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297 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

T.A.G. Booklet Fifth Edition

M E Lyons, D. D. Bishop / Cedrick O. Grace, Bishop / Brian D. Tolbert, Jr. Bishop
T.A.G. Booklet Fifth Edition
This booklet contains all that one would need to know about The A.C.T.S. Fellowship International, Inc. and all that she is about. In this booklet you will discover that this organization is very passionate about connecting Pastor's, leaders, parishioners and all to become a part of a community that empowers, enables, and encourages one another through many means. There are countless networking opportunities that work ministry with those who a...

CHF 20.50

Ghidul suprem pentru prepararea de croissante fulgioase ¿...

M¿d¿lin Ioni¿¿
Ghidul suprem pentru prepararea de croissante fulgioase ¿i delicioase acas¿
E¿ti un fan al bun¿t¿¿ii untoase ¿i fulgioase a cornurilor? Visezi s¿ st¿pâne¿ti arta de a face croissante în propria ta buc¿t¿rie? Nu c¿uta mai departe decât Ghidul suprem pentru prepararea de croissante fulgioase ¿i delicioase acas¿! Aceast¿ carte de bucate este ghidul t¿u suprem pentru a crea croissante perfecte, de la început pân¿ la sfâr¿it. Cu instruc¿iuni detaliate pas cu pas, aceast¿ carte v¿ va înv¿¿a tehnicile de a crea croissante ...

CHF 53.50

Uimitoarea carte de bucate cu nuc¿ de cocos

M¿d¿lina Ciocîrlan
Uimitoarea carte de bucate cu nuc¿ de cocos
Dac¿ v¿ plac gustul ¿i beneficiile nutri¿ionale ale nucii de cocos, Cartea de bucate cu nuc¿ de cocos este ghidul perfect pentru a v¿ îmbun¿t¿¿i g¿titul. Cu 100 de re¿ete delicioase ¿i hr¿nitoare, aceast¿ carte de bucate ofer¿ o gam¿ larg¿ de mânc¿ruri de la dulci la s¿rate. De la pui cu curry cu nuc¿ de cocos la creve¿i cu nuc¿ de cocos ¿i pân¿ la macaroane cu nuc¿ de cocos, fiecare re¿et¿ prezint¿ aroma unic¿ ¿i versatil¿ a nucii de cocos....

CHF 53.90

The Lake: The Complete Special Edition

M D LaBelle
The Lake: The Complete Special Edition
When a tentacle emerges from the mist covering the Lake and chokes the last dying breath from the Johnson's beagle Petey, things start to go strangely wrong in the quaint little town of Haven. At first, no one notices when Jonathan Robinson disappears. However, when Anne Smith's mother Laura realizes that something is horribly wrong with her, she begins to raise questions that need answering. Find out in The Lake, if what lies deep within it i...

CHF 32.50

Arta vânatului. O carte de bucate pentru iubitorii de joc...

M¿d¿lina Vl¿sceanu
Arta vânatului. O carte de bucate pentru iubitorii de joc s¿lbatic
Bine äi venit la Arta vânatului, o carte de bucate care celebreaz¿ aromele unice ¿i delicioase ale acestei c¿rni de vânat îndr¿gite. Indiferent dac¿ sunte¿i un vân¿tor experimentat sau pur ¿i simplu un iubitor de mâncare, ve¿i g¿si multe de care s¿ v¿ bucuräi în paginile acestui ghid cuprinz¿tor. Carnea de c¿prioar¿ este o carne slab¿, hr¿nitoare ¿i aromat¿, care a fost un aliment de baz¿ al multor culturi de secole. De la tocanele copioase di...

CHF 55.50

The Circus

M. D. LaBelle
The Circus
Where Everyone Is Welcome But A Few Never Go Home Nothing bad ever happens in the quiet little town of Hope. However, when the circus rolls in one misty morning in late October, everyone decides to go see what they have. Even the Jorgenson family and their 8-year-old son Noah head on down to the circus big top, but when it is time to leave, he is nowhere to be found. WIth the help of Sheriff Langley, his parents search the premises, but they...

CHF 39.50


M¿d¿lina ¿u¿ea
Bine äi venit în lumea dacquoise, în care bezeaua aerisit¿ se întâlne¿te cu umplutura cremoas¿, creând o experien¿¿ de desert care nu este nimic mai püin delicioas¿. În aceast¿ carte de bucate, v¿ invit¿m într-o c¿l¿torie delicioas¿ prin arta de a crea aceste dulciuri delicate ¿i încânt¿toare. Dacquoise este un desert care combin¿ elegan¿a crocant¿ a bezei cu r¿sf¿¿ul bogat de smântân¿ ¿i un amestec de arome somptuoase. Indiferent dac¿ e¿ti un...

CHF 53.50

Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure: Your Personal Guide t...

M. D. / Winton, Graham
Mayo Clinic on High Blood Pressure: Your Personal Guide to Managing Hypertension
High blood pressure is a common and serious disease. Nearly half the adults in the United States have high blood pressure and the condition, also known as hypertension, contributes to more than 670, 000 deaths each year.But there's much to celebrate. Management of high blood pressure is a remarkable success story in modern medicine. Health education efforts spanning several decades to increase public awareness and treatment of high blood press...

CHF 63.00


M¿d¿lin Ioni¿¿
Bine äi venit în lumea aperitivelor ¿i digestive artizanale! În acest ghid, v¿ vom duce într-o c¿l¿torie prin arta de a crea elixiruri rafinate care v¿ vor ridica experien¿a culinar¿ la noi culmi. Indiferent dac¿ sunte¿i un mixolog experimentat sau un barman curios de acas¿, sunte¿i pe cale s¿ descoperi¿i 100 de re¿ete unice ¿i aromate care v¿ vor ispiti papilele gustative ¿i v¿ vor impresiona oaspe¿ii. Aperitivele ¿i digestivele sunt mai mu...

CHF 53.90

The Ultimate PR Agency Financial Management Handbook

M. S., J. D. Rick Gould CPA
The Ultimate PR Agency Financial Management Handbook
In the dynamic world of public relations, success demands a strategic mindset and a relentless pursuit of profitability "The Ultimate PR Agency Financial Management Handbook" is your indispensable guide, offering invaluable insights and a transformative framework for PR agency owners ready to turn their businesses into valuable assets. Drawing from decades of industry experience, author Rick Gould CPA, M.S., J.D. presents an inspiring and hi...

CHF 191.00