Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

Die Tuchvilla-Saga

Jacobs, Anne / Thalbach, Anna
Die Tuchvilla-Saga
Das Schicksal einer Familie in einer bewegten Zeit. Eine Liebe, die alles überwindet. Kraftvoll, prächtig und mitreißend: Bei Anne Jacobs wird Geschichte lebendig! Als Marie 1913 eine Anstellung als Küchenmädchen in der Tuchvilla antritt, ahnt sie noch nicht, dass das hochherrschaftliche Anwesen fortan der Mittelpunkt ihres Lebens sein wird. Ihr Liebe zu Paul, dem Erben der Fabrikantenfamilie Melzer, ihre Freundschaft mit Kitty, der jüngste...

CHF 46.90

Wiedersehen in der Tuchvilla

Jacobs, Anne / Thalbach, Anna
Wiedersehen in der Tuchvilla
Dramatische Zeiten in der Tuchvilla: Wird die Liebe zwischen Marie und Paul die wechselhafte Zeit der Trennung überstehen? Augsburg, 1939: Auf die Familie Melzer warten schwere Zeiten. Der Zweite Weltkrieg steht unmittelbar bevor und die Tuchfabrik steht kurz vor dem Aus. Paul muss ein weiteres Mal unbequeme Entscheidungen treffen - und das ohne seine Frau Marie. Denn diese lebt nun bereits seit zehn Jahren in New York, und die Zeit der Abw...

CHF 21.50

Fantasy Island

Jacobs, Jillian / Roach, Christopher / Wadlow, Jeff / Albertson, Sean / Margeson, Matthew / Albertson, Sean / Blum, Jason / Moran, James / Fisichella, Robin Mulcahy / Samuelson, Couper / Toberoff, Marc / Turek, Ryan / Volturno, Jeanette / Wadlow, Jeff / Oliver, Toby / Q, Maggie / Hale, Lucy / Doubleday, Portia / Rooker, Michael / Peña, Michael / McKinney, Charlotte / Coates, Kim / Hansen, Ryan / Fitz-Henley, Parisa
Fantasy Island
In FANTASY ISLAND lässt der mysteriöse Mr. Roarke die geheimsten Wünsche seiner glücklichen Gäste in einem luxuriösen, aber abgelegenen tropischen Resort wahr werden. Doch als sich ihre Fantasien in Alpträume verwandeln, müssen die Gäste das Geheimnis der Insel lüften, um ihr zu entkommen und das eigene Leben zu retten.

CHF 16.50

Jonas Salk

Jacobs, Charlotte Decroes
Jonas Salk
The first full biography of Jonas Salk offers a complete picture of the enigmatic figure, from his early years working on an influenza vaccine¿for which he never fully got credit¿to his seminal creation of the Polio vaccine, up through his later work to find a cure for AIDS.

CHF 28.50

Cancers of the Head and Neck

Jacobs, Charlotte
Cancers of the Head and Neck
Cancers of the head and neck are among the most morbid of cancers. Convention­ al surgery and/or radiation therapy have a high cure rate for patients with early stage disease. However, despite optimal treatment with surgery and radiotherapy, patients with nodal spread or extensive local disease have a low cure rate. Even if a cancer is cured, a patient is often left with long-term debilities from the treatment and/or cancer. The major causes f...

CHF 236.00

Carcinomas of the Head and Neck

Jacobs, Charlotte
Carcinomas of the Head and Neck
It was not too many years ago that the role of chemotherapy for head and neck cancer consisted of single-agent methotrexate for selected patients with recurrent disease. In the past decade, multiple new agents, high-dose chemotherapy, combinations, and intra-arterial approaches have been used for the patient with recurrent disease. Wheeler critically assesses the current status of these approaches. When oncologists began testing chemotherapy i...

CHF 188.00

Jonas Salk: A Life

Jacobs, Charlotte Decroes
Jonas Salk: A Life
The first full biography of Jonas Salk offers a complete picture of the enigmatic figure, from his early years working on an influenza vaccine--for which he never fully got credit--to his seminal creation of the Polio vaccine, up through his later work to find a cure for AIDS.

CHF 46.90

Carcinomas of the Head and Neck

Jacobs, Charlotte
Carcinomas of the Head and Neck
It was not too many years ago that the role of chemotherapy for head and neck cancer consisted of single-agent methotrexate for selected patients with recurrent disease. In the past decade, multiple new agents, high-dose chemotherapy, combinations, and intra-arterial approaches have been used for the patient with recurrent disease. Wheeler critically assesses the current status of these approaches. When oncologists began testing chemotherapy i...

CHF 188.00

Cancers of the Head and Neck

Jacobs, Charlotte
Cancers of the Head and Neck
Cancers of the head and neck are among the most morbid of cancers. Convention­ al surgery and/or radiation therapy have a high cure rate for patients with early stage disease. However, despite optimal treatment with surgery and radiotherapy, patients with nodal spread or extensive local disease have a low cure rate. Even if a cancer is cured, a patient is often left with long-term debilities from the treatment and/or cancer. The major causes f...

CHF 251.00