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35 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

How Not to Age

Greger, Michael / Lingner, Oliver / Petersen, Karsten / Röhl, Barbara / Schmid, Sigrid / Schroth, Simone / Ströle, Wolfram
How Not to Age
Ärzt:innen haben das Altern lange Zeit als eine Krankheit betrachtet, aber älter zu werden muss nicht bedeuten, kränker zu werden! Es gibt viele unterschiedliche Wege, wie die Zellen unseres Körpers altern, doch wir können jeden dieser Wege unterbrechen. Inspiriert von den Ernährungs- und Lebensgewohnheiten von Hundertjährigen und Bewohner:innen von Regionen der »blauen Zone« der Welt, in denen die Menschen am längsten leben, stellt Dr. Greger...

CHF 37.90

How Not to Age

Greger, Michael
How Not to Age
Uncover the science behind slowing the effects of ageing through diet, from the New York Times bestselling author of the How Not to Die series.

CHF 38.50

How Not to Age

Greger, Michael
How Not to Age
Uncover the science behind slowing the effects of ageing through diet, from the New York Times bestselling author of the How Not to Die series.

CHF 29.90

Pandemi - Salginda Hayatta Kalma Rehberi

Greger, Michael
Pandemi - Salginda Hayatta Kalma Rehberi
Ölmek ya da Ölmemek kitabinin yazarindan, pandemilere neden olan virüsler ve bunlarla nasil bas edecegimizi anlatan önemli bir calisma.Hastaliklar nasil ortaya ciktiSalginlara neden olan virüslerin ortaya cikmasini ilk etapta nasil durdurabilirizHastaliklarin ülkemize, evlerimize ve bedenlerimize ölümcül saldirilarini durdurmak icin neler yapabilirizUluslararasi taninmis bir uzman olan Dr. Michael Greger, Pandemi Salginda Hayatta Kalma Rehberi...

CHF 32.90

Das HOW NOT TO DIET Kochbuch

Greger, Michael / Augustin, Julia
Das HOW NOT TO DIET Kochbuch
Über 100 köstliche Gerichte aus Dr. Gregers pflanzenbasierter Küche beweisen endgültig: Genießen ohne schlechtes Gewissen ist möglich. Ob der sättigende Getreidemix mit Schokokirschen, die Gemüsepaella auf goldener Gerste, das Kichererbsen-Curry mit Kabocha-Kürbis oder der Schwarzwälder Chia-Pudding - Dr. Gregers Rezeptkreationen machen schlank, gesund und glücklich. Wertvolle Nahrungsmittel und das Wissen darüber, wie sie ideal verstoffwechse...

CHF 42.50

The How Not to Diet Cookbook

Greger, Michael
The How Not to Diet Cookbook
From Dr Michael Greger, the author of the NYT's bestseller How Not to Die, comes this full-colour, fully illustrated cookbook that shares the science of long-term weight-loss success.

CHF 30.90

How Not To Diet

Greger, Michael
How Not To Diet
Put an end to dieting and replace weight loss struggles with this easy approach to a healthy, plant-based lifestyle, from the bestselling author of How Not to Die.Every month seems to bring a trendy new diet or a new fad to try in order to lose weight - but these diets aren't making us any happier or healthier. As obesity rates and associated disease and impairments continue to rise, it's time for a different approach.How Not to Diet is a trea...

CHF 19.90

How not to die in a pandemic

Greger, Michael
How not to die in a pandemic
Von Tuberkulose über die Vogelgrippe bis zu HIV und COVID-19: Immer wieder lösen neuartige Erreger Pandemien aus und führen zu Millionen Toten. Wie entstehen diese hochinfektiösen Krankheiten? Was können wir tun, um ihren Ausbruch zu verhindern? Bestsellerautor Michael Greger geht dem Ursprung tödlicher Viren auf den Grund, erforscht ihre Entwicklung und erklärt, welche Rolle der Mensch bei der globalen Ausbreitung spielt. Während weltweit geg...

CHF 28.90

How to Survive a Pandemic

Greger, Michael
How to Survive a Pandemic
A vital, timely text on the viruses that cause pandemics and how to face them, by the New York Times bestselling author of How Not to Die.From tuberculosis to bird flu and HIV to coronavirus, these infectious diseases share a common origin story: human interaction with animals. Otherwise known as zoonotic diseases for their passage from animals to humans, these pathogens-both pre-existing ones and those newly identified-emerge and re-emerge th...

CHF 30.90

How to survive a pandemic

Greger, Michael
How to survive a pandemic
A vital, timely text on the viruses that cause pandemics and how to face them, by the New York Times bestselling author of How Not to Die. From tuberculosis to bird flu and HIV to coronavirus, these infectious diseases share a common origin story: human interaction with animals. Otherwise known as zoonotic diseases for their passage from animals to humans, these pathogens-both pre-existing ones and those newly identified-emerge and re-emerge t...

CHF 30.50

How Not to Diet

Greger, Michael / Koch, Michael-Che / Augustin, Julia / Canstein, Alice v. / Schroth, Simone / Hippe, Karoline / Röhl, Barbara
How Not to Diet
Eine Mode-Diät jagt die nächste. Doch unterm Strich bringt keine den gewünschten, dauerhaften Gewichtsverlust. Kein Wunder, entbehren sie schließlich jeglicher wissenschaftlichen Grundlage und basieren wie z.B. Low-Carb oder Paleo nur auf einzelnen Faktoren. Nicht so bei Dr. Greger: Basierend auf wissenschaftlichen Studien, umfasst sein Werk alles zum Thema Ernährung. Von Kaloriendichte über Mikrobiom bis hin zum Einfluss von Gewürzen - Greger...

CHF 31.50

How Not to Diet

Greger, Michael / Augustin, Julia / Canstein, Alice v. / Schroth, Simone / Hippe, Karoline / Röhl, Barbara
How Not to Diet
Schluss mit dem Kampf gegen überflüssige Pfunde! Weg mit den Diäten, die keine dauerhafte Veränderungen bringen! Wer eine Zeitlang auf einzelne Nahrungsmittel verzichtet, nimmt kurzfristig ab, produziert auf Dauer jedoch Mangel - und Hunger. Michael Greger geht es ganzheitlich an: Er schlüsselt das Thema Ernährung bis ins kleinste Detail auf. Und zieht, wie in seinem Bestseller HOW NOT TO DIE, seine Erkenntnisse aus evidenzbasierten Fakten. Vo...

CHF 37.50

How Not to Diet Cookbook

Greger, Michael
How Not to Diet Cookbook
Dr. Michael Greger founded the viral website with the aim to educate the public about what healthy eating looks like and connect them with a community through food-related podcasts, videos, and blogs. Since then, has grown and so has Dr. Greger's platform. How Not to Die and the How Not to Die Cookbook were instant hits, and now he's back with a new book about mindful dieting--how to eat well, lose, and ke...

CHF 36.50

The Art of Weight Loss Motivation

Greger, Mark / Sisson, Michael M.
The Art of Weight Loss Motivation
Did You Know that 95% of People Who Diet Gain their Weight BACK Again?The answer for this problem is obvious. Following a diet requires great mental strength to overcome all the challenges you'll face along your path. The book 'The Art of Weight Loss Motivation' offers great tools to develop the right mindset to follow a diet and achieve success. Here are a few important things you will discover from this book: How to prepare yourself to depri...

CHF 27.90

The Science of Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Greger, Mark / Sisson, Michael M.
The Science of Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Living a Healthier Life Doesn't Have to be a Challenge. And This Book Will Prove It!With so many diets out there it's so hard to find the one that works for us! False promises, crazy workout routines, undrinkable milkshakes, you name it. There's a diet in every corner! If you really want to lose weight, how can you choose the right diet? The book 'The Science of Anti-Inflammatory Diet' is here to help you by teaching the amazing effects of the...

CHF 27.90

The Science of Vegetarian Diet

Greger, Mark / Sisson, Michael M.
The Science of Vegetarian Diet
Can You Imagine How the Vegetarian Diet can Change Your Life?There are more and more vegetarians by each day. What started to be just a trend, is now getting solid recognition for being one of most healthy lifestyle. But how exactly can vegetarianism change your life? With the book 'The Science of Vegetarian Diet' you will learn the actual secrets of a diet that builds a healthy life while respecting the world we live in. The world demand for ...

CHF 27.90

The Science of Paleo Diet

Greger, Mark / Sisson, Michael M.
The Science of Paleo Diet
The Roots of a Balanced Diet that Actually Works!You don't need to hear more about miracle diets… you probably even tried them all. A good diet isn't decided by how trendy it is, but if it efficiently makes you lose weight in a fast pace, while keeping a healthy body with peak energy levels. If you feel like you're never going to find the right diet for you, think again. The secret lies in the Paleolithic Era, as the Paleo Diet suggests.The bo...

CHF 27.90

The Science of Intermittent Fasting

Greger, Mark / Sisson, Michael M.
The Science of Intermittent Fasting
Does Dieting Push You to Your Limit? Wouldn't It Be Great To Diet Without the Suffering?How draining can a diet be? Think about it: the constant cravings, the stressed mind, and the low energy body. If you want to lose fat the right way, you need to melt down those stubborn fats and not just losing water weight which looks good on the weighing scale but not on the mirror. The answer to it? The book 'The Science of Intermittent Fasting' offers ...

CHF 27.90

How Not To Diet

Greger, Michael
How Not To Diet
The author of the major bestseller How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific research behind how a plant-based diet can maximize our fat-burning systems for long-term weight loss success.

CHF 29.90