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Zur Kasse

5 Ergebnisse.

Weil ich so bin! Coming-out-Geschichten von LGBTI verschi...

Hölscher, Stefan / Büngen, Alfred / Korthals, Jens / Schäfer, Fabian
Weil ich so bin! Coming-out-Geschichten von LGBTI verschiedener Generationen
Die Entwicklung von Menschen, die lesbisch, schwul, bisexuell, transgender oder intersexuell sind, bringt zumeist ganz andere innere und äußere Herausforderungen, Span­nungen und Hürden mit sich als die Entwicklung von Hete­rosexuellen. Der Weg, zur eigenen Sexualität und damit zu sich selbst innerlich und vor anderen klar "Ja" sagen zu kön­nen, ist oft lang, mühsam und schmerzvoll. Die insgesamt 47 Erzählungen in diesem Buch verdeutlichen die...

CHF 17.90

Globalization of Capital Markets and Monetary Policy

Hölscher, Jens / Tomann, Horst
Globalization of Capital Markets and Monetary Policy
Globalization of capital markets has received new momentum and it will continue to be of major importance for the years to come. Partly, the increasing integration of financial markets and the rise of foreign direct investment is a consequence of world trade expansion. But in addition to this underlying trend, the worldwide collapse of socialist systems and the opening up of big economies like India and China have fuelled the development of gl...

CHF 134.00

Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Ec...

Hölscher, Jens / Tomann, Horst
Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics
The period of transition from socialism to capitalism in parts of Europe and Asia over the past 25 years has attracted considerable interest in academia and beyond. From the Editors of Palgrave's iconic series 'Studies in Economic Transition' comes the Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. This dictionary addresses the needs of students, lecturers and the interested general public to quickly find definitions and ex...

CHF 142.00

Financial Turbulence and Capital Markets in Transition Co...

Hölscher, Jens
Financial Turbulence and Capital Markets in Transition Countries
Global financial turbulence severely affected countries in transition from planned towards market economies. Policy responses of Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary are reviewed and compared in this book. Each country analysis is critically discussed. Contributors to this volume include Claudia Buch, Stephen F, Frowen, Jens Hölscher, Alexander Karmann, Jens Linne, Roman Matousek, Zbigniew Polanski, Bruno Schönfelder, Vladislav Semen...

CHF 142.00

Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace

Hölscher, Jens
Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace
Published just months after the Versailles Treaty was signed, The Economic Consequences of the Peace is a devastating critique of allied leaders and the reparations imposed on Germany and Austria in the aftermath of WWI. These essays assess the importance of Keynes¿s book, both historically and in its relevance for the challenges we face today.

CHF 228.00