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Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

The Evolution of Cultural Diversity

Mace, Ruth / Holden, Clare J / Shennan, Stephen
The Evolution of Cultural Diversity
This volume tackles questions of cultural evolution empirically and quantitatively, using a range of case studies from Africa, the Pacific, Europe, Asia and America. Powerful theoretical tools developed in evolutionary biology are used to test detailed hypotheses about historical patterns and adaptive functions in cultural evolution.

CHF 196.00

The Joining

Mace, Stephen
The Joining
The Joining is a disturbing look at what might happen when good intentions are just not enough. A terrifying glimpse into a world where the darker realms of ego and self-gratification are accepted as normal. A story where monsters, locked away inside the prison of self-control escaped. When expedience replaced prudence, no one could have foreseen the hell it would eventually unleash. Ra Sor and its people were brought into existence to ensure ...

CHF 43.90

Addressing Power - Zielgerichtete Kraft

Mace, Stephen / Buchner, Priska
Addressing Power - Zielgerichtete Kraft
Adressing Power _ Zielgerichtete Kraft, 16 Aufsätze von Stephen Mace - Die Psyche ist ein energetisches Phänomen. Von ihr geht Energie in Form von Aufmerksamkeit, Emotion und Vitalität aus. Damit Bewußtsein funktionieren kann, muß es sich dieser Energie entledigen. Magick ist eine psychische Technologie. Mit ihr können wir psychische Kraft als Sache an sich behandeln, als etwas, das wir manipulieren können, sodaß sie auf etwas eingestellt oder...

CHF 32.50

Taking Power

Mace, Stephen
Taking Power
Psychic energy is a separate stuff which, though it has its usual origin in living tissue, may act independently of it to spawn events consistent with its character. Magick is a psychic technology, a set of techniques and an attitude that enable the practitioner to manipulate psychic energy so it generates reality in accordance with his or her will. Taking Power offers a dynamic understanding of this technique, and a vivid grasp of the attitud...

CHF 52.50

Wege aus der Grotte der Nymphen

Mace, Stephen
Wege aus der Grotte der Nymphen
Wir sind Sterne, Kraftprozesse mit einem Ursprung im Unendlichen - und das, obschon wir uns einem weltlichen Dasein verhaftet sehen, das sich in alarmierendem Tempo zurück zu entwickeln droht. Nach Meinung der neuplatonischen Theurgier ist dies unser Schicksal, da wir unsere Zeugungskraft der Feuchtigkeit des Materiellen überantworten, und sie sehen den Prozess symbolisiert im Mythos von Attis, der in der Grotte der Nymphen eingesperrt ist. St...

CHF 28.90

Shaping Formless Fire

Mace, Stephen
Shaping Formless Fire
Magick depends upon no abstract philosophies, and doing it requires neither devotion to any god or demon nor knowledge of the True Keys of the Mysteries. Instead it is a technique for recognizing and manipulating psychic energy, both within the psyche and outside it, and for acquiring the mental skills we need to do this effectively. If the details of this technique can seem involved, well, the psyche is a complicated instrument, and psychic e...

CHF 52.50

Seizing Power

Mace, Stephen
Seizing Power
Stephen Mace explores the Magick of using power to deal with the two institutions that seem to do the most to cripple our access to it: the Corporation and the State. Of these, the former is surely more odious than the latter, and infinitely less vital. Most odious of all, of course, is the carnal union of the two, but such depravity may tend toward the decline of both parties, and Seizing Power examines the dynamics of this process as well.

CHF 52.50