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24 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Steal Like an Artist 10th Anniversary Gift Edition with a...

Kleon, Austin
Steal Like an Artist 10th Anniversary Gift Edition with a New Afterword by the Author
In the ten years since publishing the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller Steal Like an Artist, Austin Kleon has become one of the most important names in creativity. His books have over a million copies in print and have been translated into dozens of languages, he's been featured on NPR's Morning Edition and the PBSNewsHour and in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, and he's been praised as "brilliant? (New York) and "positively...

CHF 33.50

Roba Como Un Artista: Las 10 Cosas Que Nadie Te Ha Dicho ...

Kleon, Austin
Roba Como Un Artista: Las 10 Cosas Que Nadie Te Ha Dicho Acerca de Ser Creativo / Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative
En este libro, Austin Kleon te comparte diez principios para descubrir tu lado artístico.De Austin Kleon, el autor de la colección de poesía Newspaper blackout.Roba como un artista presenta diez principios que ayudarán a los lectores a descubrir su lado artístico y a tener una vida mucho más creativa.Nada es original, dice el autor, así que mejor acepta las influencias, instrúyete en el trabajo de los demás, reimagina y mezcla tu propio camino...

CHF 21.90

Gib nicht auf!

Kleon, Austin / Flegler, Leena
Gib nicht auf!
Immer wieder aufs Neue kreativ zu sein, ist ganz schön schwer. Wie macht man weiter, wenn man blockiert ist? Austin Kleon zeigt zehn Strategien auf, um nicht nur kreativ bei der Sache, sondern auch sich selbst treu zu bleiben - und das ein Leben lang. Ganz egal, ob du ausgebrannt bist, ganz neu anfangen willst oder schon irre erfolgreich bist: »Gib nicht auf!« hilft mit praktischen, zeitlosen und ehrlichen Regeln dabei, ein kreatives und ein s...

CHF 14.50

Keep Going

Kleon, Austin
Keep Going
The world is crazy. Creative work is hard. And nothing is getting any easier! In his previous books--Steal Like an Artistand Show Your Work!, New York Times bestsellers with over a million copies in print combined--Austin Kleon gave readers the key to unlock their creativity and then showed them how to share it. Now he completes his trilogy with his most inspiring work yet. Keep Going gives the reader life-changing, illustrated advice and enco...

CHF 15.50

Semina come un artista. 10 idee per condividere la tua cr...

Kleon, Austin / Berardini, A.
Semina come un artista. 10 idee per condividere la tua creatività e far conoscere il tuo lavoro
Le domande più frequenti che i miei lettori mi pongono, ogni volta che ho il privilegio di parlare con loro, riguardano l'autopromozione. 'Come posso far conoscere il mio lavoro? Come farmi notare? Come faccio a trovare un pubblico? Tu come ci sei riuscito? Detesto parlare di autopromozione'. L'attore comico Steve Martin notoriamente svicola da domande simili, suggerendo: 'Sii così bravo da non poter essere ignorato'. Tu preoccupati soltanto d...

CHF 20.90

Show Your Work!

Kleon, Austin
Show Your Work!
A hip, plain-spoken, illustrated guide to self-promotion for people who hate the very idea, distilled into 10 simple principles. From the author of "Steal Like An Artist".

CHF 22.90

Alles nur geklaut

Kleon, Austin / Hutsch, Patrick
Alles nur geklaut
Cool, originell und am Puls der Zeit!Austin Kleon wirft einen trendigen und sehr originellen Blick auf das Thema Kreativsein: Jeder braucht es, jeder kann es! Das Einzige, was man wissen muss: Gute Ideen von anderen wie ein Schwamm aufsaugen und alles neu mixen, zu der ganz eigenen, aufregend neuen Schöpfung. Also los! Sei schlau und klau! Worauf wartest du noch?

CHF 15.90

Show Your Work!

Kleon, Austin / Flegler, Leena
Show Your Work!
Die 10 ultimativen Regeln, um entdeckt zu werdenWie werde ich entdeckt? Austin Kleon weiß, wie's geht. In "Alles nur geklaut" beschrieb er, wie man die eigene Kreativität findet. Nun erklärt er, wie man den entscheidenden nächsten Schritt macht: zeigen, was man kann. Dazu muss man so präsent und interessant sein, dass andere die eigene Arbeit gar nicht ignorieren können. In 10 einfachen Regeln zeigt Kleon, wie man auf die eigenen Ideen aufmerk...

CHF 14.50

Steal Like an Artist

Kleon, Austin
Steal Like an Artist
Unlock your creativity.Steal like an artist.Don’t wait until you know who you are to get started.Write the book you want to read.Use your hands.Side projects and hobbies are important.The secret: do good work and share it with people.Geography is no longer our master.Be nice. (The world is a small town.)Be boring. (It’s the only way to get work done.)Creativity is subtraction.

CHF 21.50

Newspaper Blackout

Kleon, Austin
Newspaper Blackout
Poet and cartoonist Austin Kleon has discovered a new way to read between the lines. Armed with a daily newspaper and a permanent marker, he constructs through deconstruction—eliminating the words he doesn't need to create a new art form: Newspaper Blackout poetry. Highly original, Kleon's verse ranges from provocative to lighthearted, and from moving to hysterically funny, and undoubtedly entertaining. The latest creations in a long history o...

CHF 19.50

Steal like an artist

Kleon, Austin / Hendriks, Fred
Steal like an artist
Aan de hand van tien praktische en verrassende inzichten zet Steal like an artist je op weg naar meer creativiteit. Met als belangrijkste tip: beter slim gejat dan slecht bedacht. Want Picasso wist het al: 'Kunst is diefstal.'Ideeën die zomaar uit het niets komen, zijn meestal niet de beste - als ze al bestaan. Laat je dus volop inspireren door het werk van anderen, steel goede ideeën en zet ze naar je hand.Volg je interesses, waar ze je ook n...

CHF 21.50

Show your work!

Kleon, Austin / Hendriks, Fred
Show your work!
Omdat zelfs het werk van de creatiefste geesten niet altijd wordt opgepikt door het grote publiek: 10 manieren om je creativiteit met de wereld te delen en het maximum uit je ideeën te halen.Je hoeft geen genie te zijnDenk in processen, niet in productenDeel elke dag iets kleinsOpen je curiositeitenkabinetVertel goede verhalenDraag je kennis overWord geen menselijke spamLeer incasserenJe ziel in de uitverkoopHoud vol

CHF 21.50

Ruba come un artista. Impara a copiare idee per essere pi...

Kleon, Austin / Galimberti, A.
Ruba come un artista. Impara a copiare idee per essere più creativo nel lavoro e nella vita
Guida alla creatività nell'era digitale, "Ruba come un artista" offre al lettore dieci principi per scoprire e valorizzare i propri talenti. L'autore sostiene che nessuna opera è originale, tutto deriva dalle opere altrui: occorre imparare a "rubare" dal lavoro degli altri e reinventare quello che gli altri hanno creato. L'importante è partire dagli interessi e dalle passioni personali: anche un hobby può diventare un lavoro retribuito. Kleon ...

CHF 17.90

Steal Like an Artist

Kleon, Austin / Kleon, Austin
Steal Like an Artist
A manifesto for the digital age, "Steal Like an Artist" is a guide whose positive message, graphic look and illustrations, exercises, and examples will put readers directly in touch with their artistic side.

CHF 41.90