing ahead pointing in the distance, Bentley follows this silly monkey. A large crowd has gathered making it impossible for Jaxon to see what the fuss is all about.Sprinting to the front of the line, Jaxon is stopped and directed to the back of the line by the ticket agent. Frustrated, Jaxon looks around, waiting for the rig...

CHF 23.90

You Can Do It: 30-Day Appreciation Journal and Diary For ...

Graphy, Argyro
You Can Do It: 30-Day Appreciation Journal and Diary For Kids (Italian)
E se potessi trasformare ogni giorno in un grande giorno?Il potere della positività e dei nostri pensieri quotidiani possono avere un enorme impatto sulle nostre vite Con questo diario e diario di gratitudine e apprezzamento di 30 giorni, i bambini possono imparare a iniziare ogni giornata sentendosi grati per quello che hanno.Un atteggiamento positivo può influire sul benessere emotivo, fisico e spirituale Le attività quotidiane aiutano i bam...

CHF 16.90

You Can Do It

Graphy, Argyro
You Can Do It
¿¿30¿¿¿¿¿¿Bentley Hippö¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Bentley¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

CHF 15.90

You Can Do It: 30-Day Appreciation Journal and Diary For ...

Graphy, Argyro
You Can Do It: 30-Day Appreciation Journal and Diary For Kids (Greek)
30¿µe¿¿ pe¿¿¿d¿¿¿ e¿¿¿¿µ¿s¿¿¿¿ ¿¿a päd¿¿. ¿ Bentley Hippo e¿¿ä¿¿¿e¿ ta päd¿¿ ¿a ¿e¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿e µ¿¿a ¿ä ¿a äs¿¿¿¿¿tä e¿¿¿¿µ¿¿e¿ ¿¿a ¿sa ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ä de¿ ep¿¿e¿t¿¿¿¿¿tä se ät¿ p¿¿ de¿ ¿¿¿¿¿. ¿¿ ¿ä¿µe¿¿¿¿¿ d¿ast¿¿¿¿t¿te¿ ¿a ß¿¿¿¿s¿¿¿ ta päd¿¿ ¿a d¿¿¿ t¿ ¿ä¿ se ¿¿¿e ¿at¿stas¿ ¿ä ¿a e¿¿ä se ¿¿s¿ ¿a ää¿¿¿¿s¿¿¿ t¿ d¿¿aµ¿ t¿¿ ¿et¿¿¿¿ s¿¿¿¿¿, t¿¿ e¿¿¿¿µ¿s¿¿¿¿ ¿ä t¿¿ e¿t¿µ¿s¿¿¿e t¿ se¿¿¿ Bentley Inspiring Children's, st¿¿¿¿ µ¿¿ e¿¿ä ¿a ß¿¿¿¿s¿ ta päd¿¿ ¿a d¿...

CHF 16.90

You Can Do It: 30-Day Appreciation Journal and Diary For ...

Graphy, Argyro
You Can Do It: 30-Day Appreciation Journal and Diary For Kids (English)
What if you could turn every day into a great day? The power of positivity and our daily thoughts can have a huge impact on our lives With this 30-day gratitude and appreciation journal & diary, children can learn to start off each day feeling thankful for what they have A positive attitude can affect one's emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Positive daily affirmations help children to:Identify and Express their emotions Encourag...

CHF 16.90

Die ersten mehrsprachigen Wörter von Bentley Hippo

Graphy, Argyro / Susa, Djordje
Die ersten mehrsprachigen Wörter von Bentley Hippo
Ziehen Sie Ihr Kind in einem multikulturellen Haushalt auf?Bentley's First Multilingual Words ist eine Sammlung grundlegender Konzepte in 5 Sprachen, die es Kleinkindern, Vorschulkindern und Kindern ermöglicht, mehrere Sprachen aus einem Buch zu lernen. Jede Seite konzentriert sich auf eine Farbe oder Form. Ein anregendes Buch für frühe Lernende, das die kindliche Entwicklung fördert. Jeder Satz von Büchern wird 5 verschiedene Sprachenenthalte...

CHF 29.50

Las aventuras de Bentley el Hipopótamo: Inspirando a los ...

Graphy, Argyro
Las aventuras de Bentley el Hipopótamo: Inspirando a los ninos a ser amables
¿Qué ocurre cuando un acosador se convierte en la víctima?Bentley y sus amigos van en camino a la feria anual, cuando ocurre algo en la parte trasera del autobús. Toby el Elefante se sienta calladito mientras le apuntan y se ríen de él, llamándolo "Rechoncho" y cuando el autobús se detiene, le quitan sus anteojos. Pasando el día en la feria, Bentley trata de animar a Toby y de repente alguien a la distancia pide ayuda. Al estar sorprendidos al...

CHF 27.90

Las aventuras de Bentley el Hipopotamo: Inspirando a los ...

Graphy, Argyro
Las aventuras de Bentley el Hipopotamo: Inspirando a los ninos a ser amables
¿Qué ocurre cuando el matón se convierte en víctima?Bentley y sus amigos van de camino a la Feria Anual cuando oyen un alboroto en la parte trasera del autobús. Una multitud se ha reunido en torno al elefante Toby, señalándole con el dedo y burlándose de él. Cuando el autobús finalmente se detiene, le quitan las gafas.Sorprendido por este comportamiento, Bentley le asegura a Toby que se encargará de ello.Pasando el día en la feria, se oye un g...

CHF 22.50

Prve visejezi&#269,ne re&#269,i Bentley Hippo-a: Boje i o...

Graphy, Argyro / Susa, Djordje
Prve visejezi&#269,ne re&#269,i Bentley Hippo-a: Boje i oblici na 5 jezika- rano u&#269,enje za malu decu i decu
Da li odgajate svoje dete u multikulturalnom domäinstvu? Bentley's First Multilingual Words je zbirka osnovnih koncepata na 5 jezika koji omogu¿avaju deci, pred¿kolcima i deci da u¿e vi¿e jezika iz jedne knjige. Svaka stranica se fokusira na boju ili oblik. Stimulativna knjiga za rane u¿enike koja promovi¿e razvoj deteta. Svaki skup knjiga imäe 5 razli¿itih jezika. Znäaj vi¿ejezi¿nosti u danänjem dru¿tvu. Deca odrasla u multikulturalnom dom...

CHF 16.90

The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to be...

Graphy, Argyro
The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to be Kind
He's at it again! Bentley teaches another valuable lesson in the 2nd of this 5 book series. In The Adventures of Bentley: Inspiring Children to be Kind , Bentley is concerned when this friend Tubby, a little elephant doesn't show up to class. Boarding the bus to their trip to The Annual Fair, Bentley fears something bad has happened. Where is the little elephant and why would he miss out on a fun trip to The Fair? High above the ground on an e...

CHF 18.90

Bentley Activity & COloring Book

Graphy, Argyro
Bentley Activity & COloring Book
This 50 page activity and coloring book features alphabet tracing, numbers, colors and shapes, mazes and coloring pages. Includes scenes from The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to Share book. Also, words of encouragement to never quit. A perfect companion to the book about teaching children crucial lessons. Bentley continues to inspire children, Now children can learn and grow with the bubbly hippo they've grown to love.Makes ...

CHF 9.90

The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to Sh...

Graphy, Argyro / Likhon, M. H.
The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to Share (GREEK)
A bubbly hippo on a mission to inspire children. Bentley has a dream of going to the moon. As he begins his journey, he meets a silly monkey, Jaxon, who throws bananas at him thinking this is how to share. Bentley teaches Jaxon what it means to share. Bentley teaches valuable lessons in this 5-book "Inspiring Children" series. The Adventures of Bentley Hippo: Inspiring Children to Share is a must-read for children of all agesThe Adventures of ...

CHF 22.50