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12 Ergebnisse.

Swimming in the Storm

Kelen, Christopher (Kit) / Ionita, Daniel / Paul, Adriana
Swimming in the Storm
This is a comprehensive single-author anthological collection of the significant Australian contemporary poet Chirstopher (Kit) Kelen. It is also a bilingual anthology, presenting his work in both the original English, as well as in Romanian.Translated by the experienced prize-winning translators Daniel Ionita and Adriana Paul

CHF 39.90

Rompitaj Labirintoj

Kelen, Christopher (Kit)
Rompitaj Labirintoj
La ideo de la poemaro kaj ekspozicio Rompitaj Labirintoj estas kunigi vorton kaj bildon, sur la muroj de galerio, kaj en libro, en iom abstrakta meditado pri la hodiäa situacio de la rifu¿intoj tra la mondo. Rompita-labirinto estas kion azilpetanto devas negoci por provi trovi novan hejmon en nekonata loko. Por la rifu¿into la mondo estas kiel rompita labirinto, plena de sakstratoj kaj blokoj kiuj ne povus esti antäviditaj. Por tiom da homoj...

CHF 59.50

Anthem Quality

Kelen, Christopher
Anthem Quality
Analyses the lyrics of many anthems in order to explore their historical and contemporary context. This book reveals how many of the world's famous national anthems, including "The Marseillaise, " "The Star-Spangled Banner, " and "God Save the Queen" deal with such topics as authority, religion, and political devotion.

CHF 55.90

Poetry, Consciousness and Community

Kelen, Christopher (Kit)
Poetry, Consciousness and Community
The process of poetry has importantly intuitive aspects and poetry embodies an ambivalence towards consciousness and towards those activities of thought in which it is constituted. It was ability to favour doubt over the productions of the rational mind that led Keats to associate poetry with his 'negative capability'. Consciousness is - like poetry - a floating signifier, a term of wide reference, and with a range of implications in the vario...

CHF 89.00

After Meng Jiao

Kelen, Christopher
After Meng Jiao
The poems in this book are not translations, rather they may be considered as variations on and responses to the poetry of Meng Jiao. Meng Jiao (751-814) was a poet of the late Tang. Unable to pass the examinations that would have given him a respectable official post, Meng lived a life of poverty, but managed to travel in Hubei, Hunan and Guangxi. More than five hundred of his poems survive and these cover a wide range of genres and themes, a...

CHF 19.50

In Conversation with the River

Kelen, Christopher
In Conversation with the River
In Conversation with the River is Christopher (Kit) Kelen's homage to the Chinese traditions in poetry. Having lived in China for the last twelve years, Kelen has worked collaboratively on the translation of a range of classical poets, including Tao Yuanming, Meng Jiao, Xin Qiji, Li Yu, Nalan Xingde and many of the women poets of the Tang and Song Dynasties. As well, Kelen has collaborated in the translation of a number of contemporary Chinese...

CHF 19.50