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11 Ergebnisse.

Chemistry for Environmental Scientists

Möller, Detlev
Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
The second edition of this book presents the fundamentals of chemistry in light of their importance for the environment and environmental processes. The new edition includes updated references and a more practical approach to the topic. The comprehensive discussion is structured in three parts: introducing the theory of physical chemistry, evaluating elements and compounds, and presenting principles of environmental chemistry.

CHF 114.00

Atmospheric Chemistry

Möller, Detlev
Atmospheric Chemistry
This book details atmospheric chemistry from its inception to modern day. Beginning from the investigation of waters in the air this book explores how scientists disovered and analyzed atmospheric chemicals throughout time. Other topics covered are: dust in the air including soot and air pollution, gases in the air including nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ozone and more, and lastly pioneers in modern atmospheric chemistry.

CHF 215.00

History, Change and Sustainability

Möller, Detlev
History, Change and Sustainability
Climate change is a major challenge facing modern society. The chemistry of air and its influence on the climate system forms the main focus of this book. Vol. 2 of Chemistry of the Climate System takes a problem-based approach to presenting global atmospheric processes, evaluating the effects of changing air compositions as well as possibilities for interference with these processes through the use of chemistry.

CHF 166.00

Chemistry of the Climate System Vol. 1+2

Möller, Detlev
Chemistry of the Climate System Vol. 1+2
Climate change is a major challenge facing modern society. The chemistry of air and its influence on the climate system forms the main focus of this book. Chemistry of the Climate System provides the reader with a physicochemical understanding of atmospheric processes. The chemical substances and reactions found in the Earth's atmosphere are presented along with their influence on the global climate system.

CHF 240.00

Chemistry of the Climate System

Möller, Detlev
Chemistry of the Climate System
Climate change is a major challenge facing the modern world. The chemistry of air and it's influence on the climate system forms the main focus of this monograph. The book presents a problem-based approach to presenting global atmospheric processes, evaluating the effects of changing air composition as well as possibilities for interference within these processes and indicates ways for solving the problem of climate change through chemistry.

CHF 46.50

Atmospheric Environmental Research

Möller, Detlev
Atmospheric Environmental Research
This is an extended version of lectures that were held at the summer workshop Atmosphiirische Umweltforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Technik und Natur (At­ mospheric Environmental Research between Technology and Nature) at the Techni­ 16, 1996. We were very happy to have Paul J. Crutzen, cal University in Cottbus on July winner of the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1995, presenting the key lecture on glo­ bally changing chemistry in the atmos...

CHF 69.00

Chemistry of the Climate System

Möller, Detlev
Chemistry of the Climate System
Climate change is a major challenge facing the modern world. The chemistry of air and it's influence on the climate system forms the main focus of this monograph. The book presents a problem-based approach to presenting global atmospheric processes, evaluating the effects of changing air composition as well as possibilities for interference within these processes and indicates ways for solving the problem of climate change through chemistry. T...

CHF 196.00


Möller, Detlev
Erstmals liegt nun im deutschsprachigen Raum ein Buch vor, das umfassend über alle Aspekte der Luft als wichtigstes Umweltmedium informiert. Der Autor bringt 30 Jahre eigene atmosphärische Umweltforschung und 15 Jahre Vorlesungstätigkeit zur Luftchemie als Erfahrung ein. Neben der Darstellung der wichtigen Grundlagen zum besseren Verständnis atmosphärischer Prozesse wird vor allem Wert auf die Erläuterung komplexer Zusammenhänge zwischen Ursac...

CHF 243.00

Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in der Bundesrepublik De...

Möller, Detlev
Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Mehr als 50 Jahre nach dem Einstieg in die Nutzung der Atomenergie kann die Bundesregierung kein Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle vorweisen. Damit stellt sich die Frage nach den Versäumnissen der Vergangenheit. Für die Jahre 1955 bis 1979 wird untersucht, wie die Endlagerungsfrage von Behörden und Beratern wahrgenommen wurde. Auswahl- und Durchsetzungsprozesse, Maßnahmen und Motive werden beleuchtet. Funktion und Eignung des zwischen 1967 und ...

CHF 85.00

Affektive Störungen

Möller, Hans-Jürgen / Zerssen, Detlev v.
Affektive Störungen
Der Begriff "affektive Störungen" fehlt bisher in den deutschsprachigen psychiatrischen Lehr- und Handbüchern. Das Buch vermittelt Ärzten und klinischen Psychologen einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Wissensstand der affektiven Störungen, also Krankheitsbilder, die in ihrem gesamten Verlauf durch das Vorherrschen von Affektstörungen vornehmlich manischer, depressiver oder ängstlicher Färbung geprägt sind. Die Probleme der Klassifik...

CHF 71.00

Chemistry for Environmental Scientists

Möller, Detlev
Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
Non-chemists in environmental sciences and engineering (e.g. physicists, biologists, ecologists, geographers, soil scientists, hydrologists, meteorologists, economists, engineers) need chemical basic knowledge for understanding chemical processes in the environment. This book focuses on general and fundamental chemistry (including required physics) such as properties and bonding of matter, chemical kinetics and mechanisms, phase and chemical e...

CHF 93.00