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432 Ergebnisse - Zeige 401 von 420.

After Shocks

Lombardo, Tom
After Shocks
Poet and editor Tom Lombardo brings together 115 poets from 15 nations with After Shocks: The Poetry of Recovery for Life-Shattering Events. This brilliant collection bears messages of recovery to its readers from the raw beginnings to long-term acceptance, delivered through the language of poetry: Grief, War, Exile, Abuse, Divorce, Addiction, Injury, Illness, Bigotry, Loss of Innocence. After Shocks: The Poetry of Recovery for Life-Shattering...

CHF 32.90

Cross-linguistic Perspectives on Language Processing

Lombardo, V. / De Vincenzi, M.
Cross-linguistic Perspectives on Language Processing
Recent studies in psycho linguistics have ranged through a variety of languages. In this trend, which has no precedent, studies in language processing have followed studies in language acquisition and theoretical linguistics in considering language universals in a broader scope than only in English. Since the beginning of the century, studies in language acquisition have produced a vast body of data from a number of Indoeuropean languages, and...

CHF 134.00

En Canoa del Amazonas Al Caribe

Lombardo De Caso, Mar-A / Nez Jim'nez, Antonio
En Canoa del Amazonas Al Caribe
Una expedicin de cientficos y exploradores latinoamericanos decidieron revivir y redescubrir, con ojos propios una de las ms notables aventuras de la historia. La expedicin recorri 17 422 kilmetros y pas por 20 pases. La travesa del Amazonas al Caribe se llev a cabo en los ms dismiles medios de transporte. Este libro es el diario que resume esa aventura y las formidabvles experiencias de quienes participaron en ella.

CHF 19.50

Die Irrationalität der Berufsarbeit - Protestantische Eth...

Lombardo, Isabelle
Die Irrationalität der Berufsarbeit - Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Klassiker und Theorierichtungen, Note: 1, 7, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Institut für Soziologie), Veranstaltung: Die Natur des Subjekts, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: "Das Subjekt gilt als handlungsfähiges Individuum, das befähigt ist, seine eigenen und die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse nach Maßgabe der Vernunft zu gestalten" (Grundmann/Beer, 2004: S. 1).Seit den Anfängen...

CHF 22.50

La europeización de la política española de igualdad de g...

Lombardo, Emanuela
La europeización de la política española de igualdad de género
La colección Ciencia Política de Tirant lo Blanch representa un proyecto editorial abierto a las líneas de investigación más novedosas desarrolladas por los profesionales de la disciplina. Desde este presupuesto, las obras que la componen tienen como objeto fundamental trazar un panorama amplio de las materias propias de la Ciencia Política, sin olvidar por ello la necesaria interdisciplinariedad que conllevan estos estudios e investigaciones....

CHF 36.50

La hipertensión ¿qué se puede hacer, qué debe evitarse?

Lombardo, Michele / Alagati, Alessandra
La hipertensión ¿qué se puede hacer, qué debe evitarse?
La Hipertensión afecta a millones de personas. Muchas no lo saben porque no tienen ninguna molestia, otros creen serlo sin motivo.Junto a las nuevas terapias, la actividad preventiva ocupa un lugar muy importante. Conocer la hipertensión, sus causas y consecuencias puede, por lo tanto, ser de ayuda para quienes ya la padecen y para aquellos que quieran prevenirla.Con el fin de ofrecer consejos adecuados, analiza formas muy actuales de hiperten...

CHF 18.90

A come armatura. Una graphic novel sugli anni 70

Lombardo, Francesco / Viceconti, T.
A come armatura. Una graphic novel sugli anni 70
Chi è Nino Laganà? È un ragazzo come tanti altri, figlio di genitori immigrati dal sud in cerca di fortuna e studente con la preoccupazione delle versioni di latino. Nino cresce negli anni 70, in un periodo storico molto particolare e, per molti versi, controverso. Stragi, lotte armate, attentati e morti hanno scandito il tempo di questi anni di piombo. Nino deve fare i conti con tutto questo, con un a delle pagine più violente ed estreme dell...

CHF 27.90

Rhymes, Writing, and Role-Play

Lombardo, Mary A.
Rhymes, Writing, and Role-Play
Children can listen to, act out, and recite favorite nursery rhymes while learning about rhyming words, building sight vocabulary, and practicing phonics skills. Integrate Readers' Theatre into your lessons with skill building handouts, plays, and scripts.

CHF 33.90

Sotto il segno dei Borbone. Storia del grande Regno delle...

Lombardo, Maria
Sotto il segno dei Borbone. Storia del grande Regno delle Due Sicilie
Nel 1816 viene ripristinato l'ordine in Europa dopo la sconfitta di Napoleone. Sul trono del Regno di Napoli e Sicilia siede nuovamente l'antico Re Borbone Ferdinando IV, che viene incoronato re delle Due Sicilie unendo le due corone col nome di Ferdinando I. Viene raccontato in questo lavoro la storia di un Regno che non trova collocazione storica nei tradizionali manuali di storia. Un Regno governato da Sovrani che a volte non furono dei gra...

CHF 27.90

Siamo tutti uomini. I colori dell'Olocausto

Lombardo, Francesco / Maglionico, Dario / Viceconti, Toni
Siamo tutti uomini. I colori dell'Olocausto
Nei lager nazisti, furono uccisi circa 15 milioni di persone, 6 milioni di queste erano ebrei. Perché, allora, quando si parla di Olocausto o giorno della memoria si pensa solo alla deportazione del popolo ebraico? Chi erano tutti gli altri deportati? I nazisti avevano inventato un sistema di codifica per classificare i prigionieri, in base ai motivi dell'arresto il deportato veniva contrassegnato con un triangolo di colore diverso: verde crim...

CHF 18.50

The Three Paradoxes of Roland Barthes

Lombardo, Patrizia
The Three Paradoxes of Roland Barthes
In the field of contemporary literary studies, Roland Barthes remains an inestimably influential figure-perhaps more influential in America than in his native France. The Three Paradoxes of Roland Barthes proposes a new method of viewing Barthes's critical enterprise.

CHF 34.90

Eighty-Eight Assignments for Development in Place (French...

Lombardo, Michael M / Eichinger, Robert W
Eighty-Eight Assignments for Development in Place (French Canadian)
The Center for Creative Leadership's continuing studies of executives have found that learning on the job is the best way for a person to develop. Often people are given new positions in order to provide them with developmental experiences. But what if such a transfer is not possible? This report contains eighty-eight assignments that offer individual development opportunities on a current job.

CHF 21.50

The Logic of Desire: Aquinas on Emotion

Lombardo, Nicholas
The Logic of Desire: Aquinas on Emotion
When Thomas Aquinas completed his Treatise on the Passions, it was likely the longest sustained discussion of the emotions ever written. His influence on medieval and early modern philosophy was enormous, overshadowing every other medieval author on the topic of emotion. Although Aquinass account of emotion merits attention for its historical significance and enduring value, it remains neglected by philosophers and theologians.

CHF 48.50

Mastering Math Through Magic, Grades 2-3

Lombardo, Mary A.
Mastering Math Through Magic, Grades 2-3
With these teacher's guides and study books, you'll have your elementary and middle-schoolers mesmerized by math in no time! Students will increase their ability to mentally manipulate numbers, while learning magic tricks that use dice, coins, buttons, stones, and other common objects.

CHF 26.90