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43 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Fortune Favours the Brave

Horn, Bernd
Fortune Favours the Brave
Fortune Favours the Brave" brings Canada's proud military history to life in a collection of essays that showcases the fighting spirit and courage of Canada's armed forces.

CHF 46.90

Magische Momente über dem Ötztal

Horn, Franziska / Ritschel, Bernd
Magische Momente über dem Ötztal
Bergerlebnis Ötztal: ein "Best-of" aus allem, was die Alpen zu bieten habenDas Ötztal ist ein Kosmos der Kontraste. Zwischen Inntal und Alpenhauptkamm gelegen, erstreckt sich das 65 Kilometer lange Tal über fünf Talstufen und diverse Klimazonen - flankiert von 250 Dreitausendern. Doch all diese Zahlen können eines nicht: die unzähligen Facetten dieses Lebensraums wiedergeben. Mit seiner fast unerschöpflichen Vielfalt bietet das Ötztal eine Qui...

CHF 20.90

A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War

Horn, Bernd
A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War
Created by Winston Churchill to sabotage and subvert the enemy in WWII, the Special Operations Executive (SOE) was an innovative and at times infamous group, a band fanatically devoted to the Allied cause and willing to do whatever it took to advance it and hamper the Axis - even operating within North America.

CHF 28.50

No Ordinary Men

Horn, Bernd
No Ordinary Men
No Ordinary Men peels back the cloak of secrecy and reveals four untold special operations that Joint Task Force 2, an elite counterterrorist unit, conducted in 2005-06 in which their courage, tenacity, and impressive capabilities meant the difference between life and death.

CHF 34.90

Intrepid Warriors

Horn, Bernd
Intrepid Warriors
Intrepid Warriors takes a look at a number of Canada's finest military commanders and leaders, offering insights into different leadership approaches, and reinforcing the importance of strong military leaders in times of uncertainty and chaos.

CHF 52.50

Casting Light on the Shadows

Horn, Bernd / Balasevicius, Tony
Casting Light on the Shadows
Since 9/11 Canadian Special Operations Forces, formerly in the shadows, have become the force of choice. This book provides a solid foundation for SOF theory, historical background, and evolution, and highlights ongoing developments in SOF.

CHF 52.50

Les guerriers intrépides

Horn, Bernd
Les guerriers intrépides
Le commandement et le leadership sont des caracteristiques tres personnelles. La facon dont un militaire commande et fait preuve de leadership revele son caractere et sa personnalite plutot que de jeter la lumiere sur les concepts de commandement et d

CHF 52.50

Mein Weg zur Freiheit

Horn, Bernd
Mein Weg zur Freiheit
In diesem Buch erzählt der Autor von seiner Jugend in der DDR, seiner Flucht in den Westen, seiner Studienzeit in München und dem ersten Praktikum in den USA. Sehr lebendig beschreibt er die Zeit seiner klinischen Ausbildung und der darauf folgenden Praxiszeit in München mit Fall-Beispielen. Er lernte und lehrte Tiefenpsychotherapie nach Freud. Heute praktiziert er in eigener Praxis.

CHF 25.90

Shadow Warriors / Les Guerriers de l'Ombre

Horn, Colonel Bernd
Shadow Warriors / Les Guerriers de l'Ombre
Few Canadians are aware of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM), even ten years after it was formed. This book offers a rare glimpse into the shadows, with detailed information on CANSOFCOM, its units, and a pictorial history of the Command's evolution.

CHF 35.50

Show No Fear

Horn, Bernd
Show No Fear
Show No Fear is a collection of essays that captures the richness of Canadian military history. Although Canadians see their nation as a peaceable kingdom and themselves as an unmilitary people, the truth is that Canada has a proud military heritage. Moreover, the nation's citizens and their descendants share a legacy of courage, tenacity, and warfighting prowess. This volume of daring actions showcases the country's rich and distinct national...

CHF 46.90

Establishing a Legacy

Horn, Bernd
Establishing a Legacy
Canada's oldest permanent force infantry regiment has left a legacy of professionalism and courage, paid for in the blood, bravery, and tenacity of its members.

CHF 52.50

Le Précis de Leadership Militaire

Horn, Bernd / Walker, Robert W
Le Précis de Leadership Militaire
Exprime avec toute simplicite, le leadership consiste a influencer les gens afin d'tteindre un quelconque objectif qui a de l'importance pour le chef, le groupe et l'organisation. C'est l'element humain qui permet aux chefs de diriger, de motiver et d'inspirer les troupes, surtout en temps de crise, lorsque la situatioin est chaotique et complexe et que les directives, les declarations officielles et les communiques ne produisent guere d'effet...

CHF 78.00

The Military Leadership Handbook

Horn, Bernd / Walker, Robert W
The Military Leadership Handbook
In the simplest of terms, leadership is about influencing people to achieve an objective that is important to the leader, the group, and the organization. It is the human element -- leading, motivating, and inspiring, particularly during times of crisis, chaos, and complexity when directives, policy statements, and communiques have little effect on cold, exhausted, and stressed followers. Strong leadership encourages subordinates to go beyond ...

CHF 78.00

Chefs Guerriers

Horn, Bernd / Harris, Stephen
Chefs Guerriers
Ce sont les hommes qui ont dirige notre nation en temps de guerre et en temps de paix. Au cours des deux grandes guerres, ces hommes ont fait preuve d'une force a toute epreuve, qui a guide nos troupes vers la victoire. Dans le cadre d'operations de maintien de la paix, ils ont contribue a etablir et a maintenir l'ordre. Au cours des ans, ils ont permis aux Forces canadiennes de devenir l'une des forces militaires les plus respectees au monde....

CHF 36.50

No Lack of Courage

Horn, Bernd
No Lack of Courage
No Lack of Courage is the story of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Operation Medusa, the largely Canadian action in Afghanistan from 1 to 17 September 2006, to dislodge a heavily entrenched Taliban force in the Pashmul district of Afghanistans Kandahar Province.

CHF 40.90