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27 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Howl

Haag, Melissa
The Howl
Most parents want their kids to grow up to be something respectable like a doctor or a lawyer. My mom wants me to become a man-eating ho. I, Eliana Barchim, vow to never follow in my mother's footsteps. Eliana's determination to never be the succubus her mother wants her to be starts faltering when her mother unexpectedly interferes. It doesn't help that a local shifter with a cute dimple is trying to help cheer Eliana up when her best and onl...

CHF 19.50

Furie Suprême

Haag, Melissa
Furie Suprême
Alors qu'elle s'apprêtait à quitter Uttira après sa remise de diplôme, Megan découvre le Livre des Furies. Les réponses dont elle avait besoin sur son identité, le but de son existence et la nature de ses pouvoirs étaient là depuis le début, assorties d'une révélation fracassante. À présent, il ne s'agit plus uniquement de trouver la mère de Megan. Elle doit également retrouver les deux générations précédentes, car le livre est clair sur un po...

CHF 19.90

Divine fureur

Haag, Melissa
Divine fureur
La vie à Uttira n'est pas facile pour Megan. Elle a beau enfin savoir ce qu'elle est, cela ne l'aide pas à maîtriser ses accès d'humeur, un trait de caractère bien malheureux qui risque fort de l'empêcher de poursuivre ses études. Ses crises de colère ne la dérangent pas autant que les curieux effets secondaires qui les accompagnent. Quand tout commence à prendre feu autour d'elle, elle sait qu'elle doit apprendre à contrôler ses capacités. Ma...

CHF 21.50

Instinct furieux

Haag, Melissa / Régnier, Mylène
Instinct furieux
J'ignore ce que je suis, mais je sais que je ne suis pas humaine.Les sautes d'humeur de Megan la conduisent à l'académie Girderon, une école exclusive fondée dans une ville peuplée de créatures surnaturelles marginales. C'est le seul endroit où elle devrait se sentir à sa place, mais elle n'y parvient pas. Pire encore, elle meurt d'envie de coller son poing dans la figure du shérif prétentieux, de tirer les cheveux d'un groupe de blondes trop ...

CHF 20.90

Fury Freed

Haag, Melissa / Eldridge, Ulva
Fury Freed
While preparing to leave Uttira after graduation, Megan finds the Book of Fury. The answers she's needed about who she is, her purpose, and her powers have been there the whole time, along with a shocking revelation. Now, it's not just a matter of finding Megan's mother. Megan must find the two preceding generations as well, because the book is clear on one thing: there can only be three furies.

CHF 18.50

Fury Focused

Haag, Melissa / Eldridge, Ulva
Fury Focused
Life in Uttira isn't easy for Megan. Knowing what she is hasn't helped her control her temper, an unfortunate personality trait that might just keep her from graduating. Her mood swings don't bother her as much as the weird side effects that come with them. When things start to go up in flames around her, she knows she needs help controlling her abilities. But, the only person with the answers abandoned Megan in Uttira months ago. Megan knows ...

CHF 18.50

Fury Frayed

Haag, Melissa / Eldridge, Ulva
Fury Frayed
I have no idea what I am, but I know I'm not human.Megan's temper lands her in Girderon Academy, an exclusive school founded in a town of misfit supernatural creatures. It's the one place she should be able to fit in, but she can't. Instead, she itches to punch the smug sheriff in his face, pull the hair from a pack of territorial blondes, and kiss the smile off the shy boy's face. Unfortunately, she can't do any of that, either, because human...

CHF 19.50


Haag, Melissa
The final Judgement is here... My sisters hate their gifts, but they don't know how lucky they are. They have a home and family. I have nothing. But, I am Courage, and I know my purpose. I exist for one reason only: to complete the Judgement. Olivia is blind, yet sees. And what she sees, she keeps to herself. Her father conspires for control while Olivia does her own plotting with forces that only she understands. Now, time is running out, and...

CHF 19.50


Haag, Melissa
I left home because I didn't want to end up in a cage like a lab rat. Hitching rides, begging for cash, and sleeping on the ground got old fast. That was the only reason I braved an overgrown path to a group of buildings. I'd hoped to find a bed and a decent night's sleep. However, what I found was a place overrun by werewolves. While on the run, Charlene finds herself surrounded by werewolves, creatures she can't control with her mind like sh...

CHF 19.50


Haag, Melissa
The dreams start, and Bethi's very normal life goes down the toilet. She soon realizes the dreams are actually memories from past lives…and not just hers. She sees the lives of other women like her. The recalled memories follow the same terrifying pattern: Dog-men chase her, and she sees her eventual tormented death. Learning from the past, Bethi sets out to find a way to live this time around. The dreams hint at an answer. She needs to be str...

CHF 17.90


Haag, Melissa
They kept me prisoner for four years, using me for my predictions. They thought they had me subdued, meekly following orders, but they were wrong. I was waiting for a chance to run. I had to be careful, though. They had my brothers, and the leader wasn't exactly human. The sudden death of her stepfather gives Michelle the only chance she may ever have to escape, and she takes it. She needs a place to hide and someone to listen to her predictio...

CHF 20.90