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155 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.


Iggulden, Conn
Witness the rise of the Tudor dynasty-in this concluding volume to Conn Iggulden's vigorous and commanding retelling of the Wars of the Roses.England, 1470. A divided kingdom cannot stand. King Edward of York has been driven out of England. Queen Elizabeth and her children tremble in sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. The House of Lancaster has won the crown, but York will not go quietly. Desperate to reclaim his throne, Edward lands at Ravenspur...

CHF 36.90

Bloodline. La guerra delle Rose

Iggulden, Conn / Cantoni, E.
Bloodline. La guerra delle Rose
Riccardo duca di York è stato ucciso: le sue ambizioni di regnante si sono dissolte come nuvole dopo un temporale, e la sua testa decapitata, con una corona di carta e paglia, è stata posta sulle porte delle mura di York, macabro memento per tutti quelli che pensano di opporsi ai Lancaster. Nel frattempo, mentre il re Enrico VI è ancora prigioniero, la regina dei Lancaster Margherita d'Angiò è in marcia verso sud, con il suo seguito di guerrie...

CHF 35.50

La battaglia di Ravenspur. La guerra delle Rose

Iggulden, Conn / Merla, P.
La battaglia di Ravenspur. La guerra delle Rose
1470. Un futuro incerto e nebuloso attende Edoardo IV: la casata di York è ormai sconfitta, il re è esiliato nelle Fiandre e la sua famiglia è costretta a riparare presso i Lancaster. Ma rabbia e orgoglio non danno tregua a Edoardo, e lo spingono a lottare per ciò che considera ancora suo. È così che, accompagnato dal fratello Richard, salpa verso Ravenspur, il luogo dove si compirà l'ultimo pezzo del suo destino. Il suo esercito, sfiancato e ...

CHF 35.90

Il pericoloso libro delle cose da veri uomini

Iggulden, Conn / Iggulden, Hal / Baccalario, P. / Horne, R. / Salvagno, L. / Percivale, T.
Il pericoloso libro delle cose da veri uomini
Siete campioni di videogame ma vi piacerebbe saper costruire una capanna sull'albero? Vi fanno studiare materie noiosissime, ma non vi rivelano i retroscena delle grandi battaglie o i segreti dei più crudeli cattivi della storia? Il rimedio c'è. Catapulte, go-kart, fionde, archi e frecce. Ma anche la storia dei pirati, le meraviglie del mondo, le cinquanta citazioni latine da conoscere. E ancora: calcio, rugby, boxe, le tecniche della navigazi...

CHF 34.50

Genghis: Birth of an Empire [With Earbuds]

Iggulden, Conn / Rudnicki, Stefan
Genghis: Birth of an Empire [With Earbuds]
He was born Temujin, the son of a khan, raised in a clan of hunters migrating across the rugged steppe. Temujins young life was shaped by a series of brutal acts: the betrayal of his father by a neighboring tribe and the abandonment of his entire family, cruelly left to die on the harsh plain. But Temujin endured and from that moment on, he was driven by a singular fury: to survive in the face of death, to kill before being killed, and to conq...

CHF 83.20


Iggulden, Conn / Naegele, Christine
Ein Sturm zieht über England herauf: Der Kampf um die Krone beginntEngland 1437: König Henry VI. ist krank und unfähig zu regieren, das Königshaus gerät ins Wanken. Zudem droht ein Konflikt mit Frankreich, der England in eine Katastrophe reißen könnte. Die Vermählung Henrys mit der französischen Adeligen Margaret von Anjou soll die Macht des Reiches sichern. Doch das Bündnis mit den verhassten Franzosen ruft bei der Bevölkerung Empörung hervor...

CHF 14.50

Das Bündnis

Iggulden, Conn / Naegele, Christine
Das Bündnis
Die Rosenkriege gehen weiter ...London 1454: Das englische Reich ist gespalten. Der machthungrige Richard von York regiert als Statthalter, König Henry VI. ist krank und nicht mehr fähig, das Land zu regieren. Seine Gemahlin Margaret von Anjou steht ihm tapfer zur Seite, und die königstreuen Lords schwören ihrem Herrn Beistand. Doch die Schar der Feinde nimmt weiter zu. Richard von York geht mit den Earls von Salisbury und Warwick ein Bündnis ...

CHF 14.50


Iggulden, Conn
The second instalment in Conn Iggulden's thrilling Wars of the Roses trilogy.1454: King Henry VI has remained all but exiled in Windsor Castle, struck down by illness for over a year.

CHF 19.90


Iggulden, Conn
1st in a new historical series from bestselling author, Conn Iggulden, set during the Wars of the Roses. Fragile Henry VI accedes the English throne, but is deemed a weakling king. As storm clouds gather over England, who or what can save the kingdom before it's too late? 'Iggulden... tells an absolutely cracking story'.

CHF 19.90

Conquistador : la historia épica de Kublai Khan, nieto de...

Iggulden, Conn / Martín Lorenzo, Teresa
Conquistador : la historia épica de Kublai Khan, nieto de Gengis
Conquistador narra la historia de Kublai Khan, nieto de Gengis, desde que era un sabio erudito hasta que se convirtió en uno de los guerreros más poderosos de la historia. Un hombre extraordinario que merece ser recordado junto a Julio César, Alejandro Magno y Napoleón como uno de los mayores líderes que el mundo haya conocido jamás.Con un imperio que hacía parecer pequeño el territorio conquistado por el poderoso Gengis Khan, aquella debería ...

CHF 47.90

Emperor: The Gods of War: A Roman Empire Novel

Iggulden, Conn
Emperor: The Gods of War: A Roman Empire Novel
The year is 53 B.C. Julius Caesar approaches his final destiny--a destiny that will be decided not by legions but by his friend Brutus and a bewitching Egyptian queen named Cleopatra. . . . "Fresh from victory in Gaul, Julius Caesar leads his battle-hardened legions across the Rubicon.The armies of Rome will face each other at last in civil war, led by the two greatest generals ever to walk the seven hills. From the spectacles of the arena to ...

CHF 24.90

Emperor: The Field of Swords: A Roman Empire Novel

Iggulden, Conn
Emperor: The Field of Swords: A Roman Empire Novel
With an army made in his own image, Caesar brings a daring charge through Gaul, across the English Channel, and to the wilds of tribal Britain. "Having proved his valor in the slaves' revolt, the time has come for Caesar to enter the political battleground of Rome. Strengthened by the love of an older woman--and by the sword of his loyal friend, Marcus Brutus, Caesar battles the armies of the wilderness and forges his legend. All the while his...

CHF 25.90