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215 Ergebnisse - Zeige 181 von 200.

Il re del mondo

Guénon, René / Reghini, A.
Il re del mondo
Prendendo spunto da "Bestie, uomini e dèi" di Ossendowski, Guénon illustra dottrine e miti, di cui si trovano tracce dal Tibet (con la nozione dell'Agarttha) alla tradizione ebraica (Melchisedec e la città di Salem), dagli antichi testi sanscriti, al simbolismo del Graal. Con pochi e sobri gesti Guénon riesce a mettere in contatto tali e così diverse cose che ci troviamo dinanzi a una sterminata prospettiva, che attraversa tutta la storia fino...

CHF 19.50

Oriente e Occidente

Guénon, René / Nutrizio, P.
Oriente e Occidente
L'idea di una differenza insormontabile tra Oriente e Occidente, come è opinione della maggior parte degli Europei, è fondata? Ed è possibile un riavvicinamento intellettuale che non cada nelle false assimilazioni tentate dagli Occidentali? Sono gli interrogativi ai quali Guénon cerca di dare risposta in questo libro, mostrando come lo studio delle dottrine orientali permetta di scorgere gli errori e le illusioni che hanno prodotto il fallimen...

CHF 27.90

La crisi del mondo moderno

Guénon, René / Evola, J.
La crisi del mondo moderno
René Guénon, il principale esponente del Tradizionalismo Integrale, colloca la "crisi del mondo moderno" in una vasta prospettiva storica, in relazione a quell'"età oscura" - fase terminale di un ciclo e conclusione di una lunga concatenazione di cause e di effetti - preconizzata fin da tempi lontani. I principali aspetti per i quali lo sviluppo del mondo moderno ha portato a una crisi inevitabile e profonda vengono magistralmente analizzati a...

CHF 28.90

The King of the World

Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
The King of the World
Examination of legends of the subterranean kingdom of Agarttha and The King of the World in the light of traditional metaphysics. Incidental subjects include Luz: The above of immortality, The Holy Grail, Melkizedek, The Omphalos and Sacred Stones, and general considerations on the sites of spiritual centers

CHF 25.90

Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power

Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power
Deals with the normal relationship between the spiritual and the temporal powers implied in a healthy traditional civilization, that is, the supremacy of knowledge over action, of the sacerdotal over the royal caste. Touching first on India and the medieval West, Guenon then illustrates his point by citing quarrels over investiture and disputes of certain French kingswith the papacy as evidence of a deviation in Christianity.

CHF 25.90

Initiation and Spiritual Realization

Guenon, Rene
Initiation and Spiritual Realization
The present volume is a companion volume to Guenon Perspectives on Initiation, in which Guenon carefully defined the nature of initiation and of the organizations qualified to transmit it. In Initiation and Spiritual Realization he adds many details on related subjects, including various inner and outer obstacles the aspirant may face, the need for attachment to a traditional exoterism, the role of the spiritual master, and a closer examinatio...

CHF 29.50

East and West

Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
East and West
This book investigates differences between East and West in connection with the preservation of traditional principles, with a special view to envisioning how such differences affect the possibilities for the restitution of such principles in each domain. Special attention is given to various aberrant 'spiritualities' in the West, and how they might be overcome by reference to teachinigs still extant in the East, and a rejuvenation of what rem...

CHF 28.90


Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
René Guénon (1886-1951) is undoubtedly one of the luminaries of the twentieth century, whose critique of the modern world has stood fast against the shifting sands of recent philosophies. His oeuvre of 26 volumes is providential for the modern seeker: pointing ceaselessly to the perennial wisdom found in past cultures ranging from the Shamanistic to the Indian and Chinese, the Hellenic and Judaic, the Christian and Islamic, and including also ...

CHF 29.50

Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles

Guenon, Rene / Fohr, Henry / Wetmore, James Richard
Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles
René Guénon (1886-1951) is undoubtedly one of the luminaries of the twentieth century, whose critique of the modern world has stood fast against the shifting sands of recent philosophies. His oeuvre of 26 volumes is providential for the modern seeker: pointing ceaselessly to the perennial wisdom found in past cultures ranging from the Shamanistic to the Indian and Chinese, the Hellenic and Judaic, the Christian and Islamic, and including also ...

CHF 26.50

The Spiritist Fallacy

Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
The Spiritist Fallacy
René Guénon (1886-1951) is undoubtedly one of the luminaries of the twentieth century, whose critique of the modern world has stood fast against the shifting sands of recent philosophies. His oeuvre of 26 volumes is providential for the modern seeker: pointing ceaselessly to the perennial wisdom found in past cultures ranging from the Shamanistic to the Indian and Chinese, the Hellenic and Judaic, the Christian and Islamic, and including also ...

CHF 35.50


Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
Many readers of Guénon's later doctrinal works have longed to hear the tale of his earlier entanglement, and disentanglement, from the luxuriant undergrowth of so-called esoteric societies in late nineteenth-century Paris and elsewhere. The present work documents in excoriating detail Guénon's findings on what did, and did not, lie behind the Theosophical Society founded by Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott in 1875. Much further information ...

CHF 35.50


Guenon, Rene / Wetmore, James Richard
To spare readers extended research into obscure back issues of French journals long out of print, Miscellanea gathers together for Anglophone readers various articles by Ren¿u¿n, and by 'Palingenius', his pseudonym during the time of La Gnose, a journal he founded in 1909. These articles have been divided into three categories: Metaphysics and Cosmology, Traditional Arts and Sciences, and Some Modern Errors. From the first chapter of part one,...

CHF 44.90