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13 Ergebnisse.

The Precious Treasury of the Fundamental Nature

Longchenpa / Wangchuk, Khangsar / Padmakara Translation Group
The Precious Treasury of the Fundamental Nature
The first and only commentary on the Buddhist master Longchenpa's essential text on Dzogchen by modern scholar and Nyingma master, Khangsar Khenpo Tenpa'i Wangchuk.Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363), also known as Longchenpa, is a great luminary of Tibetan Buddhism. Regarded as a master of Dzogchen, or Great Perfection, Longchenpa's prolific writings have made him one of Tibet's most renowned and precious teachers. In clear and elegant verse, Longche...

CHF 44.50

Finding Rest in Illusion

Longchenpa / Padmakara Translation Group
Finding Rest in Illusion
Released in paperback for the first time, this new translation of the Tibetan master Longchenpa's famous work systematically presents the path of yogic conduct according to the Dzogchen tradition.Longchenpa's Finding Rest in Illusion, the third and final volume of the Trilogy of Rest, is a classic fourteenth-century Buddhist text that describes in detail the proper conduct of those who have stabilized their recognition of the nature of the min...

CHF 32.50

Finding Rest in Meditation: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 2

Longchenpa / Padmakara Translation Group
Finding Rest in Meditation: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 2
Released in paperback for the first time, this new translation of the Tibetan master Longchenpa's famous work systematically presents the path of meditation according to the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition.Longchenpa's Finding Rest in Meditation is a classic Buddhist text outlining the main points of meditation, namely, where one should meditate, what qualities a practitioner should possess and develop, and what should be practiced. These instructi...

CHF 32.50

Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind

Longchenpa / Padmakara Translation Group
Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind
Released in paperback for the first time, this brilliant translation of Longchenpa's famous work presents the entire scope of the Buddhist view combined with pith instructions for pointing out the nature of one's mind.Longchen Rabjam's Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind is a classic Buddhist manual for attaining true liberation through familiarizing ourselves with our most basic nature--our clear, pristine, and aware mind. Written in the f...

CHF 38.50

Finding Rest in Illusion

Longchenpa / Padmakara Translation Group
Finding Rest in Illusion
A new translation of the Tibetan master Longchenpa's famous work that systematically presents the path of yogic conduct according to the Dzogchen tradition.Finding Rest in Illusion is the third volume of the Trilogy of Rest, Longchenpa's classic exposition of the Buddhist path. The purpose of these teachings is to introduce us to our most basic nature-the clear and pristine awareness that is the nature of the mind. According to the traditional...

CHF 34.50

Finding Rest in Meditation

Longchenpa / Translation Group, Padmakara
Finding Rest in Meditation
A new translation of the Tibetan master Longchenpa's famous work that systematically presents the path of meditation according to the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition.Finding Rest in Meditation is the second volume of the Trilogy of Rest, Longchenpa's classic exposition of the Buddhist path, the purpose of which is to introduce us to our most basic nature-the clear and pristine awareness that is the nature of the mind. According to the traditional f...

CHF 30.50

Longchenpa's Advice from the Heart

Longchenpa / Norbu, Chogyal Namkhai
Longchenpa's Advice from the Heart
Longchempa Trime Oser (1308-1363) was one of the most important Dzogchen masters of Tibet. His scriptural learning and realization were equal to those of the famous saints who graced the land of India, and true to his words of advice, his wa a disciplined life spent in foresr and mountain hermitages. Longchempa's Thirty Words of Advice are like nuggets of gold offered to us in his open hand so that their inspiration can turn our mind to a sinc...

CHF 34.50

De vrijheid van het bewustzijn

Longchenpa / Hartzema, Robert
De vrijheid van het bewustzijn
In deze sublieme meditatietekst roept de beroemde boeddhistische leraar Longchenpa in poëtische woorden de sfeer op van de intrinsieke vrijheid van je bewustzijn. Wanneer je alle kleuren, geluiden, sensaties, gevoelens en emoties in hun directheid ervaart, zonder iets daarvan vast te grijpen of te verwerpen, opent zich een rijkdom van gewaarwordingen. Door ontspannen en alert aanwezig te zijn in alles wat er gebeurt, ontvouwt zich een woordloz...

CHF 35.90

The Practice of Dzogchen

Longchenpa / Talbott, Harold / Thondup, Tulku
The Practice of Dzogchen
A classic collection of writings on the meditation practice and theory of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, by the celebrated fourteenth-century scholar and adept Longchen Rabjam (Longchenpa). This classic collection of texts on the meditation practice and theory of Dzogchen presents the Great Perfection through the writings of its supreme authority, the fourteenth-century Tibetan scholar and visionary Longchen Rabjam. The pinnacle of Vajrayana ...

CHF 68.00

Helder gewaarzijn

Longchenpa / Hartzema, Robert / Moller, Marjan
Helder gewaarzijn
Gewoonlijk wordt onze aandacht volledig in beslag genomen door doelgericht handelen en het reageren op alle informatie die op ons afkomt. We verdwalen in dagdromen en fantasieën, en zijn zelden werkelijk aanwezig. De Vier vormen van vertoeven is een unieke tekst die geschreven werd door Longchenpa, de belangrijkste Tibetaans boeddhistische leraar uit de veertiende eeuw. In poëtische en kristalheldere bewoordingen beschrijft hij de vier kwalite...

CHF 34.50

You Are the Eyes of the World

You Are the Eyes of the World
Just as the images on television are nothing more than light, so are our experiences merely the dance of awareness. Often we form attachments to or feel enslaved by these experiences. But they are only reflections. As easily as television pictures vanish when the channel is changed, the power of our experiences fades if we penetrate to the heart of reality-the light of the natural mind within everyone. You Are the Eyes of the World presents a ...

CHF 31.90