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47 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

I Need Your Love - Is That True?

Katie, Byron / Katz, Michael
I Need Your Love - Is That True?
In Loving What Is, bestselling author Byron Katie introduced thousands of people to her simple and profound method of finding happiness through questioning the mind. Now, I Need Your Love—Is That True? examines a universal, age-old source of anxiety: our relationships with others. In this groundbreaking book, Katie helps you question everything you have been taught to do to gain love and approval. In doing this, you discover how to find genuin...

CHF 20.50

Ärger und Eifersucht

Katie, Byron
Ärger und Eifersucht
Befreiung und Versöhnung Auf dieser DVD ist Byron Katie im intensiven Dialog mit zwei Frauen. Die eine Frau ist ärgerlich über ihre Mitbewohnerin, weil sie zu viel flirtet. Eine andere leidet unter ihrer Eifersucht, weil ihr Freund noch immer Kontakt mit seiner Ex hat und diese ihn anscheinend weiterhin umgarnt. "Bist du absolut sicher, dass das wahr ist?" fragt Katie und führt die Frauen mit ihrer Methode in die Tiefe, so dass sie plötzlich ...

CHF 19.50

Verlust eines geliebten Menschen

Katie, Byron
Verlust eines geliebten Menschen
Auf dieser DVD lehrt Byron Katie auf sehr berührende Weise, welch einfache Wahrheit in schmerzlichen Verlusten verborgen liegt. Am Beispiel von drei Menschen, die um einen Angehörigen trauern, zeigt sie uns, wie The Work funktioniert und wie mit vier einfachen Fragen ein umfassender Perspektivwechsel eingenommen und tiefgehende Heilung möglich werden kann."The Work von Byron Katie ist ein großer Segen für unseren Planeten. Die Ursache, die all...

CHF 28.90

Loving What Is

Katie, Byron / Mitchell, Stephen
Loving What Is
Byron Katie lives in Los Angeles. Stephen Mitchell's widely acclaimed translations of the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita (Rider 2000) are respected the world over. He lives in California.

CHF 27.90

Vier vragen die je leven veranderen

Katie, Byron
Vier vragen die je leven veranderen
In deze cadeaudoos... zitten 52 kaarten. Deze kaarten zijn niet voor iedereen geschikt Ze zijn soms onthutsend... verwarrend... mind-bending... Maar voor degene die bereid is de teksten op deze kaarten te onderzoeken... op zich in te laten werken... te overdenken... Is het openen van deze doos als het openen van de deur naar vrijheid... De kaarten gaan vergezeld van een mooi, compact notitieboekje om je ervaringen, overpeinzingen en perso...

CHF 27.90

The Four Questions

Katie, Byron / Wilhelm, Hans
The Four Questions
Bestselling author Byron Katie and accomplished, award-winning illustrator Hans Wilhelm team up for a modern retelling of the classic folk tale The Sky Is Falling-reimagined through the lens of Byron Katie's world-famous philosophy for living known as "The Work." Written for adults and children alike, in the form of a full-color, illustrated book, the wisdom contained in this beautiful work can have a profound effect on readers young and old.

CHF 19.50

Ho bisogno del tuo amore - è vero? Come smettere di cerca...

Katie, Byron / Katz, Michael / Andreella, F.
Ho bisogno del tuo amore - è vero? Come smettere di cercare amore, approvazione e apprezzamento e cominciare invece a trovarli
Byron Katie ha introdotto migliaia di persone al suo metodo per trovare la felicità interrogando la mente. "Ho bisogno del tuo amore - è vero?" esamina una fonte d'ansia molto diffusa: le relazioni con gli altri. Il suo insegnamento aiuta a mettere in discussione tutto quello che ti è stato detto di fare per ottenere l'amore e l'approvazione degli altri. Scoprirai così come trovare vero amore, creare rapporti personali sinceri e illuminare tut...

CHF 29.50

Mille nomi per la gioia. Vivere in armonia con la realtà ...

Katie, Byron / Mitchell, Stephen / Fiorentini, G.
Mille nomi per la gioia. Vivere in armonia con la realtà delle cose
Byron Katie ci incoraggia a scoprire la libertà che si consegue dopo aver indagato sui pensieri stressanti che creano dolore. A questo scopo ha selezionato una serie di brani provocatori, tratti dal Tao Te Ching, attraverso i quali tocca temi essenziali: la vita e la morte, il bene e il male, l'amore, il lavoro, l'appagamento. Ne risulta un testo vivido e illuminante sulla vita di tutti noi. Immersa in una felicità imperturbabile, mantenendo l...

CHF 29.50

Byron Katie's "Katieisms"

Katie, Byron / Wilhelm, Hans
Byron Katie's "Katieisms"
Byron Katie has one job: to show people how to stop suffering. When Katie appears, lives change. These 64 beautiful cards will feature original art from celebrated and award-winning artist Hans Wilhelm, coupled with powerful insights from Byron Katie.

CHF 22.50

A Friendly Universe: Sayings to Inspire and Challenge You

Katie, Byron
A Friendly Universe: Sayings to Inspire and Challenge You
Internationally acclaimed bestselling author Byron Katie presents inspiring sayings in this beautiful work, which features illustrations by award-winning artist Hans WilhelmIn this vibrant book of inspiring and challenging wisdom, Byron Katie offers powerful aphorisms that can change the lives of readers forever. These delightful "Katieisms” are presented along with full-color, full-page illustrations from celebrated and award-winning artist H...

CHF 24.90

Lieben was ist - Meditationskarten

Katie, Byron
Lieben was ist - Meditationskarten
Eine Sammlung mit 52 aufschlussreichen, faszinierenden Erkenntnisse und Visionen von Byron Katie die zum Nachdenken anregen. Katie lädt dich dazu ein herauszufinden, inwiefern diese Erkenntnisse auch in deinem Leben wahr sind. Und was noch wichtiger ist: Wenn du sie auf die Dinge und Ereignisse in deinem Leben anwendest, die Stress, Sorgen, Angst oder Traurigkeit verursachen, können sie dir helfen, wieder Klarheit und Freiheit zu erlangen. Du ...

CHF 15.50

Peace in the Present Moment

Katie, Byron
Peace in the Present Moment
With selected quotations from "A New Earth" and "A Thousand Names for Joy, " this stunning gift book combines selected wisdom from two of the most popular spirituality writers of this century with vibrant photos of nature's most colorful gift, the flower.

CHF 26.90

A Thousand Names for Joy

Katie, Byron / Mitchell, Stephen
A Thousand Names for Joy
Byron Katie is one of the truly great and inspiring teachers of our time. I encourage everyone to immerse themselves in this phenomenal book.” -Dr. Wayne W. DyerIn her first two books, Loving What Is and I Need Your Love-Is That True? Byron Katie showed how suffering can be ended by questioning the stressful thoughts that create it. Now, in A Thousand Names for Joy, she encourages us to discover the freedom that lives on the other side of inqu...

CHF 22.50

Amare ciò che è. 4 domande che possono cambiare la tua vita

Katie, Byron / Mitchell, Stephen / Fiorentini, G.
Amare ciò che è. 4 domande che possono cambiare la tua vita
Un libro per sostituire il dolore con la gioia e il sorriso, trasformare la depressione in leggerezza, ritrovare la libertà, arrivare a comprensioni nuove e profonde sulla vita. Byron Katie pone quattro domande che, applicate a un problema specifico, consentono di vederlo sotto una luce completamente diversa, e offre un efficace processo di indagine chiamato "II Lavoro" (The Work), impiegato da persone di ogni età e formazione, grazie al quale...

CHF 23.00