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9 Ergebnisse.


Manfield, Alex
Joomla is a free, open source CMS (Content Management System) written in PHP. There are are about 90 million downloads worldwide. Joomla can help you developing great web applications in a very short time. Joomla is fast and reliable, fully compatible with PHP 7.1, and you can edit the pages directly from the frontend. More intuitive than other CMSs, Joomla is used by Harvard University, Linux, MTV, UNRIC (United Nations), and many others. Thi...

CHF 50.90

Real Scrum and More

Manfield, Alex
Real Scrum and More
Scrum and other Agile methodologies are discussed in this book. Scrum can help managing Projects with tight schedules, low tolerance to bugs and the difficulty of securing capital. Scrum and other Agile methodologies provides faster and more reliable ways to get from idea to market with the least amount of overhead. Alex works as Agile Coach for an IT group in London. He started his first project as Scrum Master in India in 2005. He started as...

CHF 35.50

Vinci Il Diabete in 4/2 Settimane

Manfield, Alex
Vinci Il Diabete in 4/2 Settimane
Questo libro descrive le procedure pratiche e le prove scientifiche per invertire il diabete. Troverai questo libro non solo perfettamente funzionante ma anche divertente. Dieta e stile di vita sono importanti, senza dubbio, ma sono come il motore e la batteria della tua auto, ed è solo quando giri la chiave che il motore si avvia. La chiave è la tua mente. Tutti sanno che il cibo spazzatura fa male, ma il diabete è in aumento in tutto il mond...

CHF 29.50

Advanced Stress Management

Manfield, Alex
Advanced Stress Management
This book offer a broad perspective of what we perceive as stress and which techniques we can use to overcome it. Stress is a common word these days, and trying to understand all the implications can help us to better cope with it. The idea behind is that if you know it, then you've good chances to control it. The medical science is constantly evolving, and can help us to better understand the basic mechanisms which are behind the many conditi...

CHF 25.50

Vieni Più Vicino

Manfield, Alex
Vieni Più Vicino
Una storia vera che si intreccia tra oriente e occidente per immergersi nelle profondità dell'anima e rivelarne l'antica saggezza, vasta e immutabile. Il racconto è ambientato nel futuro prossimo, in un mondo rinnovato di nuova energia e speranza dove l'Amore è la destinazione finale di ogni cosa. Alberto, nato in Italia, si muoverà all'estero per lavoro, e imparerà a conoscere le antiche tradizioni dell'India e i suoi costumi. Là incontrerà u...

CHF 28.50

Come Closer

Manfield, Alex
Come Closer
A true story that weaves between east and west to dive into the depths of the soul and reveals the ancient vast and unchanging wisdom. The story is set in the near future. A world of new energy and renewed hope where Love is the final destination of everything. Albert was born in Italy, and will move abroad for a new job. He will learn the ancient traditions from India, and the events will progressively transform him. He'll meet a Master of Ve...

CHF 28.50

Prestashop MVC Developer Guide

Manfield, Alex
Prestashop MVC Developer Guide
PrestaShop is a free, open source eCommerce solution written in PHP. It supports payment gateways such as DirecPay, Google Checkout & PayPal. With this book you'll find a link to download 100Mb+ including the module "MyProducts" with its own documentation. This book will help you to customize Prestashop 1.5 - 1.7 through the Admin panel, and to make advanced code changes, and template customization. Many tools are discussed in this book to fac...

CHF 49.90

Prestashop Developer Guide

Manfield, Alex
Prestashop Developer Guide
PrestaShop is a free, open source eCommerce solution written in PHP. It supports payment gateways such as DirecPay, Google Checkout & PayPal. This book will help you to customize the application through the Admin panel, and to make advanced code changes and template customization. Many tools are discussed in this book to facilitate the developers and to help them to understand the architecture of Prestashop in the shortest amount of time. Alex...

CHF 43.90

Stop Diabetes in 4/2 Weeks

Manfield, Alex
Stop Diabetes in 4/2 Weeks
This book focus on practical procedures and scientific evidence to reverse your diabetes. You'll find this book not just perfectly working but even fun. Diet and Lifestyle are important, no doubt but they're like the engine and battery of your car, an

CHF 28.90