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219 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Murder in Williamstown

Greenwood, Kerry
Murder in Williamstown
Accustomed to both murder and dalliance, Australia's favourite detective, the inimitable Miss Fisher, returns in a case that will test her courage and judgement to the full.When the redoubtable Miss Phryne Fisher receives threatening letters at her home, she enlists her unflappable apprentice Tinker to investigate. But as the harassment of Phryne threatens to spin out of control, her lover Lin Chung is also targeted.Meanwhile, Dot begins to fe...

CHF 19.50


Greenwood, Kerry
Princess of Troy, sister of Hector and Paris, Priestess of Apollo.Blessed by the Sun God with the gift of prophecy, and then - for rejecting his advances - cursed by him never to be believed.Diomenes, the enemy Achaean with the healing hands, and Cassandra become puppets of the gods. Their passions are thwarted, their gifts rendered useless for the sake of a wager between two immortals.And now doomed, magnificent Troy is burning.If Cassandra a...

CHF 40.90


Greenwood, Kerry
Princess of Colchis, sorceress and Priestess of Hekate, niece of Circe, and procurer of the Golden Fleece.The devoted wife of Jason, and a brave adventurer with his Argonauts, Medea was also a loving mother and a loyal friend of Herakles.And yet, legend says she murdered her own children in revenge, to spite the faithless Jason.But love in Ancient Greece was always a dangerous game, and legends are not always what they seem.Medea was a woman b...

CHF 40.90


Greenwood, Kerry
Princess of Mycenae, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, sister of the sacrificed Iphigenia, and the cursed Orestes.Electra is forced to flee her home after witnessing the shocking revenge-murder of her father, by her mother, on his return from the Trojan War.Life beyond the palace is frightening, and the scandalous behaviour of her foreign companions disturbs her, but she needs the help of the Trojan Cassandra, and her two lovers, to surv...

CHF 52.50


Greenwood, Kerry
Princess of Mycenae, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, sister of the sacrificed Iphigenia, and the cursed Orestes.Electra is forced to flee her home after witnessing the shocking revenge-murder of her father, by her mother, on his return from the Trojan War.Life beyond the palace is frightening, and the scandalous behaviour of her foreign companions disturbs her, but she needs the help of the Trojan Cassandra, and her two lovers, to surv...

CHF 40.90

Murder on the Ballarat Train

Greenwood, Kerry
Murder on the Ballarat Train
When the 1920s' most glamorous lady detective, the Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, arranges to go to Ballarat for the week, she eschews the excitement of her red Hispano-Suiza racing car for the sedate safety of the train. The last thing she expects is to have to use her trusty Beretta .32 to save the passengers' lives. As they sleep, they are poisoned with chloroform. Phryne is left to piece together the clues after this restful country sojour...

CHF 31.90

Tod eines Dirigenten

Greenwood, Kerry / Lohmann, Sabine / Rawlinson, Regina
Tod eines Dirigenten
Wieder einmal ist Miss Fishers Spürsinn gefragt. Ein Orchesterdirigent, von niemandem besonders gemocht, wird tot aufgefunden: ermordet auf höchst extravagante Weise, in der Mendelssohns Elias eine zentrale Rolle spielt. >Partitur des Todes< zu lösen, versucht sie zeitgleich, auf ihre einzigartige Weise, einem alten Freund zu helfen, der unglücklich in den genialen wie unsympathischen Mathematiker und Codeknacker Rubert Sheffield verliebt ist...

CHF 17.50


Greenwood, Kerry
When a mysterious invitation arrives for the redoubtable Miss Phryne Fisher from an unknown retired Captain Herbert Spencer, Phryne's curiosity is excited. Spencer runs a retreat in Victoria's rural spa country for the many shell-shocked soldiers of the first world war. It's a cause after Phryne's own heart but what does Spencer want from her? Meanwhile, Cec, Bert and Tinker find a young woman floating face down in the harbour near the wharves...

CHF 18.50

Mord in der Mittsommernacht

Greenwood, Kerry / Lohmann, Sabine / Rawlinson, Regina
Mord in der Mittsommernacht
Ein Antiquitätenhändler wird tot am Strand von St. Kilda aufgefunden - war es Mord oder Selbstmord? Phryne Fishers Spürsinn ist gefragt. Und als wäre das nicht genug, soll sie noch ein illegitimes Kind ausfindig machen, dem ein großes Erbe winkt. Trotz der nicht endenwollenden Hitzewelle, die Melbourne heimsucht, heißt es nun, einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren. Unerschrocken, mit Charme und Chuzpe nimmt Phryne Fisher die Ermittlungen auf und muss ...

CHF 15.50

Mord in Montparnasse

Greenwood, Kerry / Rawlinson, Regina / Lohmann, Sabine
Mord in Montparnasse
Wenn Monsieur Anatole die gewitzte Detektivin Phryne Fisher in sein Restaurant einlädt, ist von vorherein klar, dass er ihr nicht nur seine köstliche Zwiebelsuppe vorsetzen wird, sondern auch einen Fall für sie hat: Seine Verlobte ist verschwunden, und Phryne soll herausfinden, wer sie entführt hat. Phrynes Cleverness ist gefragt. Alle Spuren führen nach Paris - und Phryne zurück in ihre eigene Vergangenheit zwischen Spanischer Grippe, Rive Ga...

CHF 15.50

Cooking the Books

Greenwood, Kerry
Cooking the Books
Corinna Chapman, talented baker and reluctant investigator, is trying very hard to do nothing at all on her holidays. Her gorgeous Daniel is only intermittently at her side (he's roaming the streets tracking down a multi-thousand dollar corporate theft). Jason, her baking offsider, has gone off to learn how to surf. And Kylie and Goss are fulfilling their lives' ambition auditioning for a soapie. It should be a time of quiet reflection for Cor...

CHF 49.50