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Zur Kasse

15 Ergebnisse.


Maasen, Sabine / Schneider, Christoph / Dickel, Sascha
This book introduces the term of TechnoScienceSociety to focus on the ongoing technological reconfigurations of science and society. It aspires to use the breadth of Science and Technology Studies to perform a critical diagnosis of our contemporary culture. Instead of constructing technology as society's "other", the book sets out to highlight the both complex and ambivalent entanglements of technologies, sciences and socialities. It provides ...

CHF 168.00


Maasen, Sabine / Schneider, Christoph / Dickel, Sascha
This book introduces the term of TechnoScienceSociety to focus on the ongoing technological reconfigurations of science and society. It aspires to use the breadth of Science and Technology Studies to perform a critical diagnosis of our contemporary culture. Instead of constructing technology as society's "other", the book sets out to highlight the both complex and ambivalent entanglements of technologies, sciences and socialities. It provides ...

CHF 168.00

Voluntary Action: An Issue at the Interface of Nature and...

Maasen, Sabine / Prinz, Wolfgang / Roth, Gerhard
Voluntary Action: An Issue at the Interface of Nature and Culture
We all know what a voluntary action is - we all think we know when an action is voluntary, and when it is not. Yet, performing an action and defining it are different matters. What counts as an action? When does it begin? Does the conscious desire to perform an action always precede the act? If not, is it really a voluntary action? This is a debate that crosses the boundaries of Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology and Social Science. This boo...

CHF 220.00

Voluntary Action

Maasen, Sabine / Prinz, Wolfgang / Roth, Gerhard
Voluntary Action
We all know what a voluntary action is - we all think we know when an action is voluntary, and when it is not. Yet, performing an action and defining it are different matters. What counts as an action? When does it begin? Does the conscious desire to perform an action always precede the act? If not, is it really a voluntary action? This is a debate that crosses the boundaries of philosophy, neuroscience, psychology and social science. This boo...

CHF 140.00

Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge

Maasen, Sabine / Weingart, Peter
Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge
This book opens up a new route to the study of knowledge dynamics and the sociology of knowledge. The focus is on the role of metaphors as powerful catalysts, and the book dissects their role in the construction of theories of knowledge. It is of vital interest to social and cognitive scientists alike.

CHF 190.00

Handbuch Wissenschaftssoziologie

Maasen, Sabine / Sutter, Barbara / Reinhart, Martin / Kaiser, Mario
Handbuch Wissenschaftssoziologie
Kann Wissenschaft ein Gegenstand nicht nur für Erkenntniskritik und historische Analyse, sondern auch für die Soziologie sein? Lange hieß es: nein! Spätestens mit Robert K. Merton ändert sich dies: Seither beschäftigt sich eine Wissenschaftsso­ziologie mit der Frage, wie die Produktion, Verbreitung und Geltung gesicherten Wissens möglich sind.Das erhebliche Inventar an Theorien und Methoden, das zur Beantwortung die­ser Frage zur Verfügung ste...

CHF 127.00


Maasen, Sabine
Die Wissenssoziologie vollzieht eine radikale Soziologisierung des Wissens: Dass Vergesellschaftung im Medium des Wissens geschieht und alles Wissen standortgebunden ist, haben Autoren wie Scheler und Mannheim bereits Ende der 1920er Jahre eingeführt. Seither werden Fragen nach der Produktion von Wissen, den Bedingungen und Formen seiner Rezeption sowie der daraus resultierenden Dynamik des Wissens in der Gesellschaft auf vielfältige Weise unt...

CHF 15.90

Das beratene Selbst

Maasen, Sabine / Elberfeld, Jens / Eitler, Pascal / Tändler, Maik
Das beratene Selbst
Orgasmusschwierigkeiten, Familienleben oder Personalführung - überall findet sich das Subjekt aufgefordert, unter Rückgriff auf ein hoch diversifiziertes Therapie- und Beratungsangebot an sich zu arbeiten, Kompetenzen zu entwickeln, Potenziale zu aktivieren. Doch wie erklärt sich der Aufstieg dieser Selbsttechnologien? Aus genealogischer Perspektive gehen die sozial- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Beiträge dieses Bandes der These nach, dass ...

CHF 44.90

Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors

Maasen, Sabine / Weingart, P. / Mendelsohn, E.
Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors
not lie in the conceptual distinctions but in the perceived functions of metaphors and whether in the concrete case they are judged positive or negative. The ongoing debates reflect these concerns quite clearly~ namely that metaphors are judged on the basis of supposed dangers they pose and opportunities they offer. These are the criteria of evaluation that are obviously dependent on the context in which the transfer of meaning occurs. Our fun...

CHF 188.00

Democratization of Expertise?

Maasen, Sabine / Weingart, P.
Democratization of Expertise?
‘Scientific advice to politics’, the ‘nature of expertise’, and the ‘relation between experts, policymakers, and the public’ are variations of a topic that currently attracts the attention of social scientists, philosophers of science as well as practitioners in the public sphere and the media. This renewed interest in a persistent theme is initiated by the call for a democratization of expertise that has become the order of the day in the leg...

CHF 117.00

Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors

Maasen, Sabine / Weingart, P. / Mendelsohn, E.
Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors
not lie in the conceptual distinctions but in the perceived functions of metaphors and whether in the concrete case they are judged positive or negative. The ongoing debates reflect these concerns quite clearly~ namely that metaphors are judged on the basis of supposed dangers they pose and opportunities they offer. These are the criteria of evaluation that are obviously dependent on the context in which the transfer of meaning occurs. Our fun...

CHF 188.00

Democratization of Expertise?

Maasen, Sabine / Weingart, P.
Democratization of Expertise?
‘Scientific advice to politics’, the ‘nature of expertise’, and the ‘relation between experts, policymakers, and the public’ are variations of a topic that currently attracts the attention of social scientists, philosophers of science as well as practitioners in the public sphere and the media. This renewed interest in a persistent theme is initiated by the call for a democratization of expertise that has become the order of the day in the leg...

CHF 169.00

Genealogie der Unmoral

Maasen, Sabine
Genealogie der Unmoral
Die »Therapeutisierung sexueller Selbste« erweist sich in der vorliegenden Genealogie als das Ergebnis einer jahrhundertelangen Serie von (christlichen) Selbstbearbeitungstechniken, auf die der wissenschaftlich angeleitete sexualtherapeutische Diskurs selektiv und transformierend zugreift: Auch in vorwissenschaftlichen Techniken figuriert das Begehren als Gegenstand der Selbstbearbeitung. Im Zuge der Verwissenschaftlichung des Diskurses wird d...

CHF 22.50