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Zur Kasse

8 Ergebnisse.


Kuhn, Jonathan
This is a story about a natural athlete whose father was world renown in this regard. It is the sequel to "Nature's Gift" and takes place in Israel and Italy in his early years and then mostly in the US. The tale quickly moves through Jacob's time in the Army, to his travels in Asia and finally to his days as a student at a prestigious American university. Almost by instinct he is attracted to American football where he soon becomes a star bot...

CHF 30.90


Kuhn, Jonathan
In the near future the world has become dystopic. Autocracies reign and democracies are scarce. With the aid of modern technology and especially artificial intelligence, the possibility for the repressed peoples to reestablish their freedom and basic rights is essentially nil and humanity cannot escape the cul-de-sac in which it finds itself. An American scientist decides that somehow the population of the world must be drastically reduced in ...

CHF 30.90


Kuhn, Jonathan
In the near future the world has become dystopic. Autocracies reign and democracies are scarce. With the aid of modern technology and especially artificial intelligence, the possibility for the repressed peoples to reestablish their freedom and basic rights is essentially nil and humanity cannot escape the cul-de-sac in which it finds itself. An American scientist decides that somehow the population of the world must be drastically reduced in ...

CHF 49.50


Kuhn, Jonathan
This is a story about a natural athlete whose father was world renown in this regard. It is the sequel to "Nature's Gift" and takes place in Israel and Italy in his early years and then mostly in the US. The tale quickly moves through Jacob's time in the Army, to his travels in Asia and finally to his days as a student at a prestigious American university. Almost by instinct he is attracted to American football where he soon becomes a star bot...

CHF 49.50

Klanggewalt und Wir-Gefühl

Kühn, Jonathan
Klanggewalt und Wir-Gefühl
Gänsehaut, Gemeinschaft, Geborgenheit, Glück - Versuche, das Erleben im Riesenchorsingen zu artikulieren. Doch lässt sich überhaupt in Worte fassen, was Beteiligte an Körper, Geist und Seele erfahren, wenn sie mit hunderten oder tausenden anderen zusammen singen? Der Autor wollte dieser Frage empirisch auf den Grund gehen und hat zwei Projekte umfassend untersucht: den "MassChoir" auf dem Gospelkirchentag in Kassel und das Musical "Amazing Gra...

CHF 57.90

Those People

Kuhn, Joey / Belluomo, Grainne / Shaw, Sara / Crystal, Adam / Kuhn, Joey / Miller-Costanzo, Melissa B. / Parker, Kimberly / Bremner, Sarah Perlman / Dantoni, Leonardo / Gordon, Jonathan / Ralph, Jason / Sleiman, Haaz / Lower, Britt / Fahy, Meghann / Conroy, Chris / Gerroll, Daniel / Mackie, Allison / Gevedon, Stephen
Those People
Episch, elegant und eklektisch - der reiche New Yorker Goldjunge Sebastian, Sohn eines gefallenen Finanz-Hais, schart eine Clique von privilegierten Freunden um sich, darunter auch den jungen Maler Charlie, aus bescheideneren Verhältnissen, mit dem ihn eine große Liebe verbindet, die über die Jahre stets platonisch blieb. Charlie aber liebt Sebastian aufrichtig und hofft schon lange darauf, dass dieser seine Zuneigung in Form einer Beziehung b...

CHF 23.50