Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

15 Ergebnisse.

Aarhus en by med statuer og skulpturer

King, Stephen B
Aarhus en by med statuer og skulpturer
Bogen præsenterer en bred vifte af oplysninger om over 50 statuer og skulpturer i og omkring Aarhus, om historien og konceptet bag fremstilling, og ombilledhuggeren. Bogen er opdelt i kapitler, der giver læseren mulighed for at følge et spor gennem forskellige områder. Forfatteren håber at give læserne inspirationen til at opleve samspillet mellem skulpturer og kunst i det offentlige rum.

CHF 25.90

The Vigilante and the Dancer

King, Stephen B
The Vigilante and the Dancer
Nicky is sick of the violence he sees while driving a cab in the city. On the night of his brother Simon's eighteenth birthday, a gang senselessly beat him to death, and Nicky hopes to find the men responsible.Nicky rescued Didi, a dancer, from two attackers, and they became friends as kindred spirits who both suffered a tragedy. But they have secrets. Didi's secret is a daughter, and Nicky's is that he is the Northbridge Vigilante who has kil...

CHF 30.90

Forever Night

King, Stephen B
Forever Night
Paul Williams is an ex SAS soldier who suffered physical and psychological injuries during an Afghanistan battle. After his wife Amanda leaves him, Williams begins a search to find and murder her. The army has trained him never to fail, never give up, and survive at all costs, and he is determined to succeed on his final, sacred mission. Using disguises, Williams passes for 'normal, ' but he strikes ruthlessly when he finds any woman who resem...

CHF 31.50

Glimpse, The Angel Shot

King, Stephen B.
Glimpse, The Angel Shot
Seven women have disappeared from bars only to be found murdered after asking for an Angel Shot. Detective Rick McCoy is handed the case after returning from leave following his wife's horrific ordeal at the hands of the serial killer, PPP. Criminal psychologist Patricia Holmes lost her husband to the same killer and when her current partner mak...

CHF 27.50

Winter at the Light

King, Stephen B.
Winter at the Light
Forbes Lighthouse is a dangerous place. Twenty-year-old Molly McLaren agrees to tend the light when her father breaks his leg, so she leaves behind the city and her nursing career. Molly dreads the thought of three months as the sole inhabitant on the tiny island, nineteen nautical miles off the rugged coastline of Augusta in Western Australia. ...

CHF 25.50


King, Stephen B
After his wife loses interest in him, fifty-year-old Dave Barndon turns to the dark side of the Internet and sex chat rooms. There he finds willing partners who are happy to fulfill his needs with no strings attached. But they aren't the only ones looking to play. When a woman he had an affair with is murdered he becomes the prime suspect. He thinks his alibi is solid until a second woman is murdered, and then a third. He fights for his freedo...

CHF 30.90

Hart aber herzlich

King, Vicki / Mankiewicz, Tom / Turrentine, Rogers / Katz, Stephen / Mond, Bill La / Mond, Jo La / Roth, Martin / Alexander, E. Nick / Clinch, Catherine Bacos / Harnish, Jack / Blunden, Bill / Bring, Bob / Brooks, George W. / Hively, George / Keene, Elodie / Koslowsky, Jon / Crowley, Mart / Levinson, David / Collins, Robert E. / Coquillon, John / Cronjager, William / Gilbert, Stanley E. / Hugo, Michel / Kunkel, Sherman / Pearl, Herb / Steadman, Robert / Callaghan, Duke / Wagner, Robert / Powers, Stefanie / Stander, Lionel / Wilkof, Lee / Irwin, Wynn / Maynard, Mimi / Ward, Lyman / Cutler, Jon / Shull, Richard B.
Hart aber herzlich
Mit Robert Wagner und Stefanie Powers in den Hauptrollen melden sich die glamourösesten Amateurdetektive der Welt in der zweiten sensationellen Staffel von HART ABER HERZLICH mit noch mehr Geheimnissen, Spaß und Spannung zurück. In 20 fesselnden Fällen, die von Entführung und Raub über Industriespionage bis hin zu Mord die gesamte Palette krimineller Machenschaften abdecken, riskieren die romantischen Jetsetter Jonathan und Jennifer Hart Leib,...

CHF 38.90

Glimpse, The Tender Killer

King, Stephen B
Glimpse, The Tender Killer
Criminal psychologist Patricia Holmes is now a detective paired with Detective Sergeant Rick McCoy. Together they hunt The Biblical Killer, so named for the quotes left on walls written in the victim's blood. To lure the murderer out they join the Tender Nights internet dating site, openly making themselves targets. Rick and Pat have fought their desire for each other for months. Can they now survive their lust and an insane murderer intent on...

CHF 29.50

Thirty-Three Days

King, B Stephen
Thirty-Three Days
Jenny is a lonely university lecturer who's consciousness has traveled back in time to her younger body to try to save the future of the world. A young microbiologist is going to release a genetically modified wheat that will mutate and ultimately destroy all plant life, leaving nothing but barren windswept dust bowls. In the past, Jenny finds a love that has been missing from her life, the kind that comes just once in a lifetime. But Jenny ca...

CHF 27.90

Glimpse, The Beautiful Deaths

King, Stephen B
Glimpse, The Beautiful Deaths
Rick McCoy of the Major Crime Squad is trying to repair his marriage when he is sent to the South of Western Australia. A young girl's body has been found in a cave, with flowers on her chest. A search finds five more bodies.Beautiful criminal psychologist, Patricia Holmes, has recovered from her stab wounds inflicted by the serial killer PPP, and is brought in. Pat believes they are hunting a man who is addicted to beauty. When another school...

CHF 30.90

Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer

King, Stephen B
Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer
In 1999 Australia, Sergeant Rick McCoy investigates the murder of a woman found packed inside a suitcase.The Killer abducts another victim and threatens to dismember her slowly. His life is further complicated by a marriage in tatters. Frustrated at every turn, he is paired with glamorous Criminal Psychologist and profiler, Patricia Holmes. While trying to rebuild his marriage, he finds himself in a desperate race against time to free the vict...

CHF 27.90

The mist

King, Stephen / Amato, B.
The mist
La piccola cittadina di Bridgton, Maine, viene improvvisamente avvolta da una fitta nebbia. Iniziano così ad accadere cose strane: creature bizzarre e pericolose si aggirano non viste per le strade, facendo scomparire alcuni degli abitanti. Il supermercato, che inizialmente appare come l'unico luogo di salvezza, si rivela una pericolosa prigione. Le persone che hanno cercato riparo lì, infatti, non sono minacciate soltanto dai mostri nascosti ...

CHF 18.90


King, Stephen / Gasperini, B.
Carrie è un'adolescente presa di mira dai compagni, ma ha un dono: può muovere gli oggetti con il potere della mente. Le porte si chiudono, le candele si spengono. Un potere che è anche una condanna. E quando, inaspettato, arriva un atto di gentilezza da una delle sue compagne di classe, un'occasione di normalità in una vita molto diversa da quella dei suoi coetanei, Carrie spera finalmente in un cambiamento. Ma ecco che il sogno si trasforma ...

CHF 20.90

La lunga marcia

King, Stephen / Della Frattina, B.
La lunga marcia

Dai confini con il Canada sino a Boston a piedi, senza soste. Una sfida mortale, con un regolamento implacabile, per cento volontari: un passo falso, una caduta, un malore.., e si viene abbattuti. Ma chi riesce a tagliare il traguardo otterrà il Premio. Tra i partecipanti, fra cui spicca il sedicenne Garraty, si creano rapporti di sfida, di solidarietà e di lucida follia, lungo il terribile percorso scandito dagli incitamenti ...

CHF 18.50

Stagioni diverse

King, Stephen / Amato, B. / Formenti, P. / Piccioli, M. B.
Stagioni diverse
Un quartetto di racconti in bilico tra l'orrore e l'avventura, l'incubo e la fantasia. Il riscatto di un uomo condannato ingiustamente per omicidio. Il morboso rapporto tra un adolescente e un ex nazista. Quattro ragazzini alla ricerca del cadavere di un coetaneo. Una donna che partorisce in circostanze surreali. Quattro storie da brivido, agghiaccianti e paradossali, che hanno per protagonisti mostri moderni.

CHF 21.90