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13 Ergebnisse.

The Kinsman Redeemer

Knotts, Dennis
The Kinsman Redeemer
Each of us is faced with an impossible problem. Each of us has broken some portion of God's Law. (That's called sin.) Unfortunately, this means we are destined to stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of time. God's Law is pure law. It is cold, logical, unemotional, and perfect. It is just. It is righteous. But, as such, it does not offer grace, compassion, forgiveness, or hope. Therefore, each of us will be found guil...

CHF 36.50

The Kinsman Redeemer

Knotts, Dennis
The Kinsman Redeemer
Each of us is faced with an impossible problem. Each of us has broken some portion of God's Law. (That's called sin.) Unfortunately, this means we are destined to stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of time. God's Law is pure law. It is cold, logical, unemotional, and perfect. It is just. It is righteous. But, as such, it does not offer grace, compassion, forgiveness, or hope. Therefore, each of us will be found guil...

CHF 23.90

Damned Deceptions

Knotts, Dennis
Damned Deceptions
Jesus gave His believers a very clear warning: "Take heed and let no man deceive you."The problem with deception is that those who are deceived do not know that they are deceived. Deception is the tool of Satan to try and lead people away from the salvation that God has promised through His Word, the Bible.This manuscript explores the history, doctrines, and teachings of two major cults, analyzing them to see if they comply with the promises G...

CHF 27.90

The Return of the Adoni

Knotts, Dennis
The Return of the Adoni
Beware the time the golden mist seeks you, For one of you shall taste of death and you shall not return." This was the warning of the Great Hobber to the Children of Earth many years ago.The warning came with David and Tanya's first visit to the Lands of the Adoni. Now young adults, the mist seeks them out on this visit. But when they arrive in Dula, they find Queen Dianna missing.The Children of Earth are called into the Lands of the Adoni ju...

CHF 33.90

The Silence of the Sword

Knotts, Dennis
The Silence of the Sword
It happened without warning. Millions were torn from their peaceful sleep as the Song of Morning cut off in mid-sentence.The voice of Logos, the Talking Sword, was forever silenced as the Curse came upon the Lands of the Adoni. The Sword would still sing, but the ears of all those in the Lands of the Adoni would be forever deaf to the songs of worship and praise.Asseem left the Council of Ancients, came to live among the gnomes, and eventually...

CHF 25.50

AFIKOMEN . . . I AM Come! The Final Chapter of the Afikom...

Knotts, Dennis
AFIKOMEN . . . I AM Come! The Final Chapter of the Afikomen Series
THE INVASION OF PLANET EARTH!It was the greatest military campaign in the history of the universe. Once the initial plan was conceived and perfected, it took six thousand years to execute. The final phase involved seven years of giving up territory. The final assault would last mere minutes, but the war to reclaim a captured planet would succeed.So confident were the planners and designers of this campaign that they leaked the entire plan for ...

CHF 27.90

The Ballad of Pentra

Knotts, Dennis
The Ballad of Pentra
Every world has a forerunner ... Not just a "voice crying in the wilderness." But one who serves as a picture of what is to come. Such was Pentra for the Lands of the Adoni. Pentra dreamed of the Knights of Es-Soh-En. He knew that he could never be all that they were. His weak eyes and weak arms disqualified him from military service. And so he dreamed. He wrote. And he collected the stories of his her...

CHF 27.90

The 144,000

Knotts, Dennis
The 144,000
Ancient prophets spoke of us. Our names have been spoken in whispers for thousands of years. Many speculated who we would be and what we would do. Now the time is upon us. We are being called and trained. Our mission: protect the Chosen People, prepare for the Coming King, and crown Him King of the entire earth when He comes. We are ... The 144, 000. Publisher's website:

CHF 27.90

The Lions of Judah

Knotts, Dennis
The Lions of Judah
THE LIONS OF JUDAH THEY WERE CLASSIFIED AS MISFITS ... They did not fit into any of the traditional Branches of Military Service. But Colonel Jackson found a home for them in his Black Ops Division. BUT GOD HAD A SPECIAL MISSION FOR THEM. They had been chosen before the Foundations of the World had been laid. They were called to be part of the 144th. The One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand. IT HAPPENENED IN A MOMENT ... IN TH...

CHF 24.50

The Search for Logos

Knotts, Dennis
The Search for Logos
We all deal with what ifs. This series of books is a collection of what if questions: What if God made an alternative universe? What if that world fell into sin? What steps would God take to redeem that world? David James and his sister Tanya find themselves in another world filled with mythical creatures. They rescue Queen Dianna and join her and her followers on a quest to find Logos the Talking Sword to prove her right to rule. But they ...

CHF 27.90

The Battle of Es-soh-en

Knotts, Dennis
The Battle of Es-soh-en
It had been spoken of in whispers for centuries. It was the hope of the Lands of the Adoni. The very mention of it caused hearts to pound faster and eyes to fill with tears. David James and Tanya, Knights of Es-soh-en, were drawn into the Lands of the Adoni for their second visit, only to discover that two hundred years have passed since they last walked the green fields of Dula. Now at the two hundredth anniversary of the return of ...

CHF 24.50

The Rapture Syndrome

Knotts, Dennis
The Rapture Syndrome
It happened without warning. One moment they were there, the next they were gone. Was this the Rapture spoken of by ancient prophets, or was it a biological organism brought back from space? Was the recently returned-from-the-dead world leader someone we could trust? And what is his connection to extra-dimensional beings who recently revealed themselves to the world? About the Author Dennis Knotts lives in Southern California. He has thr...

CHF 24.90

The Song of Es-Soh-En

Knotts, Dennis
The Song of Es-Soh-En
It began when Tanya dove into the ocean and disappeared. When David dives in to rescue her, he discovers that the water has transformed into the Golden Mist that forms the doorway into the Lands of the Adoni. Unlike his previous visit, David finds himself hovering in empty space rather than entering the Lands. Suddenly, a single note, so pure and powerful, erupts in the darkness and the Song of Creation has begun. As David hangs in space, he w...

CHF 22.90