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7 Ergebnisse.


Lang, Michael / George-Warren, Holly / Kerkhoffs, Sonja
Das wichtigste Buch zum größten Festival aller Zeiten. Jetzt endlich auf Deutsch.Woodstock gilt auch heute noch als DER Meilenstein der Musikgeschichte. In seinem New-York-Times-Bestseller berichtet der Woodstock-Organisator Michael Lang aus erster Hand vom legendären Massenevent, das so ganz anders gelaufen ist als geplant. Als Zeitzeuge und unmittelbar Beteiligter beschreibt Michael Lang eine ganze Generation und ihren Zeitgeist, ihre Sorgen...

CHF 34.50

American Trilogy

Lang, Jefferson
American Trilogy
Dear Readers, From 1970-1974 George Harrison and others organized a series of Concerts for Bangladesh. These charity concerts raised millions for UNICEF's relief efforts to aid Bangladesh war victims. American Trilogy contains revealing biographies and original songs titles of the singers who performed at these concerts. This music inspired the foot soldiers of change to challenge the injustices of this world. Artists include JOAN BAEZ, JOHNNY...

CHF 28.90

Aliens and Cowboys

Lang, Jefferson
Aliens and Cowboys
In the first four years the Bush White House allowed a former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute to re-write a government report on global warming, editing out scientific conclusions he didn't like. Bush's Interior Department offered to overpay a wealthy Republican donor for oil and gas rights on Everglades land that the government already owns. The Pentagon's inspector general released a report on a lucrative Air Force contract for...

CHF 30.50