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11 Ergebnisse.

Das Goethe-Institut

Lentz, Carola / Gabriel, Marie-Christin
Das Goethe-Institut
70 Jahre Goethe-Institut Carola Lentz bietet eine ebenso informative wie konzise Geschichte des Goethe-Instituts und seiner sich wandelnden Aufgaben im Kontext bundesrepublikanischer und globaler Zeitgeschichte. Zugleich eröffnen Erfahrungsberichte von ehemaligen und aktuellen MitarbeiterInnen lebendige Eindrücke in die Arbeit eines der wichtigsten weltweit agierenden Kulturinstitute. Vom Kulturexport zum globalen Netzwerk - unter diesem Mo...

CHF 38.90

Imagining Futures

Lentz, Carola / Lobnibe, Isidore
Imagining Futures
What keeps a family together? In Imagining Futures, authors Carola Lentz and Isidore Lobnibe offer a unique look at one extended African family, currently comprising over five hundred members in Northern Ghana and Burkina Faso. Members of this extended family, like many others in the region, find themselves living increasingly farther apart and working in diverse occupations ranging from religious clergy and civil service to farming. What keep...

CHF 135.00

Imagining Futures

Lentz, Carola / Lobnibe, Isidore
Imagining Futures
What keeps a family together? In Imagining Futures, authors Carola Lentz and Isidore Lobnibe offer a unique look at one extended African family, currently comprising over five hundred members in Northern Ghana and Burkina Faso. Members of this extended family, like many others in the region, find themselves living increasingly farther apart and working in diverse occupations ranging from religious clergy and civil service to farming. What keep...

CHF 68.00

Familie, Arbeit und soziale Mobilität

Lentz, Carola
Familie, Arbeit und soziale Mobilität
Familien spielen eine wichtige Rolle in den umfassenden sozioökonomischen Transformationsprozessen, die die Gesellschaften des Globalen Südens seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erfahren haben. Eine zentrale Achse dieser Transformationen ist Arbeit-die Veränderung von Arbeitsprozessen und -beziehungen, das Entstehen neuer Tätigkeitsfelder mit neuen Qualifikationsprofilen sowie die räumliche Neuordnung von Produktion und Reproduktion. Diese Umwälzungen...

CHF 52.50

Remembering Independence

Lentz, Carola / Lowe, David
Remembering Independence
Remembering Independence explores the commemoration of independence following the wave of decolonisation after the Second World War. With case studies from Africa, Asia, and with reference to the Pacific, it draws on history and anthropology, and is ideal for students of the history of empire, decolonisation, and post-colonial politics of memory.

CHF 180.00

Remembering Independence

Lentz, Carola / Lowe, David
Remembering Independence
Remembering Independence explores the commemoration of independence following the wave of decolonisation after the Second World War. With case studies from Africa, Asia, and with reference to the Pacific, it draws on history and anthropology, and is ideal for students of the history of empire, decolonisation, and post-colonial politics of memory.

CHF 68.00

Ethnicity and the Making of History in Northern Ghana

Lentz, Carola
Ethnicity and the Making of History in Northern Ghana
Drawing on two decades of research, this social and political history of North-Western Ghana explores the creation and redefinition of ethnic distinctions and commonalities by Africans and Europeans. It shows how ethnicity's power ultimately derives from a contradiction: while ethnic identities purport to be non-negotiable, and security, the boundaries of the communities created and the associated traits and practices are malleable and adaptab...

CHF 158.00