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826 Ergebnisse - Zeige 161 von 180.

The Power of Humanity

Luna, Jose
The Power of Humanity
Power is one of those things that can quickly corrupt us. Power is the ultimate desire of humans, and it won't matter how holy you claim to be. We, humans, crave for power, we cherish it, we pursue it. Even if you are trying to lose weight, you want power to overcome. If you are stuck in a vicious cycle, you want power to break it. If you feel rejected, you want power to change this particular outcome.

CHF 31.50

Anxiety In Relationships

Luna, Lance
Anxiety In Relationships
Anxieties in relationships are not uncommon to most people. An ideal harmonious relationship can make a person's life happy and beautiful, but, unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with one right off the bat. It is essential to work on your relationship in order to make it work. Creating a harmonious bond between you and your partner can make your relationship more healthy and stable. The dream relationship of everybody is to feel loved, a...

CHF 26.90

Remember Your Wild Soul

Luna, Mona
Remember Your Wild Soul
A collection of poems to remember your divinity, your voice, and your power. A reminder of truth, stillness, presence, and the sweetness of life.Wild Soul, welcome home. You are accepted and loved here.About the Author:Mona Luna is a yoga teacher, spiritual mentor and coach, priestess, and writer. With love and playfulness, she guides wild and rebellious souls to the depths of their being to cultivate a foundation of self-love, self-worth, and...

CHF 18.50

Permission to Offend

Luna, Rachel
Permission to Offend
A renowned life coach's empowering guide that teaches you how to unapologetically define your own standards and stop trying to live up to others' expectations.What do you do when life seems to be against you? Rachel Luna has been asking herself this question ever since childhood. She lost both parents to AIDS, spent ten intense years in the Marine Corps, fought Triple Negative Breast Cancer, and faced racism and misogyny throughout her life. A...

CHF 36.90

Tote ohne Namen

Luna, Louisa / Wörtche, Thomas / O’Brien, Andrea
Tote ohne Namen
Alice Vega ist Privatdetektivin, manchmal Kopfgeldjägerin und immer Spezialistin im Auffinden verschwundener und entführter Personen. Vega ist knallhart, notfalls gewaltaffin, aber auch sehr klug, deduktiv begabt, eine ultrascharfe Beobachterin - und sie gibt nie auf. Als zwei mexikanische Mädchen tot aufgefunden werden, heuert sie das San Diego Police Department an, denn bei den beiden Toten ohne Namen fand man zwar keine Dokumente, dafür abe...

CHF 15.50

Social Change, Industrialization, and the Service Economy...

Luna, Francisco Vidal / Klein, Herbert S
Social Change, Industrialization, and the Service Economy in São Paulo, 1950-2020
In the 1950s¿80s, Brazil built one of the most advanced industrial networks among the "developing" countries, initially concentrated in the state of São Paulo. But from the 1980s, decentralization of industry spread to other states reducing São Paulo's relative importance in the country's industrial product. This volume draws on social, economic, and demographic data to document the accelerated industrialization of the state and its subsequent...

CHF 104.00

Healthy Max

Healthy Max
In a world full of fast foods and artificial drinks, there is a special boy who chooses to eat healthy meals over junk. His name is Max! Join him and his friends at the school cafeteria where they love to talk about the benefits of healthy eating.Will Max convince his peers in changing their unhealthy ways?

CHF 36.90

Divine Circumstances

Luna-Bailey, Amanda
Divine Circumstances
Jack Manning hastily packs his most cherished belongings into a backpack and leaves for Nashville, Tennessee without a word to his family and friends. He hoped to avoid their concern and even more so, any criticism about his quick decision. Jack purposely ignores the urge to see Cara before he leaves. Their recent break-up is still too fresh and he knows he isn't ready to face his guilt, or her anger. Jed and Ruby, Jack's parents find comfort ...

CHF 22.50

Magnificent Errors

Luna, Sheryl
Magnificent Errors
In 2005, Sheryl Luna burst onto the poetry scene with Pity the Drowned Horses, which quickly became a classic of border and Southwest literature with its major point of reference in and around El Paso, Texas. Now with the poems in Magnificent Errors, Luna's third collection and winner of the Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry, Luna turns her gaze toward people living on the margins-whether it be cultural, socioeconomic, psychological, or personal-...

CHF 118.00

Origen de la geometría en el lenguaje gráfico y pensamien...

Luna Crespo, Maria Rosario
Origen de la geometría en el lenguaje gráfico y pensamiento visual
Los garabatos o grafismos son expresiones infantiles muy amplias, variables y cambiantes, con un alto significado cualitativo. Gracias a investigadores de la talla de Luquet, Kellogg, Arnheim, Sáinz o Racionero, han dejado de ser un revoltijo de trazos sin sentido y se han convertido en la base para el surgimiento del dibujo, la escritura y las representaciones geométricas. Creemos que la imagen en general, y ligado a ella el pensamiento visua...

CHF 125.00

Derecho Mercantil II

Luna García, Marisol
Derecho Mercantil II
El presente texto tiene como finalidad suministrar una visión completa y analita de los diversos títulos de crédito, obteniendo las destrezas necesarias en el manejo de las técnicas de aplicación a casos concretos, tramitación de juicios mercantiles ejecutivos, escritura y redacción de documentos, logrando unir la teoría con la práctica, se pretende implementar los conocimientos fundamentales de esta disciplina que son básicos en la formación ...

CHF 79.00

El manejo del conocimiento

Luna González, Mary Eugenia
El manejo del conocimiento
Las organizaciones al manejar datos, les otorgan un propósito convirtiéndolos en información, la cual se encuentra representada en forma de textos, gráficos y palabras, tal información es convertida en conocimiento una vez es procesada en la mente de los individuos, adquiriendo importancia para las organizaciones, requiriendo que las mismas se ocupen de cómo crearlo, usarlo, compartirlo y retenerlo. Las tecnologías de la información ofrecen fa...

CHF 72.00

Nemo the Greatest Dog in the World

Nemo the Greatest Dog in the World
Nemo is truly a pleasure to have as a pet. His peaceful energy instantly helps one understand why a dog can become your very best friend. Read along and enjoy the many reasons why Nemo's family considers him the world's greatest dog.¿

CHF 38.50

Mírate Bonita, Mírate Feliz

Luna, Sonia
Mírate Bonita, Mírate Feliz
Sonia Luna, en este su primer libro, comparte sus profundos conocimientos sobre la mujer y el ser humano, no solo a nivel espiritual, sino sicolâogico y emocional. Empieza por presentarse a sâi misma desde niäna y luego adolescente, para explicarnos el desarrollo del ser y câomo quiâenes somos es un viaje que se va desarrollando porque estâa moldeado por nuestras experiencias desde que nacemos, las influencias de nuestras familias, los momento...

CHF 21.90