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Zur Kasse

7 Ergebnisse.

Prävention orientiert! ... planen ... schulen ... austaus...

Heinzelmann, Claudia / Marks, Erich
Prävention orientiert! ... planen ... schulen ... austauschen
Der 26. Deutsche Präventionstag fand am 10. und 11. Mai 2021 unter der Schirm-herrschaft des Ministerpräsidenten des gastgebenden Bundeslandes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Armin Laschet, als digitaler Kongress online sowie live aus Köln statt. Das Schwerpunktthema des Kongresses lautete ¿Prävention orientiert! ... planen ... schulen ... austauschen ...¿. Dieser Dokumentationsband enthält 15 zentrale Praxisbeispiele und Forschungs-berichte von insgesa...

CHF 47.90

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 12

Heinzelmann, Claudia / Marks (eds., Erich
International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 12
The German Prevention Congress [Deutscher Präventionstag ¿ DPT] (former German Congress on Crime Prevention ¿ GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the German Prevention Congress has been open to an international audience with a growing number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international guests their own discussi...

CHF 35.50

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 11

Heinzelmann, Claudia / Marks, Erich
International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 11
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has been open to an international audience with a growing number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum (AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007. F...

CHF 32.90

Prävention & Demokratieförderung

Heinzelmann, Claudia / Marks, Erich
Prävention & Demokratieförderung
Der 24. Deutsche Präventionstag fand am 20. und 21. Mai 2019 in Berlin statt. Das Schwerpunktthema lautete "Prävention & Demokratieförderung" und richtete damit den Fokus auf einen ebenso grundlegenden wie umfassenden Themenkomplex. Der hier vorliegende Band beginnt mit der Berliner Erklärung, die getragen wird vom Deutschen Präventionstag und seinen Veranstaltungspartnern. Im Anschluss daran finden Sie die fu¿nf gutachterlichen Stellungnahmen...

CHF 34.50

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 10

Heinzelmann, Claudia / Marks, Erich
International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 10
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has been open to an international audience with a growing number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international guests their own dis-cussion forum, the Annual International Forum (AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007. ...

CHF 22.50

International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 9

Heinzelmann, Claudia / Marks, Erich
International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 9
The German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) is an annual event that takes place since 1995 in different German cities and targets all areas of crime prevention. Since its foundation the GCOCP has been open to an international audience with a growing number of non-German speaking participants joining. To give the international guests their own discussion forum, the Annual International Forum (AIF) within the GCOCP was established in 2007. F...

CHF 26.50