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68 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.


Mabanckou, Alain / D'Angelo, F.
Mosè e Bonaventure sono cresciuti insieme nell'orfanotrofio di Loango. Sono amici per la pelle, anche quando Bonaventure fa domande inopportune e a Mose viene una gran voglia di picchiarlo. A Loango, tra il catechismo con Papà Moupelo e le affettuose cure di Sabine Niangui, non si sta poi così male, ma siamo in un'epoca di grande fermento, la Repubblica popolare del Congo si sta trasformando in un avamposto africano dell'Unione Sovietica, e al...

CHF 34.90

Tomorrow I'll Be Twenty

Mabanckou, Alain / Stevenson, Helen
Tomorrow I'll Be Twenty
Finalist for the Man Booker International Prize 2015Michel is ten years old, living in Pointe Noire, Congo, in the 1970s. His mother sells peanuts at the market, his father works at the Victory Palace Hotel, and brings home books left behind by the white guests. Planes cross the sky overhead, and Michel and his friend Loun¿dream about the countries where they'll land. While news comes over the radio of the American hostage crisis in Tehran, th...

CHF 19.50

African Psycho

Mabanckou, Alain / Christine Schwartz Hartley
African Psycho
Finalist for the Man Booker International Prize 2015Gregoire Nakobomayo, a petty criminal, has decided to kill his girlfriend Germaine. He's planned the crime for some time, but still, the act of murder requires a bit of psychological and logistical preparation. Luckily, he has a mentor to call on, the far more accomplished serial killer Angoualima. The fact that Angoualima is dead doesn't prevent Gregoire from holding lengthy conversations wi...

CHF 17.50

Broken Glass

Mabanckou, Alain / Stevenson, Helen
Broken Glass
Finalist for the Man Booker International Prize 2015The history of Credit Gone West, a squalid Congolese bar, is related by one of its most loyal customers, Broken Glass, who has been commissioned by its owner to set down an account of the characters who frequent it. Broken Glass himself is a disgraced alcoholic school teacher with a love of French language and literature which he has largely failed to communicate to his pupils but which he di...

CHF 17.50

The Lights of Pointe-Noire

Mabanckou, Alain / Stevenson, Helen
The Lights of Pointe-Noire
Finalist for the Man Booker International Prize 2015Alain Mabanckou left Congo in 1989, at the age of twenty-two, not to return until a quarter of a century later. When at last he comes home to Pointe-Noire, a bustling port town on Congo's south-eastern coast, he finds a country that in some ways has changed beyond recognition: the cinema where, as a child, Mabanckou gorged on glamorous American culture has become a Pentecostal temple, and his...

CHF 17.50

Le monde est mon langage

Mabanckou, Alain (Kongo)
Le monde est mon langage
Né au Congo, partageant son temps entre la Californie où il enseigne comme professeur de littérature à UCLA (University of California – Los Angeles), Paris où il a fini ses études, et le monde qu’il parcourt pour présenter ses livres, Alain Mabanckou est un auteur en langue française pour qui sa langue n’est pas enfermée dans le carré français. Loin de là, elle est parlée dans le monde entier par les gens les plus passionnants et les plus inat...

CHF 31.90

Zerbrochenes Glas

Mabanckou, Alain / Fock, Holger / Müller, Sabine
Zerbrochenes Glas
»Zerbrochenes Glas« ist Stammkunde einer heruntergekommenen Bar in Brazzaville, deren Name Programm ist: »Angeschrieben wird nicht«. Tag für Tag versammelt sich hier ein Haufen skurriler Gäste, um Palmwein zu trinken und über das Leben zu schwadronieren. Der Kirche ist die Bar ein Dorn im Auge, denn manch einer der Gläubigen erliegt der Versuchung, die Messe zu schwänzen und stattdessen einen zur Brust zu nehmen. Doch die ständigen Anfeindunge...

CHF 26.50

Memoirs of a Porcupine

Mabanckou, Alain
Memoirs of a Porcupine
All human beings, says an African legend, have an animal double. Some doubles are benign, others wicked. This legend comes to life in Alain Mabanckou's outlandish, surreal, and charmingly nonchalant "Memoirs of a Porcupine."When Kibandi, a boy living in a Congolese village, reaches the age of 11, his father takes him out into the night and forces him to drink a vile liquid from a jar that has been hidden for years in the earth. This is his ini...

CHF 21.50

Yale French Studies, Number 120

Mabanckou, Alain / Thomas, Dominic
Yale French Studies, Number 120
The parameters of Francophone sub-Saharan African literature have expanded dramatically. Twentieth-century African writing was for the most part organized according to the shifting cultural, political, and social circumstances that informed colonial and postcolonial relations. This title deals with these topics.

CHF 43.50

Lumières de Pointe-Noire

Mabanckou, Alain (Kongo)
Lumières de Pointe-Noire
Après vingt-trois ans d’absence, je suis retourné à Pointe-Noire, ville portuaire du Congo où j’ai grandi. Entre-temps, ma mère est morte et, moi, le fils unique, je ne suis pas allé aux obsèques. Pendant un mois, j’ai arpenté la ville en étranger : la cabane de maman Pauline, le lycée Karl-Marx, le cinéma Rex… Jour après jour, entre surnaturel et enchantement, j’ai ressuscité les lumières de mon enfance. Né au Congo-Brazzaville, Alain Mabanc...

CHF 10.40

Le sanglot de l'homme noir

Mabanckou, Alain (Kongo)
Le sanglot de l'homme noir
Suffit-il d’être Noirs pour être frères ? Qu’ont en commun un Antillais, un Sénégalais et un Noir né à Paris, sinon la couleur à laquelle ils se plaignent d’être réduits ? Et la généalogie qu’ils se sont forgée, celle du malheur et de l’humiliation (esclavage, colonisation, immigration)… Dans cet essai, Alain Mabanckou refuse de définir l’identité noire par les larmes et le ressentiment. Né au Congo-Brazzaville, Alain Mabanckou enseigne la li...

CHF 9.80

Le luci di Pointe-Noire

Mabanckou, Alain / Binfield, J. / Di Lella, F. / Girimonti Greco, G.
Le luci di Pointe-Noire
Giugno 2012. Dopo ventitré anni Alain Mabanckou torna nella sua Pointe-Noire. Invitato dall'Institut français per un ciclo di conferenze, alloggia in un appartamento per artisti e scrittori dove, appeso alla parete del salotto, c'è un quadro che ritrae una donna dallo sguardo triste. Durante il soggiorno, oltre agli impegni ufficiali, si dedica alla scrittura del suo libro di ricordi, ma è bloccato, ha un nodo in gola. Sa di essere tornato nel...

CHF 33.50

Domani avrò vent'anni

Mabanckou, Alain / Volpi, A.
Domani avrò vent'anni
Quando imboccherò la strada della felicità allora saprò che finalmente sono cresciuto, che ormai ho vent'anni", questa l'illusione del piccolo Michel, un bambino che negli anni Settanta vive tra le strade del quartiere Trois-Cents a Pointe-Noire. È lui stavolta l'alter ego dell'autore, il narratore che con voce fresca e ingenua racconta con semplicità la sua vita quotidiana, condita dai complicati discorsi degli adulti, dalle ragazzate con i c...

CHF 36.90

Morgen werde ich zwanzig

Mabanckou, Alain / Fock, Holger / Müller, Sabine
Morgen werde ich zwanzig
Pointe-Noire, Ende der Siebzigerjahre. Der Kongo hat längst seine Unabhängigkeit erlangt, und der zehnjährige Michel strebt danach, es seinem Heimatland gleichzutun. Aber während die Radionachrichten vom Sturz des persischen Schahs berichten und von der Vertreibung der Roten Khmer, muss Michel sich um seine eigenen Krisenherde kümmern. Seine zwölfjährige Freundin Caroline verlangt mehr Aufmerksamkeit und droht, ihn für einen Angeber aus der Fu...

CHF 30.50

The Lights of Pointe-Noire: A Memoir

Mabanckou, Alain / Stevenson, Helen
The Lights of Pointe-Noire: A Memoir
A dazzling meditation on home-coming and belonging from one of "Africa's greatest writers" and the Man Booker International Prize finalist (The Guardian).   Alain Mabanckou left Congo in 1989, at the age of twenty-two, not to return until a quarter of a century later. When he finally came back to Pointe-Noire, a bustling port town on the Congo's southwestern coast, he found a country that in some ways had changed beyond recognition: The cinema...

CHF 33.90