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11 Ergebnisse.

Ontogenetic Development of Pompano Trachinotus Ovatus

Ma, Zhenhua / Qin, Jian Guang / Yu, Gang
Ontogenetic Development of Pompano Trachinotus Ovatus
This book highlights the ontogenetic development of larval T. ovatus, provides a comprehensive overview of larval rearing of this species. It focuses on the physiological and molecular changes during the early ontogeny of T. ovatus and hatchery and nursery practices. The first seven chapters update the recent development in the hatchery technology in T. ovatus, including feed and feeding, environmental manipulation, hatchery management, and fi...

CHF 134.00

Ontogenetic Development of Pompano Trachinotus Ovatus

Ma, Zhenhua / Qin, Jian Guang / Yu, Gang
Ontogenetic Development of Pompano Trachinotus Ovatus
This book highlights the ontogenetic development of larval T. ovatus, provides a comprehensive overview of larval rearing of this species. It focuses on the physiological and molecular changes during the early ontogeny of T. ovatus and hatchery and nursery practices. The first seven chapters update the recent development in the hatchery technology in T. ovatus, including feed and feeding, environmental manipulation, hatchery management, and fi...

CHF 134.00

Traum von China

Ma Jian / Höbel, Susanne
Traum von China
Einen höheren chinesischen Provinzbeamten verfolgen immer häufiger Albträume aus seiner gewalttätigen Vergangenheit in Zeiten der Kulturrevolution. Dabei hat er eigentlich, im Sinne von Xi Jinpings Ideen von einer "verjüngten Gesellschaft", den Auftrag, die Vergangenheit ruhen zu lassen und ein neues China zu erschaffen. Aber er kann nicht vergessen, dass er seine eigenen Eltern verraten hat... In einer schneidenden, Orwell'schen Satire auf P...

CHF 30.50

Die dunkle Straße

Ma Jian / Höbel, Susanne
Die dunkle Straße
Ein bewegender Roman über das Leben der einfachen Menschen im China von heute.Weit entfernt vom chinesischen Wirtschaftswunder und den hellen Lichtern von Peking und Shanghai liegt ein riesiges ländliches Hinterland, das die brachialen Folgen von Industrialisierung und Ökonomisierung zu tragen hat. Dort leben die Bäuerin Meili und ihr Mann Kongzi, ein Nachkomme von Konfuzius in der sechsundsiebzigsten Generation. Die beiden wollen neben ihrem ...

CHF 34.50


Ma Jian / Höbel, Susanne
«Ein gnadenloses und großes Buch.» (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)Der junge Dai Wei bekommt beim Tiananmen-Massaker einen Kopfschuss ab. Als er wieder zu sich kommt, liegt er im Wachkoma. Medizinische Behandlung wird dem politisch Unzuverlässigen verweigert. Seine Mutter pflegt ihn aufopferungsvoll - ohne zu bemerken, dass ihr Sohn bei Bewusstsein ist. Zehn Jahre verbringt er in diesem Zustand und wird so stummer Zeuge der Verwandlung Chinas in einen m...

CHF 17.90

Third Generation Communication Systems

Ma, Jian-Guo
Third Generation Communication Systems
As the first wave of third-generation communication devices arrives, the technological and societal effects are becoming widespread. The ability to communicate via hand-held devices through voice, data, and video raises many challenges and questions. Besides detailed looks at technological issues, from the system protocol to implementation technologies, this book discusses the administrative and industrial aspects of third-generation mobile co...

CHF 135.00

La via oscura

Ma, Jian / Bagnoli, K.
La via oscura
Costretto all'esilio dal duca di Lu, Confucio disse: "Se la mia strada finisce salirò su una zattera e mi lascerò portare verso il mare". E così Kongzi, settantaseiesimo discendente diretto del grande filosofo, fugge con la moglie incinta e la figlia quando la Squadra della pianificazione familiare entra nel villaggio per sterilizzare con la forza tutte le donne fertili e interrompere le gravidanze di quelle che hanno già un figlio. Mentre la ...

CHF 34.50

Pechino è in coma

Ma, Jian / Bagnoli, K.
Pechino è in coma
Dai Wei, in coma da dieci anni, è doppiamente prigioniero. Il 4 giugno 1989 è stato colpito alla testa da un proiettile durante la rivolta di piazza Tienanmen. Da allora "vive" su un letto di ferro: prigioniero del proprio corpo, prigioniero della polizia, che aspetta il suo risveglio per arrestarlo. Tutto ciò che rimane a Dai Wei per non perdere il contatto con il mondo è la sua acutissima sensibilità per le piccole cose che gli succedono int...

CHF 34.90

The Noodle Maker

Ma, Jian
The Noodle Maker
From Mi Jian, the highly acclaimed Chinese dissident, comes a satirical novel about the absurdities of life in a post-Tiananmen China. Two men meet for dinner each week. Over the course of one of these drunken evenings, the writer recounts the stories he would write, had he the courage: a young man buys an old kiln and opens a private crematorium, delighting in his ability to harass the corpses of police officers and Party secretaries, while ...

CHF 26.50

Third Generation Communication Systems

Ma, Jian-Guo
Third Generation Communication Systems
As the first wave of third-generation communication devices arrives, the technological and societal effects are becoming widespread. The ability to communicate via hand-held devices through voice, data, and video raises many challenges and questions. Besides detailed looks at technological issues, from the system protocol to implementation technologies, this book discusses the administrative and industrial aspects of third-generation mobile co...

CHF 134.00