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38 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education

Khan, Zeenath Reza / Eaton, Sarah Elaine
Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education
This book addresses issues related to ethics and integrity in teacher training. Authors pay special attention to the role ethics plays in teaching practice and the importance of establishing expectations for students to learn with integrity from a young age. The book celebrates global perspectives on ethics and integrity for pre-service teachers, acknowledging that although some aspects of ethics are universal, the ways in which these are impl...

CHF 168.00

Memories of Exotic Kenya

Khan, Sarah
Memories of Exotic Kenya
By writing this narrative, I want to give you firsthand information and a taste of the Kenyan safari and its animals in their different habitats, as well as introduce you to the cuisine and hospitality of the wonderful Kenyan people. In addition to being entertained, you will find a world of knowledge in this narrative that I have gained through my visit. I hope my experience will excite you and motivate you to someday also take a trip to Keny...

CHF 41.50

Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education

Khan, Zeenath Reza / Eaton, Sarah Elaine
Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education
This book addresses issues related to ethics and integrity in teacher training. Authors pay special attention to the role ethics plays in teaching practice and the importance of establishing expectations for students to learn with integrity from a young age. The book celebrates global perspectives on ethics and integrity for pre-service teachers, acknowledging that although some aspects of ethics are universal, the ways in which these are impl...

CHF 168.00

Desi Tales

Khan, Sarah F.
Desi Tales
Desi (pronounced they-see) tales is a humorous take on lesser written about elements of Pakistani and Indian culture. From a young generation of liberal leftists that baffle everyone, Pakistan television soap operas, credit card debt, the odd recruits of a well meaning MSA president, reluctant suitors, scarves, mosque administrations to people with unusual shopping habits. Desi tales is a view askew of modern Indian and Pakistani expatriate cu...

CHF 28.90


Khan, Sarah
Eine ehemalige Dorfschule wird liebevoll renoviert. Idyllisch! Im Grünen! Sarah Khan nimmt uns herrlich süffisant mit in das neue, beliebte Dasein von gestressten Städtern im Wochenendhaus.Wie u¿berhaupt das richtige Domizil finden? Wie mit den Alteingesessenen klarkommen, konkret: Wessis vs. Ossis, Unkrautliebe vs. korrekte Blumenrabatte, Sonntagsmäher vs. Sonntagsruhe? Und warum verbringt man mehr Zeit in Baumärkten und in Gartenkluft als im...

CHF 16.90

Berg, Baum, Vishnu

Khan, Sarah
Berg, Baum, Vishnu
Obwohl der Yoga im 21. Jahrhundert ein Massenphänomen darstellt und viele seiner Bereiche weitgehend erforscht wirken, wird nach wie vor kontrovers diskutiert, ob Menschen um 2000 v. Chr. wirklich schon Yoga praktizierten oder ob die Wegbereiter des Yogas nicht eher Erscheinungen wie der historische Buddha Gautama sind.Anhand von ausgewähltem Bildmaterial zeichnet dieses Buch die Geschichte des Yogas bis heute nach und gewährt eine frische Sic...

CHF 41.50

81 giochi per la mente. Piccoli passatempi

Khan, Sarah / Baggott, S. / Barber, L. / Figg, N. / Livorati, P. A.
81 giochi per la mente. Piccoli passatempi
Un libretto tascabile pieno zeppo di attività e giochi da risolvere per mettersi alla prova divertendosi. Pieno di illustrazioni coloratissime e spazio per disegnare, colorare e completare i rompicapi, è perfetto da portare con sé in viaggio o per non annoiarsi nei pomeriggi di pioggia. Alla fine del libro si trovano tutte le soluzioni. Età di lettura: da 6 anni.

CHF 15.50

99 giochi con le parole

Khan, Sarah / Tudhope, Simon / Barber, L. / Figg, N. / Tammaro, L.
99 giochi con le parole
Un libro di attività in formato tascabile pieno di giochi e attività sulle parole, come trovare la lettera mancante, scoprire un codice segreto e mettere insieme le parole per consolidare il vocabolario e l'ortografia. Con tantissime illustrazioni colorate e spazio per disegnare, colorare e completare le attività, questo libretto è perfetto da portare con sé nei lunghi viaggi o per vincere la noia a casa, da soli o in compagnia. Alla fine del ...

99 giochi matematici

Khan, Sarah / Baggott, S. / Barber, L. / Figg, N. / Bogliolo, M.
99 giochi matematici
Un libro di attività in formato tascabile pieno di giochi e attività con cui mettere alla prova le proprie abilità matematiche divertendosi. Con tantissime illustrazioni colorate e spazio per disegnare, colorare e completare le attività, questo libretto è perfetto da portare con sé nei lunghi viaggi o per vincere la noia a casa, da soli o in compagnia. Alla fine del libro ci sono tutte le soluzioni. Età di lettura: da 6 anni.

CHF 15.50

The Kids' Book of Christmas Crosswords

Khan, Sarah
The Kids' Book of Christmas Crosswords
Can you crack these CHRISTMAS CROSSWORDS?Filled with fantastic festive fun, there are over 150 puzzles in this book. Guaranteed to keep boredom at bay, you can complete the crosswords with friends and family or tackle them on your own. Make sure you time how long it takes to master each one. All the answers are at the back of the book.READY, STEADY, PUZZLE!

CHF 8.90

The Kids' Book of Christmas Wordsearches

Khan, Sarah
The Kids' Book of Christmas Wordsearches
Can you work out these CHRISTMAS WORDSEARCHES? Celebrate Christmas with this festive book, packed with over 150 puzzles. Tackle the wordsearches on your own over the holidays or share the fun with friends and family. Why not time how long it takes you to complete each one? All the answers are at the back of the book. READY, STEADY, PUZZLE!

CHF 8.50