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2 Ergebnisse.


Kromah, Sang
Bijou Fitzroy is strange.As an empath, she has spent her entire life as a recluse, homeschooled by her secretive and overprotective grandmother, never allowed to stay in one place long enough to settle down and make friends. When Bijou and her grandmother move to Sykesville and she starts to attend the local high school, Bijou's world begins to crumble…town locals begin to disappearcreatures from her nightmares come to lifeand she finds hersel...

CHF 27.50


Kromah, Sang
Bijou Fitzroy is strange.As an empath, she has spent her entire life as a recluse, homeschooled by her secretive and overprotective grandmother, never allowed to stay in one place long enough to settle down and make friends. When Bijou and her grandmother move to Sykesville and she starts to attend the local high school, Bijou's world begins to crumble…town locals begin to disappearcreatures from her nightmares come to lifeand she finds hersel...

CHF 39.90