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10 Ergebnisse.

The Black Books

Jung, C. G. / Shamdasani, Sonu / Shamdasani, Sonu
The Black Books
In 1913, C.G. Jung started a self-experiment that he called his "confrontation with the unconscious": an engagement with his fantasies, which he charted in a series of notebooks referred to as The Black Books. The Red Book drew on material recorded therein to 1916 but Jung continued to write in them for decades. The Black Books shed light on the elaboration of Jung's personal cosmology and his attempts to embody insights from his self-investig...

CHF 330.00

Die Psychologie des Kundalini-Yoga

Jung, C.G. / Shamdasani, Sonu
Die Psychologie des Kundalini-Yoga
1932 führte C. G. Jung zusammen mit dem Indologen J. W. Hauer ein Seminar zum Kundalini-Yoga durch. Es gilt als ein Meilenstein in der psychologischen Annäherung an östliche Spiritualität. Jungs Anliegen war es, den Kundalini-Yoga und sein Chakren-System als Modell für ewusstseinsentwicklung zu interpretierten. Die spirituelle Energie der Kundalini verstand er als Triebfeder der Individuation, des lebenslangen psychischen Wachstums- und Reifun...

CHF 37.90

Das Rote Buch

Jung, C. G. / Shamdasani, Sonu / Hermes, Christian
Das Rote Buch
Als geheimnisvolles »Rotes Buch« ging es in die Literatur über C. G. Jung ein. Niemand bekam es zu Gesicht, da sein Urheber selbst verfügt hatte, es nicht zu veröffentlichen. Diesem Wunsch wurde entsprochen. Doch fast fünfzig Jahre nach dem Tod Jungs ist die Zeit gekommen, um dieses eindrucksvolle Werk der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Über viele Jahre hielt der große Schweizer Tiefenpsychologe C. G. Jung (1875-1961) seine Träume, Visio...

CHF 265.00

The Red Book

Jung, C. G. / Shamdasani, Sonu / Peck, John
The Red Book
The Red Book, published to wide acclaim in 2009, contains the nucleus of C. G. Jung's later works. It was here that he developed his principal theories of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation that would transform psychotherapy from treatment of the sick into a means for the higher development of the personality. As Sara Corbett wrote in the New York Times, "The creation of one of modern history's true vi...

CHF 59.50

Jung contra Freud

Jung, C. G. / Hull, R. F.C. / Shamdasani, Sonu
Jung contra Freud
In the autumn of 1912, C. G. Jung, then president of the International Psychoanalytic Association, set out his critique and reformulation of the theory of psychoanalysis in a series of lectures in New York, ideas that were to prove unacceptable to Freud, thus creating a schism in the Freudian school. Jung challenged Freud's understandings of sexuality, the origins of neuroses, dream interpretation, and the unconscious, and Jung also became the...

CHF 19.50

The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga

Jung, C. G. / Shamdasani, Sonu / Shamdasani, Sonu
The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga
Jung's seminar on Kundalini yoga, presented to the Psychological Club in Zurich in 1932, has been widely regarded as a milestone in the psychological understanding of Eastern thought and of the symbolic transformations of inner experience. Kundalini yoga presented Jung with a model for the developmental phases of higher consciousness, and he interpreted its symbols in terms of the process of individuation. Sonu Shamdasani has brought together ...

CHF 36.50