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Zur Kasse

13 Ergebnisse.

Covid Dishes

Green, Bob
Covid Dishes
With COVID-19 taking dancing off the table for such an extended period, thoughts turned to food and cooking. Based on Michael Pollan's idea - "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants...", these recipes explore the beauty and joy in cooking. This book intends to accomplish three things: feature appetizing images, offer recipes tasty to eat, and provide a chuckle or a groan along the way.

CHF 67.00

Indigenous Churches

Green, Bob C.
Indigenous Churches
The book "Indigenous Churches" by Dr. Bob Green is written from the perspective of a missionary church planter. Having planted churches in the USA and Latin America, Dr. Green writes from 48 years of experience. He seeks to provide the church planter with answers to questions concerning "How To start and Establish an Autonomous (Indigenous) Church." There is information that deals with the primary considerations of "who, where, what and what n...

CHF 44.50


Green, Bob C.
Estos apuntes se escribieron para uso devocional y también para uso al estar predicando o enseñando en vez de ser un análisis crítico. Excepto por la referencia a unas cuantas palabras griegas, el método del autor ha sido el de explicar el texto de las versiones de King James (1611) y La Reina Valera (1609) con pasajes de Escritura paralelos, mostrando la unidad y la suficiencia de la Palabra de Dios.

CHF 21.50

Answers to Faith Crushing Questions

Green, Bob
Answers to Faith Crushing Questions
Answers to Faith Crushing Questions provides answers to questions that are intended to destroy our faith and discredit our Creator. The Bible says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6 New American Standard Bible). Skeptics try to destroy the faith of others by asking difficult questions that seek to seed doubt and disbelief into a person's faith. Jesus ran into this frequently from both religious and nonreligious p...

CHF 17.90

A Missionary God Gave Wings

Green, Bob C.
A Missionary God Gave Wings
Dr. Bob Green surrendered his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ preaching the Gospel at a very early age. As a boy he had dreamed of becoming a pilot. While in Bible College he realized that aviation could be a valuable tool for fulfilling his calling as a missionary preacher. This book was written with thanksgiving to the Lord in heaven for making it possible to see his dream become reality. The book shares many of the aviation experiences ...

CHF 37.90

What Day of the Week Was Christ Crucified?

Green, Bob C.
What Day of the Week Was Christ Crucified?
My young faith was strengthened and I was definitely encouraged when I heard a scholarly Biblical explanation of the facts related to Christ's death, burial and resurrection. It thrilled my heart to realize that there was someone with sufficient knowledge of the Old and New Testament Scripture to present an accurate account of the Lord's death, burial and resurrection. I was challenged to a more thorough study of the Bible by the teaching of E...

CHF 14.50

The Basics of Church Planting

Green, Bob C.
The Basics of Church Planting
Churches that are established following the biblical pattern set forth by the Apostles and first century missionaries will manifest "indigeneity." The term "indigenous" is a biological term used to describe a plant that thrives in a specific environment, type of soil, in a given location or climate. At present time there is much lip service given to the starting and establishing of "indigenous churches." Unfortunately many times even those mos...

CHF 37.50

Why I Stand

Green, Bob
Why I Stand
I know firsthand the many sacrifices of war. You get to see men of different skin colors and of all creeds stand side by side, fighting the enemy. Many sounds, sights and smells are etched into your brain-never to be forgotten. Today you will find veterans standing for our Flag and the National Anthem, filled with such pride every time they see it. We fought to give American's the right to stand, sit, or kneel for the flag. This America's most...

CHF 19.50


Green, Bob
Eavesdroppings recounts life in the small towns of Ontario before sin arrived on the Internet - a time when churches were never locked and parents, not wishing to be disturbed while they listened to the radio, shooed their children out to play in the dark, unguarded streets without fear. Here you'll find comedy, outrage, and tragedy but no disguise. Included are actual events and the names of all persons involved. The author tracks the quaint...

CHF 32.50

Okinawa Odyssey

Green, Bob
Okinawa Odyssey
Upon the 60th anniversary of the battle for Okinawa comes this remembering of the Tenth Army of the Pacific Theatre campaign, recounted by Green, then a 20-year-old Second Lieutenant.

CHF 39.90