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165 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Der unheilige Gral

Leiber, Fritz / Körber, Joachim
Der unheilige Gral
Ein Klassiker der Fantasyliteratur! Nehwon, eine 'durch Zeit und fremdere Dimensionen' von uns getrennte Welt, ist die Heimat von Fafhrd und dem Grauen Mausling, den beiden größten Schwertkämpfern dieses und aller anderen Universen. Gemeinsam streifen sie durch die Welt, wo ihnen ihr legendärer Ruf stets vorauseilt, und bestehen mannigfache unerhörte Gefahren, von denen erboste Schneefrauen, mordlüsterne Pygmäenpriester, von bösen Architekten...

CHF 27.90

The Night of the Long Knives

Leiber, Fritz
The Night of the Long Knives
They were two desperate scavengers in a no-man's land of radiation and death. Living in a kill or be killed world. Can they fin a new life and hope? A grim, grisly post-apocalypse story.

CHF 25.50

A Pail of Air

Leiber, Fritz
A Pail of Air
The dark star passed, bringing with it eternal night and turning history into incredible myth in a single generation! In this story of desperation and courage a family believing themselves to be the last humans alive on Earth must fight daily against a cold uncaring universe. Fritz Leiber won multiple Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards. This story shows him at the height of his prowess.

CHF 18.50

No Great Magic

Leiber, Fritz
No Great Magic
They were just a Shakespearean troupe- they couldn't be connected with the Change Wars-or could they? The troupers of the Big Time lack no art to sway a crowd- or to change all history!

CHF 24.90

The Green Millennium

Leiber, Fritz
The Green Millennium
It all started with the green kitten. Phil Gish had no way to know that his adopted pet was about to catapult him into the center of international intrigue. This quirky book will take you on a wild ride full of sexy aliens, mysterious women, demi-humans, and adventure.

CHF 28.50

Appointment in Tomorrow

Leiber, Fritz
Appointment in Tomorrow
After World War III a torn and devastate world is split between science and magic. A group of scientist with a super computer pit themselves against a group of politicians whose followers are desperate enough to believe anything. But in the end, nothing is what it seems and no one is to be trusted.

CHF 20.90

Yesterday House

Leiber, Fritz
Yesterday House
Jack Berry is told not to take his boat out into deep waters. But as any young man who has been told not to do a thing would he does it anyway and discovers on island. When exploring the island he meets a beautiful young woman named Mary. She lives with her aunts on the island and has never been to the mainland. Mary is convinced that it's the year 1933. Jack is sure she's just been misinformed and plans to prove to her that it's many years la...

CHF 20.90

Coming Attraction

Leiber, Fritz
Coming Attraction
Wysten Turner is a Brit visiting America after it's great war with Russia. He meats a woman with a tail of woe in the streets of New York. Her boyfriend is a professional wrestler who beats her. She begs Turner to help her escape him, but is the situation as straight forward as it seems?

CHF 20.50

Fritz Leiber Super Pack #1

Leiber, Fritz
Fritz Leiber Super Pack #1
Fritz Leiber was a giant in the genre field. He won five Hugo Awards, three Nebula Awards, three world Fantasy Awards, and one Stoker Award and was a Science Fiction Writers of America Grand Master. His influence on science fiction, fantasy, and horror cannot be overstated. Included in this massive five hundred page plus anthology are 25 of Leiber's best stories

CHF 49.50

Snakes & Spiders

Leiber, Fritz
Snakes & Spiders
Have you ever worried about your memory, because it doesn't seem to be bringing you exactly the same picture of the past from one day to the next? Have you ever been afraid that your personality was changing because of forces beyond your knowledge or con

CHF 46.50

The Creature from Cleveland Depths by Fritz Leiber, Scien...

Leiber, Fritz
The Creature from Cleveland Depths by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Short Stories
Leiber sets the tale in a future when "missiles are on the prowl, " and most people live underground. George Gusterson is a writer with crazy ideas -- one being, he still lives on the surface. For another, he imagines a gizmo that would remind him of things like when to turn on the TV. George's mere whim inspires an actual gadget called the Tickler, just a "wire recorder and clock" at first, but then . . . it whispers constantly through an ear...

CHF 16.90

No Great Magic by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy,...

Leiber, Fritz
No Great Magic by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
No Great Magic" works by itself as the tale of poor Greta, a girl taken in "like a pet" by a company of Shakespearean actors. She lives in the dressing room of their little theater in New York's Central Park. Leiber -- an actor's son -- brings an insider's eye to life behind the curtain. But Greta begins to doubt the curtain is real. She has physical and mental wounds to mend, and her mind plays tricks on her, but nothing accounts for the stra...

CHF 12.90

Bread Overhead by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy,...

Leiber, Fritz
Bread Overhead by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Leiber slyly imagines a near-future when giant machines not only harvest the wheat field, but grind flour and bake bread on the spot -- the ultimate in big farming. In this toasted tomorrow, the highly-mechanized Puffy Products is bent on producing the supremely lightest loaf. The story is what happens if bread isn't just airy, but pumped full of lighter-than-air helium. Leiber (Ships to the Stars) didn't often bake up such a souffle of spoof,...

CHF 12.90

The Creature from Cleveland Depths by Fritz Leiber, Scien...

Leiber, Fritz
The Creature from Cleveland Depths by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Short Stories
Leiber sets the tale in a future when "missiles are on the prowl, " and most people live underground. George Gusterson is a writer with crazy ideas -- one being, he still lives on the surface. For another, he imagines a gizmo that would remind him of things like when to turn on the TV. George's mere whim inspires an actual gadget called the Tickler, just a "wire recorder and clock" at first, but then . . . it whispers constantly through an ear...

CHF 25.90

No Great Magic by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy,...

Leiber, Fritz
No Great Magic by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
No Great Magic" works by itself as the tale of poor Greta, a girl taken in "like a pet" by a company of Shakespearean actors. She lives in the dressing room of their little theater in New York's Central Park. Leiber -- an actor's son -- brings an insider's eye to life behind the curtain. But Greta begins to doubt the curtain is real. She has physical and mental wounds to mend, and her mind plays tricks on her, but nothing accounts for the stra...

CHF 25.50

Bread Overhead by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy,...

Leiber, Fritz
Bread Overhead by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Leiber slyly imagines a near-future when giant machines not only harvest the wheat field, but grind flour and bake bread on the spot -- the ultimate in big farming. In this toasted tomorrow, the highly-mechanized Puffy Products is bent on producing the supremely lightest loaf. The story is what happens if bread isn't just airy, but pumped full of lighter-than-air helium. Leiber (Ships to the Stars) didn't often bake up such a souffle of spoof,...

CHF 20.90

The Moon Is Green by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy

Leiber, Fritz
The Moon Is Green by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Effie! What the devil are you up to?"Her husband's voice, chopping through her mood of terrified rapture, made her heart jump like a startled cat, yet by some miracle of feminine self-control her body did not show a tremor. Dear God, she thought, he mustn't see it. It's so beautiful, and he always kills beauty."I'm just looking at the Moon, " she said listlessly. "It's green."Mustn't, mustn't see it. And now, with luck, he wouldn't. For the fa...

CHF 11.50

What's He Doing in There? by Fritz Leiber, Science Fictio...

Leiber, Fritz
What's He Doing in There? by Fritz Leiber, Science Fiction, Fantasy
The Professor was congratulating Earth's first visitor from another planet on his wisdom in getting in touch with a cultural anthropologist before contacting any other scientists (or governments, God forbid!), and in learning English from radio and TV before landing from his orbit-parked rocket, when the Martian stood up and said hesitantly, "Excuse me, please, but where is it?"He was asking directions to the loo, as it happened. It was the Pr...

CHF 11.90