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3 Ergebnisse.


Mac, Ellie
Was The Master Jesus A Sophant From Venus? Science thought his achievement might be possible, the Mystic knew it was. Tom, a university lecturer, immersed in the study of Physics, finally achieved his life's work.Bi-Location.His first shock was that he was on Venus. The second shock was that these Venusians had been expecting him. Nothing could have prepared him for the story that followed.

CHF 33.50

Two Dingbats on a Spiritual Quest

Mac, Ellie
Two Dingbats on a Spiritual Quest
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT THE MASTERS OF WISDOM HAD SUCH A SENSE OF HUMOUR. Whilst visiting a stately home in the heart of England, Ellie took advantage of the extensive library. Browsing through some documents and manuscripts rolled together behind darkened glass, she came across an old yellowed envelope. Turning the envelope over, she stared at the words written above a broken embossed seal. "Not to be opened by the neophyte" Neophyte? T...

CHF 34.50


Mac, Ellie
In the foothills of the Himalayas, a baby is born with markings on his body foretelling a Great Soul. They call the baby Danak. Although the local monks are prepared for his birth, as the child grows he demonstrates abilities far beyond anything anticipated. So it is that he is taken to the Alchemical Chamber of Great Potential, a place where Advanced Secrets of the Universe are closely guarded. In this chamber, Danak has access to the records...

CHF 33.50