Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

Translated Memories

Hofmann, Bettina / Reuter, Ursula
Translated Memories
This book engages with cultural memory in literature and other media of the second and third generations of Holocaust survivors who are confronted with language loss, language acquisition and multiple issues of translation of inherited and received cultural memory.

CHF 59.50

Performing Ethnicity, Performing Gender

Hofmann, Bettina / Mueller, Monika
Performing Ethnicity, Performing Gender
This collection reflects the ubiquity, diversity, and (historical) locatedness of ethnicity and gender by presenting contributions by an array of international scholars who focus on the representation of these crucial categories of identity across various media, including literature, film, documentary, and (music) video performance.

CHF 72.00

Translated Memories

Hofmann, Bettina
Translated Memories
This volume engages with memory of the Holocaust as expressed in literature, film, and other media. It focuses on the cultural memory of the second and third generations of Holocaust survivors, while also taking into view those who were children during the Nazi period. Language loss, language acquisition, and the multiple needs of translation are recurrent themes for all of the authors discussed. By bringing together authors and scholars (ofte...

CHF 187.00

Spedition und Logistik, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Band 3

Hofmann, Albrecht / Reschel-Reithmeier, Bettina
Spedition und Logistik, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Band 3
Lehr- und Übungsbuch entsprechend dem bundeseinheitlichen Rahmenlehrplan für den Ausbildungsberuf Kaufmann/Kauffrau für Speditions- und Logistikdienstleistung. Deckt die Inhalte der Lernfelder 6, 10 und 11 ab. Themen sind u. a. Außenhandelsverträge gestalten - Exportaufträge bearbeiten - Frachtverträge in der Seeschifffahrt bearbeiten- Frachtverträge in der Binnenschifffahrt bearbeiten - Importaufträge bearbeiten. Auch die aktuelle Auflage bie...

CHF 38.90

Service-Orientierung im Mittelstand

Hofmann, Bettina / Posselt, Tim / Fuhrmann, Oliver / Roth, Angela
Service-Orientierung im Mittelstand
Unternehmen müssen in einer dienstleistungsorientierten und global vernetzten Welt willens und in der Lage sein, die sich bietenden Chancen schnell und entschlossen zu nutzen. Grundlage hierfür ist es, dass Unternehmen ihre Organisationsstrukturen und internen Prozesse an den Kundenbedürfnissen im Dienstleistungsgeschäft ausrichten. Diese Service-Orientierung wird anhand der Themen Customer Relationship Management, Human Resource Management un...

CHF 217.00

Performing Ethnicity, Performing Gender

Hofmann, Bettina / Mueller, Monika
Performing Ethnicity, Performing Gender
This collection reflects the ubiquity, diversity, and (historical) locatedness of ethnicity and gender by presenting contributions by an array of international scholars who focus on the representation of these crucial categories of identity across various media, including literature, film, documentary, and (music) video performance.

CHF 190.00

Ahead of Survival

Hofmann, Bettina
Ahead of Survival
While critics on the literature of the Vietnam War have almost exclusively focused on male authors, the contribution of American women writers has been largely ignored. In her study of novels by American women writers on the Vietnam War, the author pursues the notion of correlation between gender and genre for the ongoing discussion on the meaning of the war. The study extends from close readings of classical male texts on the war (Herr, O'Bri...

CHF 97.00